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Everything posted by rockpile

  1. The Two Bills Drive community has been my primary sponsor for the MS Walk in Rochester, NY to Support the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Since 2004 WE have raised over $18,000! The National Multiple Sclerosis Society has excellent ratings as far as the percent of donations used for their mission vs the cost of “overhead” for salaries and facilities, according to the National Health Council Standards of Excellence Certification Program. The 2017 MS Walk is Sunday May 7th at Genesee Valley Park in Rochester, NY. http://main.nationalmssociety.org/goto/Still_Rocking On Facebook, search for Family Rocks https://www.facebook.com/groups/349924721875823/ GIVE if you can - A SINGLE dollar helps. No gift is too small, or too large, and all donations are equal in my eyes! *-) Personal stuff: Update - for various reasons related to my MS, I was forced to stop working in May, 2015. I applied for SSDI and was approved in EIGHT working days! Do not be concerned. I am doing well and will NOT let this stop me. I am happy I was able to work for over 40 years at various jobs - half of that time I worked knowing I had MS. History - I was DIAGNOSED with relapsing-remitting Multiple Sclerosis in 1994. I know now that I had MS before then, because there were times when things were “not quite right”. I would tire easily, and walk with a slight limp. My vision would be blurry and I sometimes felt like I was seeing double if I did not concentrate on an image. The symptoms would come and go, and were not stopping me from doing the things I wanted to do. But the official date it was confirmed as MS was June 1994. The nature of a relapsing-remitting disease is that it can “come and go”. I still walk funny but the medications to keep my MS in relapse have improved from syringe self injections, to a daily pill. It has also been a couple years since my last major relapse, that required an MRI scan, IV steroid pulse, and Prednisone. Keep in mind I have the BENIGN form of MS. Others have it much worse, so I do not complain (much ).
  2. I have a nephew who is becoming my niece. I do not understand this, so I cannot really comment. I did tell him he was an average looking guy but is an ugly woman. He laughed and was just happy that one person in the family is not ignoring him. The NFL and politicians should stay out of it. If you look like a guy, use the Men's room, If you look like a girl, use the Ladies room. If you look like a circus freak, I do not have any advice for you. Bingo It would be common courtesy to let your friend's Mom use the urinal first, so you are not pissing in front of her.
  3. Vintage war movies: The Longest Day and Zulu! Try My Year of Living Dangerously to see relatively early Mel Gibson, Sigourney Weaver,and Linda Hunt.
  4. I routinely have a glass of wine or a craft beer almost every night. . If I am with the right company/special occasion and do not have to drive, I can drink all night, but this is something I do not do very often. For those old timers who remember "babyrock", she will be having her second child in about two weeks. This will make NINE grandchildren. Life is good. I need to get some good cigars and some scotch!
  5. I just saw this and said a prayer NG. I have grown children and grandchildren and I am praying all the time they are not deflected from the course set for them. There, but for the Grace of God.....
  6. I still like to sit down on a Sunday morning with a cup of coffee and read the paper front to back. The first thing I do is rearrange it so the sections actually are in alphabetical order. I also want it BEFORE someone else has dissected it, removed coupons (leaving holes in stories), and folded it back up into a wad. This is one of my few anal habits left! I read news on line, but it can be a drag with popup ads and links to dubious sources. It has definite advantages to get a variety of information, no doubt. I used PC's and Macs since the early to mid 90's, have a Kindle Fire, a laptop,and a smart phone, so spare me the "codger" jokes. I agree newspapers are on their way out, and are nothing like the old papers were. I just think it is too bad. I think that reading paper newspapers, magazines, and books is pleasant and easier on the eyes than digitally.
  7. Bobby Grape Soda Fresca (with cyclamates) Bonomo Turkish Taffy (only available on line)
  8. Yes, those were Glory Years! The Bills made the playoffs in 1988 and 1989. This led to making four Super consecutive Bowl appearances (and losses). In the six years that followed, the Bills made the playoffs four times. So, from 1988 through 1999 the Bills missed the playoffs TWICE. The seasons may have ended with out a Lombardi trophy, but the Bills were fun to watch! Since the 2000 season, the Bills have had two winning seasons and no playoffs. It has not been fun being a fan. This year was painful to watch. If it was not for the Bills TBD Tailgate for the home opener, with a chance to see my friends, I doubt I would spend the money on a $100 nosebleed bench seat. I have been a Bills fan since the early sixties, and I will cheer for them in 2017. I just have zero expectations.
