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Everything posted by rockpile

  1. Excellent example! I was thinking of this situation (Andre throwing his helmet) but did not search for the non-calls that prompted his frustration..
  2. So at the very least they should be able to spell UBER.
  3. I cannot give one example, but in the decade of the 1970's when the Bills played the Miami Dolphins, EVERY time a last minute, TD, INT, SACK, FG, etc. put the Bills in a situation to win, there was a yellow flag in the air that canceled it.
  4. Yes, I drank the Kool-Aid in 1960 and there is no cure!
  5. It would be nice to get a roll call for this tailgate. I will be there on Thursday - fairly early and will probably stay over that night to avoid the evening tailgate rookies who drive cars. So far it is Mead107 Just Jack Rockpile Jay Rubeo (I spoke with him) Pinto Ron is a "given" by default Hammer - default because he has The Lot
  6. It is never too late! Click on the link: http://main.nationalmssociety.org/goto/familyrocksagain or send donations to: National MS Society Upstate New York Chapter Walk MS Pledge Processing Center 1000 Elmwood Ave., Suite 900 Rochester, NY 14620 By the way final total raised is $1, 495 from people who donated after the walk.
  7. I hope they find a way to make it easier to get evening tickets without paying extortion to ticketmeister.
  8. Do you have four 18 month old children? I have an almost four year old grandson who has quite grasped the cause/effect concept. Five seconds of inattention could put him in a bad place! I know what you are saying and can identify with it (four children, eight grandchildren). I used to have one child stand with a hand on the stroller in my direct sight, while I loaded the other in. I usually knew the order in which order to do this to avoid (but not prevent) a problem. It only takes a second for a child to "bolt".
  9. Band wagon? What Band Wagon? You are a fan or you are not.
  10. I only snipped this for brevity. I hope to see you at the opener, and tip back a few. I like your posts because you are an equal opportunity pull no punches mofo. That said. Screw you! <snipped your post for brevity only> You mean like this? "May 21, 1960: WBEN radio announces that the Buffalo Bills Football Network, anchored by play by play man Van Miller, with color commentary from Ralph Hubbell, is 20 stations strong!"
  11. There is always next year! Just kidding! I look forward to this season, having no expectations, except that Buffalo will play at least sixteen games. I cannot wait until the home opener and tailgate. I will cheer the Bills every week. Hey, they are my team! Why waste time spewing bad vibes MONTHS before the season starts? (no did not drink the kool-aid) I have been waiting for another championship title since the AFL days. this!
  12. This is a "must see" film for any Janis or sixties San Francisco culture and music fan. It paints a picture of an eclectic point in time. Five stars from me. Jerry Garcia might have smoked a doob, I was not paying attention. I did not see anything in the documentary to stop me from watching this with a "mature" 10 year old (I have 4 children and 8 grandchildren LOL). It depends on your 10 year old, and how you communicate with her. It is on the edge. Look at what is in theaters and prime time television today that children watch!! The movie showed Joplin's emotional insecurities, unsupported family background, extreme need to be accepted for herself, and how the booze and drugs ultimately destroyed her, There were a few very brief / incidental "nude" images, that were not the center of the program, but they were shadowed at the strategic spots. It was anti-drug if anything and pointed out that Janis seemed happier when she briefly cleaned up. Some good insight from her peers into what drove her to be "Janis". If anything a 10 year old might be bored. I watched some of it with my 20 year old granddaughter; she was tired and went to bed! Superman v. Batman was more hard core than this movie.
  13. I found 2006 walk total and I added in 2016. Pretty freaking amazing...... So, how much have we gotten sponsors for since I started keeping records? Remember this next time you ask yourself what kind of impact can you have. Individual sponsors contributed from $5 to $300 over the years. It all adds up! Thanks again to all! 2004 - $ 475 2006 - $1.040 2007 - $1,775 2008 - $2,172 2009 - $1,882 2010 - $1,175 2011 - $1,650 2012 - $1,225 2013 - $2,665 2014 - $1,155 2015 - $1,365 2016 - $1,365 - not a typo! same for 2 years! TOTAL: $17,943
  14. Thanks for the information. That helps me understand mrags post better. (as I said - no agenda) I know that is a bitching job, only because when I was a senior at Perry High school (1970), I had class mates who had relatives and friends who were hostages during the Attica riots. It was terrible.
  15. In twelve hours, I should be about half way through the 5K MS Walk. New total is $1,310. It is STILL not too late to donate! http://main.national...amilyrocksagain From past walks, I have been able to put together just how much TSW has helped support the MS Society: 2004 - $ 475 2007 - $1,775 2008 - $2,172 2009 - $1,882 2010 - $1,175 2011 - $1,650 2012 - $1,225 2013 - $2,665 2014 - $1,155 2015 - $1,365 Grand Total - $15,529 as last year We are very close to surpassing $17,000 for a new grand total. Thank you!
