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Posts posted by rockpile

  1. Brandon (Rochester): There haven't been many questions or comments about the progress of Shaud Williams. How's his knee coming along and how do you and the coaches feel about him as a prospect?


    TD: Shaud Williams struggled for a couple of weeks with a knee injury that occurred in practice. Currently, his knee is close to 100 percent and he was very good in practice last week. He appears to be on the road to recovery. We have some very good backs in front of him which makes it difficult for him to get playing time. We are very high on his potential both as a runner, a kick returner, and a special teams player.


    I mean, how many Brandons could there be in Rochester? :rolleyes:

  2. Thats a great start, but I think we need more than that, there are plenty of behind the scenes things that could help. As you mentioned, Al Davis was out of money and was on the brink of folding during the season, couldnt even pay the players, Ralph helped him out, and kept the original franchises going. We may need more of that type of examples to show the HOF voters that he has been more than a money hungry owner (see Davis, Jerry Jones). He is actually all about the sport. He had every right to pull up stakes and bail on Buffalo in the bad years, he didnt because it would affect the NFL.  We need to dig folks, start googling.....



    Only intended as a start, Guff! :lol:


    We need lots of anecdotal stuff, too.

  3. :( People take team sports WAY too serious. You never hear a guy getting pissed and shooting some Shot putter for not placing 1st.  Yeah a lame attempt to be funny while proving a point  :lol:


    People take this stevestojan way too seriously.  Believe it or not I do NOT push my kids to be athletes. That is/ was MY path. (side note I even made all state BAND for Gods sake!)  I let them choose. I love them no matter what. In fact my boy and I are going to have a heart to heart about the situation. I can tell he isn't happy with it at all.



    I coached my son in Little League for three years, both inner city and suburbs. There was a manager and two coaches one year. Each of us had a kid on the team. Rule #1 was that you did not coach your OWN son during the game, especially at the plate. :D Took pressure off the kid and they were less likely to argue with another adult.


    I spoke to parents about ragging on their kids and was threatened more than once with bodily harm! :( Another time I had to go out to the pitchers mound and walk a parent off the field. He interrupted the game to advise our pitcher - who was not even his kid! :lol:


    When my son turned 12 he said he really did not want to play anymore. I know part of the reasaon was peer pressure. I said "OK". Hell, I would have loved it if he was a sports nut but that was MY love, not his. He does other stuff and I could not be prouder. The last thing a 12 year old needs is that kind of pressure ON A GAME!!! He is 27 now and a fine man! :D


    The sort of it is - as you said ICE, "People take this stevestojan way too seriously."

  4. It is a raw deal when Lamar Hunt and Al Davis are in and Ralph is not.  He as much as anyone is responsible for the success of the AFL, the merger, the tv contract, etc.  How many original AFL owners are still around, with the team still in the original city?



    Wilson and Hunt are peers. Davis became an owner AFTER the AFL charter and borrowed money from Ralph to stay solvent!!


    I am open to ideas on how to start a grass roots movement. Remember we NEED the press on our side to get anywhere.

  5. Just got back from our trip to Buffalo for the Bills game. We had 60 members head up to Western New York for the game.


    On Saturday we did a tour of the stadium. Didn't get to see the locker rooms and stuff but got to check out the press box, some of the suites, and then go onto the field...which was AWESOME!


    We then headed over to Dannys and had some beers with retired Buffalo Bills -  Joe DeLamielleure, Mark Brammer, and Lou Piccone. All three of them were awesome down to earth guys and it was a lot of fun.


    On Sunday we tailgated at Kenny's pinto where many of our members saw the whole steup for the first time. Aaron Shobel's father was there with some of the Shobel family and they were a nice group (all in black leather coats and cigars?). Met Rockpile, Guffalo...and some of the other TBD posters.


    The game was awesome! Had tix on the 50 yard line 18 rows up from the Jet's bench. Very scary when Williams went down, and you could tell how Jonas Jennings was nervous as he pumped up the crowd and went through his blocking drills to take his mind off it.


    Anybody see the fan run around the roof of the press boxes? Awesome!