  9. Wow, I laughed out loud at that one!! I could picture it.
  10. I always plan on watching the Bills play. They are my team. I sometimes wish I could make myself like a better team and forget them, but that will never happen. The AFL, Rockpile, Best Street, South Buffalo, Blizzards, Skyway Bridge, Lackawana/Blasdell/Hamburg - these are all in my DNA. I ike watching them, even when I do not like what I see. I REALLY hated watching them in person at the home opener against the Jets. It s frustrating that the Bills are so inconsistent. Next year I may go to the home opener tailgate and then leave for a pub. Why drop $300 for a couple of tickets and a motel room? Do not get me wrong, I survive by expecting nothing from them Bills, except that they will show up for the game. I enjoy a good scramble or a bomb and really like when Shady breaks a long run. I wanted more than anything for Tyrod to be the man. I cannot help but feel a little cheated when I see two very good teams play football. They have game plans, adjust to their opposition, execute plays, and manage the clock. When someone is hurt there is a backup plan.They play every down. Yes, they make mistakes but for most of the game they LOOK like they know what they are doing. They have coaches and leaders. That is not the Bills. IF they had slipped into the last wild card spot it would have been embarrassing. I will watch every game until the season is over. Then it is "Wait until next year, one more time". I am done handing them my money for a 50% chance to see a good football game. I will always tailgate.
  11. That is why we are called fans. Reality does not prevail. I love the Bills, but I have lost faith in them. Every week I watch, I cheer, and I expect NOTHING! If I expect nothing I am less disappointed. Until the clock has run out, with more points on the Bills side, I assume nothing. I posted a question on FB: "Dear Mr. Pegula, if you bought a restaurant would you be happy if the food was good half of the time?" I wish someone would ask him that question!
  12. That this the way Buffalo has ended every season since 1965.
  13. Yes, we have entered that phase of our fandom where we grasp at anything to try and make yet another painful season hurt less. I am SO PISSED OFF that the team I have loved all my life because of my family, my tradition, my home town, and more that I would love to be able to gather together the owners, players, managers, coaches, administrators, and ALL involved in this sham of a franchise and ask them WHY? The Buccaneers and Saints were the worst for the longest time, but they have won it all. The Browns had to pack up and leave town and become Ravens before they could win. Another small consolation to Bills Fans: Cleveland, Detroit, Houston, and Jacksonville have never been to the Super Bowl. Thirteen of thirty-two teams have never won the Lombardi.
  14. Wife always says we are not going to exchange gifts, and then buys me a lot of stuff. She is VERY hard to buy for, so I get a lot of gift cards:favorite stores or restaurants, or salon (she likes getting a facial sometimes). I also fill a stocking for her with some silly and some practical things. I spend a lot of time getting or making the "right" card. We have four adult children, three sons-in-law, and eight grandchildren, so buying a lot of things for each other seems silly. I am happy if we put up a real tree and all the kids can make it home on Christmas Day. I am babbling again. What was the question? Maybe I will put ear plugs in her stocking.
  15. I am really scared. If they beat the Raiders, I will start getting my hopes up. I do not want them crushed, AGAIN, so maybe they should lose to the Raiders and then run the table.
  16. I thought he was banned because he was against assault weapons. Seriously, do you know what he said? Was it a cheap shot bull or constructive criticism?
  17. I am a Tyrod fan and I hear what you are saying, but I do not think they have figured out how to capitalize on his mobility and expand his range of plays. The closest they have come is wild cat plays and QB options, that make you think you are watching a college game. Until he can utilize multiple receivers and not just play on legs and guts, he will win games but not championships. If he can find his groove I will be delighted. Many receivers on other teams seem to routinely catch passes that are not perfectly targeted. I mean the ones pulled up almost from the carpet or hooked in with one hand to the body from behind, not out of bounds or three feet over their head. IF they make the playoffs, it will be a major feat, but they will be eliminated in the first round. I am making this judgement by watching the best teams that can play four solid quarters.
  18. Commander Cody can suit up!
  19. Best: The Who - 1972 (?) after release of "Who's Next. Honorable mention: The Kinks - 1980 - they brought down the house Worst: Marshall Tucker - 2010 (?) - Marshall Tucker was a band not a person. The necessary band's lineup changes (three original members had died by then) did not include a decent vocalist. In fact, 1973's "Can't You See?", which is probably their signature song, was so bad that they held the microphone out to the crowd to sing the chorus, since they could not! It was sad.
  20. One of the greatest, no doubt. Also one the boldest. He wrote and he played, whether or not it was popular. The true sign of an artist is to create because that is what you do.
  21. I think TNF Denver's orange uniforms are even uglier than the Bills red ones. The Chargers are OK in blue because they have a throwback feel to them with the lightning bolt trim .
  22. Me too - I commented a couple times that I was used to the refs just tossing a flag at Foxborough, because it was needed to assist the Pats.
  23. Me too! I stopped wearing a Bills jersey on game day the past two weeks. The idea was that I was recording the games, and did not want a complete stranger to see the logo and feel obliged to talk about the game I was not watching (yet).
  24. It is acceptable to shout at knuckleheads who try to start the WAVE when the Bills have the ball, right? When I was about 12 at the Rockpile, I actually had a drunk land in my lap.
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