I'm with you on this Darin. I am an anarchist at heart, but feel that I unfortunately need government to protect me from those who are incapable of self-government.
Actually, I am not one to gloat (much). But after watching the slanted pap represented nightly as "news" when it is pure editiorial opinion, those you mention deserve to be devastated.
The ones I feel sorry for are those who can WATCH Peter Jennings and think he is presenting objective reporting of the news.
Teeny Little Minds.
I know the parking lot gates do not officially open until 9AM, but about what time do you need to get in the line on the shoulder of Rt 20A?
I know Cindy mentioned "circling around"?
Hope to see a bunch of you Sunday!
Here is a good read: man of the world
And another: an oral history of 9/11 by Giuliani and his aides
I figure that Hillary sees Kerry's loss as her best shot for a run in 2008.
Time to start thinking about ABH (Anyone But Hillary) merchandise. There is money to be made here!
Um, I read somewhere (yeah that's it, I read somewhere) that a few hits off a doobie is no different than having a beer or two. It is all about moderation.
BTW: I'd pass the pee test, too!
This is Rockpile and I approve of this message.
I believe that if we just give the players more time - it is a new system they have to learn, you know - that everything will be just fine.
I am going to watch some political advertisements now, and then replay the debates. I need to be informed before I cast my vote.