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Everything posted by rockpile

  1. Gotta go back to work now, before I chunder
  2. I was going to mention them too, but I could not spell their names. That is OK, you cannot spell fiery.
  3. What do you think (ot) means, offensive tackle?
  4. I KNEW this was really a homework thread in disguise!
  5. Cumulative IQ 0f 10?
  6. Was his name Daniel?
  7. Maybe I'll see you at pole 5!
  8. In a bind for a gourmet meal? Two words: Dinty Moore Actually I am a very good cook, when I am left alone in the kitchen that is...
  9. I'm with you on this Darin. I am an anarchist at heart, but feel that I unfortunately need government to protect me from those who are incapable of self-government.
  10. Actually, I am not one to gloat (much). But after watching the slanted pap represented nightly as "news" when it is pure editiorial opinion, those you mention deserve to be devastated. The ones I feel sorry for are those who can WATCH Peter Jennings and think he is presenting objective reporting of the news. Teeny Little Minds.
  11. Were there long lines waiting outside Lot 1, coming from 219 to the Ralph on 20A ? My preference would be to park near the traditional spot.
  12. My daughters 18, 22 and 28 all voted!
  13. I know the parking lot gates do not officially open until 9AM, but about what time do you need to get in the line on the shoulder of Rt 20A? I know Cindy mentioned "circling around"? Hope to see a bunch of you Sunday!
  14. Here is a good read: man of the world And another: an oral history of 9/11 by Giuliani and his aides I figure that Hillary sees Kerry's loss as her best shot for a run in 2008. Time to start thinking about ABH (Anyone But Hillary) merchandise. There is money to be made here!
  15. Great job, Ken. Maybe you will sing "the song" at next year's tailgate?
  16. I know several women who have forgotten more football than I'll ever know.
  17. Were you the last registered voter in line?
  18. Um, I read somewhere (yeah that's it, I read somewhere) that a few hits off a doobie is no different than having a beer or two. It is all about moderation. BTW: I'd pass the pee test, too! This is Rockpile and I approve of this message.
  19. Go Alaska! Time to focus on the criminalization of CRIMES!
  20. This is Rockpile and I approve of this message.
  21. On Saturday I WAS wearing a t-shirt and shorts. The weather pulled a Jeckle and Hyde between Friday and Sunday.
  22. I think you should hum a few bars of "Find The Cost Of Freedom" At least she didn't hit on you, studley!
  23. I believe that if we just give the players more time - it is a new system they have to learn, you know - that everything will be just fine. I am going to watch some political advertisements now, and then replay the debates. I need to be informed before I cast my vote.
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