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Everything posted by rockpile

  1. THANKS TO ALL MY SPONSORS..... Here is an update - $355 to go to meet my goal! God Bless you all! TBD: JayRubeo Cugalabanza Friends and Family: Bilby Anonymous hjguiles cdunkelbrg thuber Possum Ronco Family Robert A. (TBD?) Libby & Keith NEW Total: $645
  2. Babyrock married a Pats and Sox fan, but her kids wear fan gear from both teams. We have gone to a couple Yankees games with my son-in-law. They live in Connecticut and he grew up on Pats, Red Sox, and NY Giants. He is not a jerk about his teams and we just take friendly jabs at each other now and then.
  3. Still just a kid! LOL Have a great day, Joe!
  4. I dislike almost every cover of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah". I detest every version making it a Christian song. It was a song about love and sorrow, written by a Jewish Zen Buddhist monk.
  5. Sigh, the death of Hip-Hop!
  6. Thanks to my sponsors! Surprisingly, only two sponsors from TBD this year. Off The Wall is usually my biggest asset. I understand there are fundraisers every week in every town. If you don't sponsor me, pick one of them and "pay it forward". If you want to sponsor me, the clock is ticking! I appreciate all my sponsors support - the current total is $560! God Bless you all! JayRubeo Cugalabanza BilbyAnonymous hjguiles cdunkelbrg thuber Possum Ronco Family Total: $560
  7. I agree in some ways, but I LOVE the home opener tailgate that starts on Saturday. I booked my Saturday night room but have no tickets yet.
  8. Time to start planning for the 2018 draft? I do not understand Bills fans. I have low expectations in order to reduce the chance of permanent emotional damage, but I do TRY to be optimistic. I am not singling you out, but this is a good example of the mood around The Wall. I look forward to the home opener and seeing all my friends. . I cannot find another team I want to support so I will delay putting a paper bag on my head for now, instead of pissing on the parade
  9. People got on line and voted for their favorite attraction in New York. Boldt Castle on Heart Island in the Thousand Islands was #1 and Letchworth State Park was #2. I learned people have very poor taste in attractions.
  10. Robert Johnson inspired so many famous musicians and gets little recognition in the "main steam". I cannot limit myself to one best cover, so I will dig deep to pull up the obscure cover of The Band's "Chest Fever" by Government Mule just to bust some balls.
  11. Just a bump! Only FIFTEEN days until the walk. Thank you to those who have sponsored me!
  12. How is the fund raising going? I just added a bit to bump things up!
  13. You are the (soon to be completely bald) man!
  14. Two Bills Drive has not really picked up on this in 2017. To be fair there are a LOT of fund raisers out there. I have $410 and will make a few more pitches before May 7th. Only two sponsors from TBD. I need to pass the word better, I guess! Thank you! JayRubeo Bilby Anonymous Cugalabanza hjguiles cdunkelbrg thuber Total: $410
  15. I do not have a second or alternate favorite, but that is just me. I always watch the Bills, and keep an eye on other games, at other times and try to find one that actually looks like they know the game.
  16. It's not so much that the neighborhoods were a lot better then, it is more that there was safety in numbers. Back in the 60's, I would not walk some of those streets if it was not a game day. In Rochester, it is like the old Silver Stadium days. We would park a few blocks away for free and walk with other families to see a baseball game around sunset. We did not hang out there much after dark if there was no game. Those were the days of the Knot Hole season tickets for kids. On certain nights the kids were free with the pass, and general admission was a couple dollars for adults.
  17. That is why my father always parked in the Armory.
  18. Weekly Update: Only two sponsors from TBD. I need to pass the word better, I guess! Thank you! JayRubeo Bilby Anonymous Cugalabanza hjguiles cdunkelbrg Total: $360
  19. So far this is the list of MS Walk sponsors (things will pick up in Q4): JayRubeo Bilby Anonymous Cugalabanza Total: $210 Thank You!!
  20. Overall the Kirkland beer "family" only rates a 3.11 out of 5. I do not drink by volume, so I like a higher rated beer. Always looking for a deal, though. Thanks. The numbers are ABV, Avg Rating, # of ratings, Name Style ABV Avg Ratings Bros Kirkland Signature Amber Ale American Amber / Red Ale 5.70 3.2 190 - Kirkland Signature Belgian White Witbier 5.40 2.99 61 - Kirkland Signature Blonde Ale American Blonde Ale 4.30 3.06 13 - Kirkland Signature Brown Ale American Brown Ale 5.00 3.43 17 - Kirkland Signature Double Bock Beer Doppelbock 7.50 3.18 6 - Kirkland Signature German Style Lager Märzen / Oktoberfest 5.50 3.11 127 - Kirkland Signature Hefeweizen Hefeweizen 5.50 3.01 77 - Kirkland Signature India Pale Ale American IPA 6.50 3.1 172 - Kirkland Signature Pale Ale American Pale Ale (APA) 5.40 3.15 190 - Kirkland Signature Session IPA American IPA 4.90 3.51 2 - Summer Ale
  21. ... and non-beer people would be reading a beer thread because..... ?
  22. I just opened a S.M.A.S.H. (single malt and single hop) Pilot Batch Pale Ale from the Genesee Brew House.
  23. Big Bang Theory. I have seen most of them multiple times.
  24. My father, brother, and several aunts and uncles ere or were alcoholics. My brother has been sober since the later 70's and is a preacher. I had only three beers at last year's opening day tailgate at Hammers, but I brought my brother who does not drink with me, and I figured he should have one sober person to hang out with LOL. He had a great time because he does not judge. I used to have WAY too many at tailgates, but why spend a MINIMUM of $100 a ticket to go to the game, and sit there drunk and miss the game? I have a beer or glass of wine most nights. Like others, I have more during Bills games. Sometimes how many I have depends on if I am driving. I do no drive impaired!
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