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Everything posted by rockpile

  1. You will be required to have '666' tatooed to the back of your neck to shop there, and they will be the only place left to shop. We are doooooomed!
  2. Try this site: works every time!
  3. Tennis balls only work in toilets. If you have an older house, be careful about chemical cleaners - especially the industrial strength stuff from the hw store - they can eat right through old metal pipes.
  4. Cool, I was looking at the poll (up 50 votes since yesterday PM) and saw my youngest daughter's name is there! She signed up for the wall this week too AKA "pebbles" (yes I stole your suggestion, Diane!)
  5. I never said that. It does speak to character, though. If it was only about money, the Bills would be anywhere else.
  6. The Latin phrase "Ordo ab Chao" is one of the oldest mottoes of Craft freemasonry. It means "Order from Chaos." altreligion.about.com
  7. How many times do I have to tell you? Want a bigger picture, get closer to the monitor! Sheesh! Rico, I like your avatar better, but mine is similar.
  8. Ralph is the only ORIGINAL AFL franchise owner who has kept his team in the same city. Miami was an expansion team, as was Seattle. The Patriots, Jets, Raiders, and Denver all have new owners since 1960. Lamar Hunt moved his team from Dallas to Kansas City. The Oilers moved to Tennessee. Al Davis was not an original owner. The Chargers changed owners and started in Los Angeles. Who is left? Ralph Wilson.
  9. Who do you have to !@#$ to get pinned around here? Last weeks Pats tailgate is still pinned! 572 votes so far. Is there a way to send this to all the Bills Backers clubs?
  10. Um, stevestojan, I have a request. Once in a while just keep your comments to yourself. BILLS4LIFE is a good friend to many here and I THINK maybe she was just needing a hug. OK?
  11. Lord, look kindly upon this sick puppy.
  12. Actually I think the level headed fans easily outnumber the Lynch Mobbers 10:1 They are just not quite so loud and post less frequently.
  13. Be well, Anmarie! I had a large cyst removed from under my ear about 15 years ago and it never came back. BIG HUG!
  14. Since I have never been to war, much less rifle warfare from house to house, I cannot judge how quickly I would pull a trigger when it was a "me or you" split second decision. I know my father was on cleanup details in the South Sea islands during the waning days of WW II and was faced with going from cave to cave to root out soldiers who did not know the war was over, and were ready to die for their emperor. It was not pretty, there were no cameras, and he did not speak of it much. Change "cave" to "house" and "soldier" to "insurgent" and "emperor" to "Allah".... Unless you have walked that path, you cannot judge anything.
  15. It's the Lord's Prayer.
  16. FANTASTIC! What a great looking family! Thanks for sharing with us.
  17. That was a typo, right? You meant 4 new players? If nothing else a QB with wheels might help the OL. If he was healthy Sunday night, he will be healthy Sunday afternoon. Let the growing pains begin!
  18. You are right. The worst possible situation will be when Bledsoe lines up under center this Sunday and gets booed - with most fans expecting/hoping Losman to be ready since he made a token appearance in "garbage time" Sunday night. Mathematics aside, I think anyone who actually believes the Bills will make the playoffs this year is a true dreamer.
  19. This was EXACTLY my point in another thread.
  20. Actually, I think that it was a big PR mistake to put Losman in the game Sunday night. My reason? It is now an open INVITATION for fans to boo Drew! Management is supposed to be smarter than this. I expect the calls for Losman to start the first time the Bills offense takes the field, if Drew is behind center. The Drew era is over. We will see how graceful it ends Sunday afternoon. Pretty sad for me to see people I share tailgates with calling each other names, or having to put up with personal attacks, because of a GD game!
  21. I root for the Bills every week, obviously. I just will not be rooting for their season this year. I enjoy watching Manning because he is improvising his play on the field as the D moves around. Reminds me a lot of the K Gun. Outside of watching the Bills I really do not care very much who wins. So, am I full of crap or pathetic?
  22. You forgot "they are learning a new system".
  23. <bump> I am in. Come on Bills fans, as far as the leading (most active) petitions we are trailing "Stop primate torture at Oxford " - no stevestojan!
  24. I am wearing a Bills shirt today DESPITE what they did last night. It's like daring people to "gimmee some stevestojan, I can take it". Just stoopid I guess. I think the Bills prime marketing goal for the short term is to sell seats. At this point JP may not have a better chance of winning (how could he really be worse) but he DOES have a better chance to boost home seat ticket sales. Specifically, Cleveland and Pittsburgh are in big jeopardy of being blackouts.
  25. Repeated three and outs and interceptions did not help! Why did they keep trying to run McGahee up the middle or to the right. It seemed like every time they went after the LEFT side of the D the running game worked. Whether you believe it or not simply doesn't matter, either. Neener, Neener, Neener.
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