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Everything posted by rockpile

  1. Does 51 count?
  2. Ah, some great news to begin the day!
  3. Good choice! I have the vinyl picture disk.
  4. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico for a week starting February 25th. I wonder if that guy with the Buffalo Biils shirt is still hanging out in the Sierra Madres near Mislmaloya? 2nd picture
  5. I would not want to be the beer vendor at a football game, telling a drunk he had enough to drink, "run along now". Not unless they provided me with armed guards!
  6. Do not worry, I KNOW the vendor did not make this piece of sh-- drink too much or drive drunk. Just pointed out there was a window for non-compliance that lawyers will always exploit. The only regret I have is he hit a family with his car not a concrete wall. If there was a "just" God......
  7. I was wondering about that. Freaking chauvinistic if you ask me!
  8. Or the Shirley Booth (Hazel)
  9. I will drink to that!
  10. That is why stadium parking lots do not open until 9am. Not that that really has any impact on this type of behavior! It just screws up having enough time to set up for a proper tailgate party. Do not hold the vendor 100% blameless, at least in violating rules for sale of beer: I only feel sorry for the parents of that baby.
  11. I was into 60's garage band so punks like the Clash suited me just fine. Saw them warm up for the Who in 1984 and they were great! I liked the Fugs, Big Brother, the Blue Cheer, the MC5, Grand Funk Railroad (as opposed to Grand Funk pop), Electric Prunes, Vanilla Fudge, Them, Amboy Dukes, Rotary Connection, the Mothers of Invention, Blues Magoos, the Jefferson AIRPLANE.... speaks to my mood in 1970; by 1980 I was already getting into 60's retro.
  12. Makes up for me having four...thanks!
  13. Only if it fails to block the plug hole.
  14. You did nothing wrong. You are not a car dealer. You presented the information and let their "mechanic" look it over. It was 5 years old with 105K miles! You had no reason to expect the tranny was about to die (right??), nor do you have any reason to believe it needs to be replaced now (the AAMCO Syndrome). Maybe they are driving it and the slipping annoys them... it was doing it on the test drive and their mech said not to worry. YOU drove it that way for over 40K miles. That said, anyone can sue anyone, at any time, for any thing! good luck tom
  15. A lot of interesting choices. I would add: Bob Dylan/The Band - Before the Flood
  16. Glad to see you have your priorities in the proper perspective. Your plate is on me, darlin' ! At work... Working... Lunch is over so I gotta go!
  17. It is NPR; I was listening to WRUR/WXXI in Rochester. Currently, playing For the "Benefit of Mr. Kite" - Beatles (I think that's the song title) Now it is "Such a Night" - Dr. John When I listen to net radio, I listen to WFUV, Fordham University.
  18. Hot Tuna - Hesitation Blues <contented sigh>
  19. I will join that parade. Truth hurts though!
  20. Jim Morrison was in Nirvana? I did not know that.
  21. When Reggie replaced Jughead on lead guitar for the Archies.
  22. Oh, Stop Making Sense! Another serviceable qb would make the 2005 season the same as it ever was. Thanks for taking the words out of my mouth.
  23. Actually I WAS very concerned, as Buffalo proceeded to whiff in four SB's that this could be the case. After waiting from the 60's to almost the 90's for a real championship caliber team to resurface, can you blame me? Some teams are STILL WAITING for their 1st "Jim Kelly".
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