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Everything posted by rockpile

  1. Hmm, a local dish perhaps - like armadillo road kill stew?
  2. Actually, I think she did mean her psychotic nerve.
  3. Cindy, did your ass see it's shadow? I need a weather update.
  4. I have not seen this on the wall and thought it was funny. This is a link to the Bud web site and a commercial you will NOT see on Sunday. You can skip the hype and just click on the "ad" you won't see. No Fun League
  5. Do you have some ideas? How would you deal with the current QB situation? Dumping Drew and having him lead another team to the SB seems to be a stretch. Bledsoe is not Lamonica. I agree it would be nice if they could do something truly innovative, but that requires full support of all the egos involved too. BTW: I do not think they are listening to the fans much.
  6. OK, this woman is disgusted with the idea of having to screw any old butt ugly man who has a credit card. What about you guys? Any old slimey skank who wanted service would be an acceptable job for you? What makes you think you would even get the job after your employer saw your photo?
  7. I am honored. Are you the artist? But GOD that would make an ugly wall!
  8. My opinion: Star Wars was a terrific film. It reenergized science fiction, action flicks, and launched a few careers. It was great as one movie. The sequels were just additional fluffernutters. LOTR was also ONE MOVIE, in three parts because of the length of the story. Taken in that context, I have to say they are a tie.
  9. Hmm... I think I smell a Wumpus!
  10. yes, rockpile like beer hammer sounds hammered
  11. Now there's another random musing! How you be, Mark?
  12. Perhaps the cap just could not absorb two #1 salaries. Anyway, I vote "No". Rock has spoken.
  13. Why? Check out his TV spot "No Deal to a bad deal for New York" The ad says Pataki is going to allow out of state tribes to build gambling casinos in NY. The Oneida Nation urges New Yorkers to contact Pataki and tell him "No Deal to a bad deal for New York" My question, and forgive my ignorance concerning the affairs of state governments, federal governments, and the rights of the Oneida Nation. IF out of state tribes open casinos in NY, won't that bring JOBS to NY? Since the Oneidas are NOT technically a part of NY, why should I care which nation NY state deals with? Shouldn't NY make the best deal, and go with it?
  14. I get an hour, but I take it at my desk (pack lunch at home). I usually do not get interrupted but sometimes I do. I make up for it when I go out for a Plate and take 2 hours.
  15. TBD History <sigh>
  16. I have no problem with it if his opinion is completely wrong.
  17. I took your advice and feel SO much better.
  18. From what I have read, the tolerance pledge is not in the video. The video is not about tolerance of people's sexual preferences. Just a point I wanted to make. Given the rules of this PC gutless generation I see, that is afraid of anything different, it is good that Howdy Doody is not still around! Now THERE was a real gay puppet (not that there is anything wrong with that ). Remember the cartoons with Bugs Bunny dressed as a drag queen? Did that make anyone gay or did it make people laugh? Is this the same organization that banned Mighty Mouse from getting his powers by sniffing a flower (obviously an opium poppy)? Where does it end? My wife runs a daycare. The kids love Sponge Bog, Jimmy Neutron, Bob the Builder, Elmo... They see entertaining cartoons not gay propaganda! It is the adults who read into it.
  19. Don't hold it in, Joe... you'll pop a vein.
  20. OK I got it. My only point is that I am sick of every thread turning into a Bledsoe forum. All I said, in apparently a whiney little voice: You got that? I am done now. OK? I am just sick of Bledose
  21. I was done with Bledsoe after the NE game (1st one). I am not sensitive to criticism of DB. You just do not seem to get my point. When every topic on this forum turns into roasting or defending Bledsoe the FORUM becomes one dimensional. Pretty lame when you have to defend your posts with Midol shots. Yup! I am 51 and therefore I am stoopid!
  22. EXACTLY my point. Thank you.
  23. why, why, why.... Does almost every "conversation" have to mention Bledsoe? I am kind of like !@#$ing baffled.
  24. No, he regularly kicked it farther than 8 yards.
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