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Everything posted by rockpile

  1. ESPN says the Bills "might" have gotten a break. I agree, "might" is the keyword. I believe however, that a replay would not have mattered. It showed nothing that would overturn the call on the field beyond any doubt. That last sentence speaks voulmes!
  2. NJSue, you and I are buddies right? You can take a joke right? You know this is all for fun, right? Just for ***** and giggles I went to Google search and entered "njsue" and this was the FIRST link, honest. Try it yourself. If this gets a drink dumped on me, I prefer a lager to a pilsner. njsue
  3. <bump> That was for you Lori. B)
  4. I was taking a computer science course a LONG time ago. There was an essay question I could not answer. I understood the question and was familiar with the topic in general, but did not know specifically what they wanted. So I wrote a paragraph, correctly using every "buzzword" I could remember pertaining to the topic, using about 50 words to say absolutely nothing. Ka-ching! Full credit.
  5. Ah, shuddup and launch that horror channel so I have something to watch, willya?! That was free advice, btw, GG!
  6. I love it when you talk dirty, Sue.
  7. Try this: toiletology 101 Start at the top. A picture is worth a thousand words.
  8. If the leak is from the reservoir to the bowl, turn off the water, drain the reservoir and remove it. Clean the porcelain where the bolts mount. Probably just some new screws, washers and/or perhaps a gasket will fix that leak.
  9. So, since they are not opening the gates, and you cannot form a line, where are you supposed to hang until they do? Stupid NFL rule!!
  10. I have found that corking the plug hole with a tennis ball does not work. Sorry, that was in reference to a problem I had and a thread that got out of control back around August.
  11. As far as I am concerned, if everyone liked the same team football would be boring. That said, I hope ALL fans that go to a game remember it is a game and act accordingly. Friendly razzing is fun! Fighting is for maroons.
  12. I did not take being dismissed personally. I was happy about that. I did not like his mannerisms - talking to a group of people who were not stupid, as if they were. I am hard working, educated, open-minded and was treated like a moron. That was my reward for NOT coming up with an easy way to excuse myself from doing my duty in a democracy? THAT I took personally. I hold myself to a higher standard than I hold others.
  13. A few weeks back Dollinger was the defense lawyer in a case at the Hall of Justice, when I was dismissed from consideration as a juror. (Thenk Kew!) He spoke down to the jury box like he was speaking to 5 years olds, and he was a sage. Freaking Mr. Rogers goes to court! Can you say "pissant"? He came across as a condescending elitist POS. If he is the measure we use, I am happy to be "the average American" by his definition.
  14. I hear prices are good in an area called the Love Canal. Don't you have to pay a toll everytime you cross the bridge onto the island? I might suggest an urban 6 month lease so you can check out various areas before commiting to a house.
  15. No, when you stop looking you ARE dead.
  16. I have tried to explain this to Mrs. Rock. What are you expected to do when you are walking together and your brain sends you this message: "cleavage alert, half a block on left, tall brunette with yellow blouse". The trick is discreet gawking!
  17. Stop eating your keyboard.
  18. What, doubts from the woman who asked my daughter if it was OK to flirt with me?
  19. 10:30 is late, that sucks.
  20. I would like to meet you all. I will be there. Billsfanone was a gentleman to babyrock, so I will not be in that line. See you Sunday!!
  21. HEY! I didn't do it! What was the question again? Damn that medical marijuana,anway. Good thing I am at work. Hey, Nurse Nancy, is that organ donor here yet?
  22. I will set the VCR, but this week I will see you there!
  23. It is a documented scam: fightidentitytheft
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