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Everything posted by rockpile

  1. Got two calls today from babyrock from McFaddens after two Bills TDs. The place was rocking like a hurricane. She basically called so I could hear the crowd doing the SHOUT! song. I spoke with one of the "Matts" - either billsfanone or BillsNYC. Actually he shouted into the phone but could not hear me. I hope when they showed that large banner with the fans from Rochester, NY someone bought babyrock a round. Funniest post game quote: TKO on Pat Williams TD "He looked like a hard boiled egg running down the sidelines!"
  2. No doubt - Bledsoe's best game of the year. I have called for his nuts in a bowl when he played badly, I will congratulate him now when he brings a good show. Better yet - The Buffalo Bills WON! This is not about a player, this is about a team. My hat is tipped to a great TEAM effort.
  3. Link to the original the thing
  4. John Carpenter's The Thing was a remake of the B&W movie The Thing (with James Arness as the alien). You have already hit most of my favorites: Star Wars The Day the Earth Stood Still Blade Runner Alien Fifth Element Planet of the Apes 2001, 2010 I liked both of the H.G. Wells adaptations - War of the Worlds and Time Machine - late 50's early 60's? Food of the Gods was a farce. I keep waiting for someone to do justice to any novel by Asimov, Bradbury or Heinlein
  5. I don't know, check out Emmylou Harris - she was in The Last Waltz with The Band almost 30 years ago! emmylou
  6. After reading all the possible scenarios, why do I feel like somewhere in the background someone is singing When the moon is in the 7th House, and Jupiter alligns with Mars..... GO BILLS!
  7. Great, now where do we go to get potatoes?
  8. Thank you for enlightening me and calling me names at the same time. 'Tis the season, I guess!
  9. I've been homeless. I stand by my statement.
  10. I have an Amity. She is my oldest daughter, Amity Faith....
  11. I am your age. Of course the wife might object.
  12. I would hope the life my family dreams about includes a healthy ME in it. Stuff does not mean sh-- to a tree.
  13. Go to your Board Settings so it displays 40 posts per page. It is only 18 pages long that way... MUCH easier to manange. TGIF!
  14. Yeah, PM me and I will send you my price catalog.
  15. I have been otherwise occupied the past couple days so it is new to me. I am astounded at the page count. Anyway, STFU!
  16. NOW we're getting somewhere!
  17. Ooh, that reminds me - we are out of pencils.
  18. What if I tape a Bills game and share it with friends at no cost? What if a friend has HBO and copies the Sopranos for me? What if the radio has a concert on and I record it? That is how I use downloaded music. I am not challenging anyone to a fight, just curious about opinions.
  19. I like this traditoin - you give US a gift on your birthday! Happy Birthday and many more. A lot of people do not like getting older and try to cover it up and lie about their age. Me, I celebrate every birthday I have... it is no longer having birthdays that is the concern. Don't drink too much, but enjoy. As a friend of mine said after having a couple too many, "What the f do you think you bleedin blogger!"
  20. Also, Danny Smith lectured the linemen last summer (2003 that is) on the process of reporting in. He made is VERY clear you must report "inside the numbers" on the field. Anything else was illegal procedure! Simple as the tax laws! Very nice review (I watched the tape a couple times myself). I do agree with the announcers and ICE (but don't tell him he'll get a swelled head ) that on the Evans reception, the ball was in the wrong place for the double covered receiver to catch. Straight up the hash marks - touchdown! Hey, sh-- happens.
  21. Didn't get to see Lawton play much, but I got to speak with him a while along the chain link fence after practice in Peets-ford last summer. He left an impression on me as a kid who just wanted a chance to show what he had. You could see the 'dream' in his eyes - just wants to play in the NFL. He took the time to goof around with my grandkids a bit too. Reminded me of the type of character players had back in the 60's.
  22. Those aren't groupies, you idiot, they are hemorrhoids!
  23. Why is it that when somebody expresses their opinion that Losman should start next year, it is assumed that they are Bledsoe haters? Drew Bledsoe will NEVER take the Bills to the Super Bowl. Drew Bledsoe is NOT the future, he was never intended to be anything but a bridge to the next generation Bills. Drew Bledsoe is not leading this team, he is just the guy who stands behind the center. If the defense and special teams had not picked it up a notch, and if the OL did not start to gel, we would have maybe 2 wins right now. I do not say this with any malice because I wish Bledsoe nothing but success AS A BILL. Given a year on the pine, and a reasonable amount of reps this year, combined with a full off season, mini-camps, training camp, and preseason, Losman DAMNED WELL BETTER be ready to start next September or we have another Todd Collins and a 1st rounder is in the toilet. Now, please explain to me what I do not "get".
  24. I actually have a recording of Silent Night by the Sticky Little Fingers. It is basically a garage band/grunge compilation a buddy made with timeless classics like Little Drummer Boy by Joan Jett.
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