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Everything posted by rockpile

  1. What team DO you cheer for?
  2. What team DO you cheer for?
  3. That was one of the dumbest conclusions of the afternoon. At least he did not comment about Terrence McGee replacing "Antonio" Smith in the off season as he has on multiple occasions in the past!
  4. I do not consider selling over 70K tickets in December in Buffalo a sign of a dwindling fan base, but that is just my take. I am going to a farm to Griswald a Christmas tree with my family on Sunday, and doing some Christmas shopping. I am really hoping to make it to the Steelers game, but that will be a last minute decision. The only Mickey D breakfast food I like is the burritos. McGriddles gagged me. Enjoy the game! GO BILLS!
  5. I am content digesting my cheeseburger garbage plate, white bread, and diet pepsi.
  6. The only thing they make that does not suck is their coffee! That was a nice gesture and great PR move.
  7. Game day decision based on: plans already made that I cannot back out of the weather - I hate the rain my mood amount of money in my wallet I either drive to the game and get a ticket from a tailgater, or I suck it up and plug in the headphones and listen on radio. Completely missing the game is not an option.
  8. Yes, and the waste of genetic material leading the wave looked to be male.
  9. Those rain ponchos are great. They fold up very small. When you are outside in this weather you MUST stay as dry as you can. Below freezing is better than 40's and rain! I found a great lined Bills raincoat at Walmart about a year ago for $40 and it is good for rain or any cold weather.
  10. I told him you wanted him to contact you. I did not say call you. Me, Jay, and Dan had a nice lunch. We got our orders in and table reserved before two busses of seniors from the Acquinas Institute showed up. A few of the young ladies made me feel like Aqualung! I hear the game is sold out. WOO-HOO! I need to get some water before caramelization.....sets...........in............
  11. seeya at noon!
  12. Unless I hear otherwise, I guess no plates today! I'll wander up to Sticky Lips BBQ if no one is going!
  13. I am looking to have a this song made available on a web site so anyone who wants it can access it. IF you have a web site and can post the song, PM me your e-mail address, and I will send you the MP3. I do not want to have to mail it out to everyone, I want to mail it out to someone who will put it up for public access. Bob Lamb gave this to me on cassette tape (was it just last December, Bob?) and my son converted it to MP3. It is from 1980 and pretty corny, but a great audio snapshot of the times.
  14. With that spelling and punctuation, you aren't!
  15. burp! roll call again...
  16. As I have said before, I celebrate each birthday and never lie about my age. Hell, in a few months I'll be hiking in the Sierra Madres in Mexico, while all the young farts are still breast feeding their young and changing those sh-- diapers! (actually enjoy it - they grow up too fast!)
  17. I guess some of us just spew post after post after post after post after post after post after post after post after post after post after post after post after post after post after post after post after post after post after post after post after post after post after post after post after post after post after post after post after post after post after post after post after post after post after post after post after post after post after post after post after post.... In person, you cannot shut me up, ask anyone. HEY! LOOK AT ME!
  18. They also say !@#$ you, Brittanica! (you bleeding blogger!)
  19. Yea, like you should really cast the 1st stone - with over 12K posts
  20. Now this is a LAMP! (as opposed to tennis ball stuck in plug hole question)
  21. Gotcha! Now I gotta watch my back again.
  22. Thanks for clarifying my point.
  23. Who does he think he is, Jack in Syracuse?
  24. There really is no call for that sh--. Ever meet him?
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