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Everything posted by rockpile

  1. Based on folks I have had "pm" conversations with, that I have NOT actually met or dined with already: Fezmid millbank Alaska Darin LaBillzfan BiB I know that is five but I am bad at following the rules. With my new avatar it should be Chinese dinner. And it should be noted that if I had the means, I would have a banquet for all those who have sponsored me in the MS Walk over the past two years!
  2. I was on the edge of a pretty good rumble at the end of a Raiders game in the snow one time at the Ralph. The Bills had beaten the Raiders, the balance of the game was just a formality. Anyway, this guy takes his shirt off. Sub-freezing weather, smart move! Taking off your shirt when there is snow on the ground is like making yourself a snowball magnet. So people started pelting the guy with snow. Well, this drunken college guy with a bad arm misses the no-shirt guy and hits a biker's girl friend in the back of the head with a snow ball. This was a drunken biker's drunken girl friend who was already pissed the Raiders were losing. He had a bunch of other drunken folks with him. A mini-rumble started with about 50 people in the scrum. Security finally tossed everyone out. I was just an observer!
  3. Yes they did: 4 ft wide x 6 ft tall cabinet and a 5 inch black and white screen. Didn't need a furnace, the heat from all those tubes would keep the living room warm.
  4. 887 votes. Keep spreading the word!
  5. This is a fantastic "album". B)
  6. Is there a link to this song on-line? I have it on cassette tape, but would like to share it via 'virtual reality'. Thanks!
  7. Happy Day, Anmarie! Jay, I do not think she is old enough to get that reference!
  8. nit-pickin bastid!
  9. Anything from Music From Big Pink by The Band. Probably "The Weight" would finish #1 (that's "take a load off Fanny" for those who did not know).
  10. That was pure optimistic fan sentiment for Haslett the PLAYER.
  11. "Old" Rockpile? Are you talking about me again VI? I remember cases of bottled beer being carried in. I remember full GLASS bottles beng thrown at players. I remember "no net" by the FG posts and the ball always went into the stands - causing multiple fights. I remember being thrown out of the old Rockpile for throwing snowballs at Miami Dolphins when I was too young to know better. The bleachers were not "premium" by any means. They were a way to expand seating to over 40,000 so other teams would not want all the Bills games to be road games. Part of the revenue was splitting the gate tally. I think Buffalo and Baltimore (Colts) had two of the crummiest stadiums in those days.
  12. "One fan in particular that police want to identify is the person who threw a chair into the crowd. Police are reviewing video from a fan who snuck a camera into the game, Local 4 reported." Wonder if the fan with the contraband video camera will get in trouble?
  13. Kind of reminds me of Weezer.
  14. That would be the gourmet sauce.
  15. Friggen Cretin Cranberry Sauce 1. Open top of can with can opener or hunting knife 2. Punch hole in bottom of can for air flow (hammer and nail works) 3. Slide jellied cranberry "roll" into fancy eating dish (gather the family to listen to that slurrrrrrpy sound) 4. Slice cranberry sauce into 1/2" round wedges and serve
  16. My brother-in-law got a bird and complete fixings prepared by Wegman's one year. It was actually quite good. He was a divorcee at the time. Not for anything, but my wife will not touch a raw turkey. Every time we have one, I am in charge of the bird, stuffing, giblets, gravy, etc. I usually also make taters, yams, and green salad. Her job is desserts, casseroles, table setting, etc. Everyone pitches in for preparation and cleanup and it makes it a lot less like work, and a whole lot more like family. . If it really bugs you, send 8x10 photos to your SIL to tape to the chairs in front of the frozen meal.
  17. Wasn't this just "gossip"?
  18. Actualy, if you google his name, the first ten (and only) hits are really stevestojan!
  19. Rudy, there are kids on the west coast reading this at 6PM. Have you no shame?
  20. They will. All you have to do is have "Psycho" give them a call. Can't be screwing up her tailgate!
  21. Would you stop being rational? They are trying to have a pointless pissing contest here!
  22. Thanks for clearing that up for me. I thought I was just happy when the Bills win a game, and pissed when they lose. Either way the QB is part of the equation - not the sole cause. I would love to praise Drew Bledsoe. As a Bill, he has yet to show me more than Dennis Shaw ever did. I have to go study the game now so I understand it.
  23. Not for nothing, but sometimes I think that if you were starving to death, and I handed you a PBJ, you would open it up, look in between the slices, and then hand it back, with a remark "No thanks, I don't like grape jelly". Something will ALWAYS suck.
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