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Posts posted by rockpile

  1. Well, my dad has been fighting cancer for a while, and his condition has taken a turn for the worse...so while its good to be back home here in buffalo, its for all of the wrong reasons...anyways, i wont be around the board for a bit while i am here at home, but...





    Prayers and peace to you all. Take it a day at a time. Give lots of hugs and do not leave anything "unfinished or unsaid" if you know what I mean.



  2. I didnt even stick around to watch Losman. Why bother? So I can see him hand off the ball a few times?


    If it wasnt for my mom-in-law insisting we watch the ENTIRE Bills game, I would have went to the Jets game after Willis' last score.


    They dont call it "garbage time" for nothing.



    This PROVES you are a marginal fan, Rich! :huh:

  3. How come all threads started by Ice on this board have more than one page?


    If anyone else posted tha McGahee was the OPOTW according to Tom Jackson, this thread would have only a few replies.  :huh:


    Come on, who gives a stevestojan about what Tom Jackson says?



    Because ICE is more popular than you and me. :lol:


    Actually, I also heard that remark on SportCenter and was very happy to see WM and Buffalo get the good press! :lol:

  4. What I'd like to actually chew on is DATA... or are you just blowing smoke out of your arse? 

    Put up or shut up!


    I like this stat:


    After opening the 2004 season 0-4 with a rookie head coach, the Bills team followed with a 5-2 record.


    Or did you mean the Data, android from ST:TNG? :huh:

  5. ICE is the greatest con man ever to pretend to be a Bills' fan .  90% of the time his posts flat out suck or are average at best. Only the hard up and KzooMike Bills' fans can continue to make excuses in the TBD world for him.


    He is what he is, below average at best. From time to time he will pull a decent post out of his ass and that allows him to keep his status. Over the last 2 weeks  even his most ardent fans have finally seen the truth. Two good games later, he is showing his true colors but will start anew once we lose another game.


    This whole subject is old. It was old from the D&C days, through the RJ/Flutie days, to today with Bledsoe.  But you guys are so damn hard up you are willing to look past how badly this jackass has been THIS year, because he's the loudest and most ardent.


    You know what?  Many have fought this battle with this moron for nearly 7 years in some form or fashion. During that time we have had the #1 board and God knows what else. We have had numerous posters with less than 1000 posts who contribute more insight and humor without needing the ridiculous amount of attention that is apparently required. ONE DAMN POSTER has failed us time and time again....ICE!


    I have come to the accept the fact you guys have long ago lost sight of the one and only goal a team should have...a decent board that isn't completely dominated by one clown in desperate need of attention. My GOD folks, as long as ICE pretends to be a fan, kharma will keep our team from the SuperBowl. 


    I am not done with this subject. ICE is a below average poster. Has always been, but the glitz and glamor of numbers coupled with being an individual horn tooter, many are blinded to the truth. Until the day comes we aren't subject to his continued rants, with his complete lack of personal discipline, we will continue to be subject to marginal blather and ridiculous threats.


    Hey, this was kind of fun.



    Only a handful of us are able to see the humor in this. :blush:

  6. Our new son, Jayden Paul, was born yesterday @ 10:32 a.m.


    After a slightly challenging episode with an umbilical cord and my son's neck, our doc did a great job bringing him into the world about three weeks early, but perfectly healthy and well developed at 5lbs. 15oz., 19.5 inches tall and a rather full head of hair.


    As a man who has gone 42 years with no children, I have always chuckled to myself when people would show me pictures of their babies declaring that their baby was the most beautiful baby in the world. I now realize I was more right than DC Tom having a political debate with BF. Apparently wifey and I are the ones with the most beautiful baby in the world and all those other people were full of crap.


    Most importantly, this successful pregnancy should also do away with a severe version of an illness that has debilitated my wife for the past two years. She finally should have her life back, just in time to share it with someone new.


    Gotta split. Got a family to check on and a game to TIVO.


    Go Bills.



    Combobulations! This is really wonderful news! :doh:

  7. Thanks for defending me when I wasn't there to do it myself! <_<  PM me with your address, I'll send you a couple of nice cards.


    Honestly, I wasn't reallly sure how much to charge for postage, but I remember last time I sold a lot this size, it was somewhere in the 30.00 area, a little more I think!  Belive it or not FEZ, a box of 5.000 football cards is pretty f****n heavy, much heavier than my PC!



    No need to send me anything but thanks for the offer. :lol:


    Fez is right - on a lot of items for sale - they will sell low and charge $15 for a 50 cent shipment. :D

  8. $30 shipping?  Sheesh, I shipped a PC for only $12...





    Does sound steep but to be fair the ad says


    "Because this lot is so large, and heavey, shipping will be 30.00. Because of the size of this lot, I must also require that the winner pay 5.00 for insurance. I hate when EBAY dealers try to make money off of shipping and insurance, so if the shipping & insurance cost come to less than 35.00, I will refund you the difference. If it comes to more, I will pay the difference. "


    NOW it sounds reasonable.


    Do I get a promotional gratuity, Buftex?? :lol:

  9. I for one see a bright future with losman, so there's really no need to look back at our craptastic QB history, save one.



    I hope your vision is true. I really, really, really do! :lol:


    Personally, after the disappointments with Collins, Flutie, Johnson, and Bledsoe, I am not ready to throw my hat in anyone's ring. At this point I want action not hype.


    I can only hope the kid is the answer to the QB spot, but my hopes have been dashed too many times since JK went off the field on a cart.

  10. Based on folks I have had "pm" conversations with, that I have NOT actually met or dined with already:




    Alaska Darin




    I know that is five but I am bad at following the rules.


    With my new avatar it should be Chinese dinner. :lol:


    And it should be noted that if I had the means, I would have a banquet for all those who have sponsored me in the MS Walk over the past two years! :lol:

  11. I was on the edge of a pretty good rumble at the end of a Raiders game in the snow one time at the Ralph.


    The Bills had beaten the Raiders, the balance of the game was just a formality.


    Anyway, this guy takes his shirt off. Sub-freezing weather, smart move! Taking off your shirt when there is snow on the ground is like making yourself a snowball magnet. So people started pelting the guy with snow.


    Well, this drunken college guy with a bad arm misses the no-shirt guy and hits a biker's girl friend in the back of the head with a snow ball. This was a drunken biker's drunken girl friend who was already pissed the Raiders were losing. He had a bunch of other drunken folks with him. A mini-rumble started with about 50 people in the scrum. Security finally tossed everyone out.


    I was just an observer! :lol:

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