  16. What do you do? Just curious - no "agenda"!
  17. THREE Days Left! New Sponsor total is now $1,250. YOU ARE FABULOUS! In 2015 we did $1,650 and our record is $2,150. It is not too late to donate! http://main.national...amilyrocksagain Thanks to TBD and others: Fezmid Todd JayRubeo Harriett jboyst22 Neal Cecile Larry Bob and Barbara Libby Rufous Ray Grace dsmack Bilby Jesse Karen & Fred Denise Darin Cugalabanza Jason Kalene & James jan gg If I missed anyone, please contact me (sorry!)
  18. SIX DAYS: Sponsor total is now $1,150. YOU ARE FABULOUS! In 2015 we did $1,650 and our record is $2,150. It is not too late to donate! http://main.national...amilyrocksagain Thanks to TBD and others: Fezmid Todd JayRubeo Harriett jboyst22 Neal Cecile Larry Kalene and James Bob and Barbara Libby Rufous Ray Grace dsmack Bilby Jesse Karen Denise Darin Cugalabanza If I missed anyone, please contact me (sorry!)
  19. I caught a great deal and scored a Yard Machines five speed 38" riding lawn mower at a garage sale for $200 about three years ago. The owner had kept up the maintenance too. I needed it to replace an OLD John Deere mower/tractor that I loved but would need mucho $ in repairs. I have beaten the crap out of this mower, with minimum maintenance. My trapezoid yard is 80 x 185 x 225 X 175. With a front propelled mower (walk behind) it used to take 45 minutes for the front/sides and at least 90 minutes for the back. Fifteen years ago, it was great exercise. In 2016, I have to do this kind of work in 45 minute intervals! LOL. If I was getting a walk behind mower for a SMALL yard I would NOT get a front propelled mower. The drive gears in front are PLASTIC and molded to the wheels. They engage metal gears on the mower, so after a year or two you will be changing the stripped plastic gears/wheels. At the mower parts store, I have been told this was a best seller for them! People forget to release the "drive" feature when turning sharp corners or even backing up. Second issue is the drive belt. Especially on a mulching mower, a lot of grass gets packed in under the cover for the drive belt and pulleys. This has to be cleaned out pretty often (monthly?). If the belt needs to be replaced, the new belt may not adjust with enough tension to allow the belt from providing a strong "pull". My front drive mower has lasted me almost ten years though, and it was a Sears sale item.
  20. LESS THAN TWO WEEKS to go and we have sponsors totaling $1,050. In 2015 we did $1,650 and our record is $2,150. It is not to late to donate! http://main.nationalmssociety.org/goto/familyrocksagain Thanks to TBD and others: Fezmid Todd JayRubeo Harriett jboyst22 Neal Cecile Larry Kalene and James Bob and Barbara Libby Rufous Ray Grace dsmack Bilby Jesse Karen Denise If I missed anyone, please contact me (sorry!)
  21. It is the thought that counts. I will bring you an empty cooler of food to the tailgate.
  22. I booked a room for Thursday night. I may cancel it and drive home in the middle of the night. I can go up early Thursday and do not work Friday, but may people do not have that choice, just like I cannot make it to Baltimore. I think the TBD tradition to open the season in Orchard Park will be strained this year. Next up: get some tickets! LOL
  23. SEVENTEEN DAYS TO GO! I want to thank my TBD family once again for their generosity. As of today you have helped sponsor me for $815.00! We are not done so if you have been procrastinating, you are like me. Although the sponsor donation page has boxes with suggested amounts, on the bottom right you can enter your own amount. Every sponsor helps. Donate what you can, if you choose, or like some others here - sponsor your OWN cause. Good luck with your walk, "BarleyNY" The important thing is to give something back to a cause you believe in! http://main.nationalmssociety.org/goto/familyrocksagain
  24. WHY DO I WALK? Because I can! Why do I do the MS Walk every year? The short answer is because I have MS! You can scroll through the MS Society web pages and read about the disease, the various ways it affects people, how many people have it, and more. BUT for me this is personal! I want a cure for the disease. The treatment of the disease alleviates many of the symptoms, but not all. It is also noted that although MS is not a hereditary disease, it occurs more often among children who have parents with the disease then the general population. That seems like it is genetic or inherited to me, but I am not a scientist. I WANT A CURE FOR MS! Finding a cure and better treatments for people with MS takes money. Plain and simple. My story: I was officially diagnosed with relapsing-remitting Multiple Sclerosis in 1994. I know now that I had MS before then. My legs ached and I had to elevate them at night. Sometimes it hurt so bad I could not sleep. I was losing sensation in my hands and feet. My GP sent me to a neurologist around 1990, only to be told that my problem was I had four kids, worked two jobs, and went to night school to get my A.A.S. in Business. He was wrong and I got my degree with "high honors". By 1994. I would tire easily, and walk with a slight limp. My vision would be blurry or I would see double. Sometimes my