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Posts posted by rockpile

  1. Great headline eh?


    click here


    What they neglect to mention in the story is that the girl was doing gymastics in school corridors and cement patio areas and sidewalks, which posed a danger to herself and others.


    Both "sides" were on NBC this morning. The father was upset because contact sports were OK, but gymnastics was not allowed.


    The school administrator explained that football, basketball and other sports were not allowed inside school hallways EITHER. The father looked definitely one toke over the line. :D


    That's right, teach your 11 year old that rules do not apply to her, uh-huh!


    Am I missing something? :P

  2. And I hope you all read the page down to the far right corner:


    ©2004 The Brushback.com® All rights reserved. The Brushback is a satire site. None of the features or stories on this site are real. All names are made up, except in cases when public figures are being satirized. All quotes are fictional and any similarity to actual quotes is coincidental.



  3. THis is football....anything can happen....


    But we MUST take care of things on our end


    THAT is the only thing the Bills can control. The toughest games left are Sunday night and January 2nd. Everything in between should be a win (not will be, should be).


    FYI: Only three home games left


    Rams - single seat only

    Browns and Steelers - about 8000 unsold seats each.


    Good thread, ICE! :)

  4. As you might expect, I do not fit any of the categories.


    I end and start the season as an optimist, but that is more of a survival mode for me. I have been saying wait til Next year since January 1967. :D


    I am not negative but I will boo my team when it is deserved.


    I am not an analyst. I understand the game, but my specialty is not writing a critique.


    I never flip flop.


    I believe I am part of the majority of Bills fans - AnMarie's screen name says it very well "BILLS4LIFE" - not blind but always ON the bandwagon. :lol:

  5. Stoopid.... hmmmm u dranks shots from the bowling ball... I did that once and felt pretty stoopid when I could't stop it falling holes up and had to keep drinking. Damn that 'special' shot.....


    then again rock - your immense.....experience....probably tells you how to drop that ball right.


    or was i being hazed????  :doh:



    Actually, I dropped it and it rolled, but they had not yet set up the penalty shots, so I was spared. :blink:


    Actually I got a cherry too because this was my first time. :doh: I think my reputation is bigger than my "experience" . ;)

  6. I'm just happy he made it back across Abbott Road from the WGR tent. He had me worried there for a sec..... :lol:



    OK, here's the story.


    I cracked my 1st LaBatts at a little after 8AM. Then I did a shot from the bowling ball at Kenny's Pinto (as I was finishing my 2nd Blue) since the line is shorter at 9:30. :(


    But I did not drink during the game at all, and only had one to finish the day at about 5PM. I stagger pretty good. :D

  7. My favorite Cream album was Disraeli Gears.


    Extra trivia points to the 1st person who can remember what SWLABR means, without Googling. :D




    Mother's Lament

    author unknown


    Are we rolling? A one, a two, a three, a four...


    A mother was washing her baby one night;

    The youngest of ten and a delicate mite.

    The mother was poor and the baby was thin;

    'Twas naught but a skeleton covered with skin.


    The mother turned 'round for a soap off the rack.

    She was only a moment but when she turned back

    Her baby had gone, and in anguish she cried,

    "Oh, where has my baby gone?" The angels replied:


    Oh, your baby has gone down the plug hole.

    Oh, your baby has gone down the plug.

    The poor little thing was so skinny and thin,

    He should have been washed in a jug, in a jug.


    Your baby is perfectly happy;

    He won't need a bath anymore.

    He's a-muckin' about with the angels above,

    Not lost but gone before.


    Do you want to do it again?

  8. (billsfanone @ Nov 9 2004, 10:48 AM)

    Glad no one took you up on your offer to punch me in the face. Or maybe someone did, and I was too drunk to feel it.



    I'll do it.



    Rich, send babyrock after billsfanone; she goes up to McFaddens pretty often! B)

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