    Coolest thing...our stairs led right up past Ralph Wilson's box. The old guy was sitting alone at a table in his suite throughout the whole game in a rain coat and Bills hat. At the end of the game, he was on his cell phone and then turned around and pumped his hands into the air and had the biggest smile I've ever seen. This man should be in the Hall of Fame.



    Great to meet some of you! Hope to post pictures soon. That guy who ran around the roof was arrested (see TBD front page for news link). His fall was "cushioned" by fans per the Buff News. Did not mention any injuries though.


    You picked a great day for the game; November weather is a crap shoot in WNY!


    You are right about Ralph Wilson. If there is any justice in the system he will inducted into the HOF in 2005, but I will not hold my breath.

  6. Well, we lost the first couple of games because the D switched from the blitz-heavy aggresive D to the "safer" more conservative "prevent" type D.  Works both ways...



    "Safe" is what lost the game at the Meadowlands.


    If the mega-blitz sacked Carter, people would be saying what terrific coaching!


    I agree that main problem was McGee alone on Santana Moss! :D


    A great day to be at the Ralph.

  7. Just wanted to say that it was great to meet so many of the TBDers yesterday!!!

    I go to sit and watch the game with Lori, meet Jay, 89, the New York City crew (sniff, sniff), Guffalo, Jack in Syracuse and I got to watch a slightly inibriated Rockpile talk to Howard Simon.

    To all of those who I forgot to mention or who I stole chips, cookies or other food from, it was great to see you all as well.



    Slightly inebriated? You are kind! :D


    By 9AM I was on my 2nd beer and working on a shot from the bowling ball at Kenny's Pinto!


    I will post pictures soon.

  8. Don't fuggin call him Jonathan!  He had "F Smith" on his jersey.  Great, we got a guy who wants to be called Fast Freddy Smith on our team.  Freddy does sound faster than Jonathan. <_<


    I feel a V Coach bulletin later today.  The Bills have announced that they have waived Jonathan (Freddy) Smith.



    Fast Freddy was one of the Furry Freak Brothers. Oh wait, that was FAT Freddy, nevermind!

    Fat Freddys Cat

  9. of the wind.  Well at least that's what the A.P. said in the scum sentinel.  How fortunate for the Bills there was no wind when they had the ball, and how unfortunate for Curtis Martin that he can't run in the wind.



    Hmmm. I thought it was because they scored more points than the Jets.


    Oh, dopey me! <_<

  10. From ESPN:

    The replay CLEARLY showed that he caught the ball, yet they write this tripe?  Why don't they talk about all the crappy "fortunate breaks" that the other teams have gotten AGAINST us this year?  Like phantom holds, phantom personal fouls, etc???  Really annoys me...







    ESPN says the Bills "might" have gotten a break. I agree, "might" is the keyword. I believe however, that a replay would not have mattered. It showed nothing that would overturn the call on the field beyond any doubt.


    Edwards shrugged his shoulders when asked about the call, adding that he would've challenged the play.


    "I think the whole team is frustrated," Edwards said. "We knew we were going to have to play well to win the game. And we didn't do that."


    With the game tied at 10 at the half, the Bills took the lead for good when Drew Bledsoe capped a 13-play, 77-yard drive with a 4-yard pass to Evans to start the third quarter.


    The Jets had little response.


    Except for Moss' touchdown, New York combined for 16 yards offense on its five other second-half possessions.


    That last sentence speaks voulmes!

  11. You obliquely bring up a point. A lot of so called college material isn't taught well, and some of the questions asked are way to subject to interpretation, which sort of leaves one hanging if your interpretation doesn't agree.


    Darlene had a Korean poly sci prof who couldn't hardly speak English. Only B she ever got.


    I also agree that the underlying IMF basis and principles are invalid this day and age. Look at Brazil, for crying out loud.


    Can we go back to hilarious stupidity now?



    I was taking a computer science course a LONG time ago. There was an essay question I could not answer. I understood the question and was familiar with the topic in general, but did not know specifically what they wanted.


    So I wrote a paragraph, correctly using every "buzzword" I could remember pertaining to the topic, using about 50 words to say absolutely nothing.


    Ka-ching! Full credit. <_<

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