brain seemed blurry too. *-) Tasks that had been simple for me to do in my head now sometimes took me a couple of hours just to sort out the facts and make a decision. FORGET about multi-tasking. If I am concentrating on something and get interrupted or side tracked, I get "lost" and have to start all over. I am a procrastinator, and I now suspect part of the reason is that I want to make sure I am doing things correctly, and delay making a commitment. The symptoms were quite acute in the late summer/fall of 1993 but went away as winter approached. I loved to play softball and was still playing in my early forties. I did not want to admit I might have a problem. When I went back out to practice and play in the spring of 1994, the symptoms from the previous fall came back during the first practice. I would put an ice pack or cold can of soda on my right temple to chill out which seemed to help. My vision got so bad when I was heated up from playing, that it was not safe for me to try to field a hard driving ball, so I became a designated hitter. I used to close one eye when at bat so I would only see one ball! I finally went to see my doctor, who immediately sent me to an ophthalmologist who immediately set me to an optic neurologist who ordered multiple tests: an MRI, a spinal tap (lumbar puncture), and took several annoying visual field tests to confirm the diagnosis. I admit I was scared. I knew NOTHING about MS. I could not even spell "sclerosis". The first thing I asked the doctor was "Am I going to die?" Now, we are all going to die someday, but MS is not fatal. Without treatment, it will get worse over time. Every MS exacerbation TAKES AWAY A PIECE OF ME and when over leaves me with a little less functionality than before. I am one of the lucky ones! Twenty-two years after my diagnosis, I am walking the MS Walk again this year. I have a wonderful family and close friends who walk with me, or sponsor me. Others are not so lucky and I walk for them. I am stubborn and do not like to admit I cannot do something, so I do what I can. As many of us with MS say: I HAVE MS, BUT MS DOES NOT HAVE ME! by Tom Benson on Wed, Mar 23, 2016 @ 2:33 PM
  25. It is time for my annual request for sponsors for the MS Walk in Rochester NY. ALL contributions are welcomed. Please sponsor me if you can. If you cannot participate, God Bless. This year the walk is Sunday, May 1st. Me and my family and friends will doing the Walk for a Cure - approximately five miles - with multiple sites coordinated across the state by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. I first posted on Two Bills Drive looking for sponsors in 2003! TBD has been my biggest group sponsor, helping me raise over $15,500. Diagnosis, research, treatment, and methods to improve quality of life have dramatically improved, BUT there is still no CURE. Donations can be made at the MS Society page OR on Facebook http://main.nationalmssociety.org/goto/familyrocksagain https://www.facebook.com/groups/349924721875823/ Jack, I will be posting pictures as the event gets closer. Personal stuff: I was DIAGNOSED with relapsing-remitting Multiple Sclerosis in 1994. I know now that I had MS before then, because there were times when things were “not quite right”. I would tire easily, and walk with a slight limp. My vision would be blurry and I sometimes felt like I was seeing double if I did not concentrate on an image. The symptoms would come and go, and were not stopping me from doing the things I wanted to do. But the official date I was tested for and a diagnosis confirmed for MS was June 1994. The nature of a relapsing-remitting disease is that it can “come and go”. I still walk funny but the medications to keep my MS in relapse have improved from syringe self injections, to a daily pill. It has also been a couple years since my last major relapse, that required an MRI scan, IV steroid pulse, and Prednisone. Keep in mind I have the BENIGN form of MS. Others have it much worse, so I do not complain (much ). It is amazing to me that it is 2016. When I looked back I realized that I started internet fund raising for the MS Walk by posting on TSW way back in 2003. The National Multiple Sclerosis Society has excellent ratings as far as the percent of donations received, how they are used, and the percentage of “overhead” for salaries and facilities. Here are a few examples: The National Health Council Standards of Excellence Certification Program reports: “The National MS Society meets the highest standards of accountability, ethical practice, organizational effectiveness, and good public stewardship” http://www.nationalhealthcouncil.org/about-nhc/members/national-multiple-sclerosis-society?id=40 BBB Wise Giving Alliance: "onfirms that an evaluation of informational standards provided by National Multiple Sclerosis Society to the BBB Wise Giving Alliance shows that the organization meets all of the Standards for Charity Accountability" http://charityreports.bbb.org/public/seal.aspx?ID=597382011 Charity Navigator gives the NMSS a 87.1 out of 100% rating http://www.charitynavigator.org/index.cfm?bay=search.summary&orgid=4189#.VvGNdeIrKM8
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