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Everything posted by rockpile

  1. Yes, it sucked that Tyrod allowed the Chiefs to score a touchdown. Do you care the Bills won? What is wrong with you?
  2. Waiting until next year again!

  3. Nice to see a fan stop by who has something to say, not just light a flame!
  4. I was very disappointed watching the game last night. I knew this was not going to be an easy game to win on the road. It helps a little NOT to have any expectations. Seriously. Too many years of letting myself be hurt because the Bills are who they are. The Bills have exceeded my expectations, since I only expected them to show up for 16 games. Anything more than that is a bonus. What else can THEY expect from a five decade fan? That said, I will watch them for the whole season, and will be cheering for them.
  5. In Rochester, NY I can get the game on the radio, but not video. Does the cable NFL Network broadcast it locally? What pisses me off the most is that Rochester was IN the "local" broadcast area when they blacked out HOME games when tickets were not sold out. Now the NFL says only WIVB in Buffalo is in the local HOME games zone and it is televised. Rochester is no longer local. All about the money! Way to expand the Bills home team football fan base you A**holes!
  6. Doom and Gloom is always trendy for Bills fans.
  7. Frontier High late 60's - we had to swim nude.
  8. I hope we stay at the top in the win column. I do not care about someone's power ranking opinion. The lower the rank the better, and may our opponents have "bad days" every week.
  9. What can I say - a day to remember! Was there a football game? I will not try to thank everyone for the food and friendly greetings, for fear of missing somebody. It was a great time and the primary reason I do not miss opening day at Hammers. There was more food than I could eat! There were more people than I could spend much time with! Even my daughter had some of that fine raccoon and enjoyed meeting many of you for the for the first time, and seeing others she had met before! THANKS TO ALL WHO HELPED MAKE THIS THE BEST TAILGATE OF THE YEAR !!
  10. Good turnout for WNYTBDGPS today! Jay Rubeo Just Jack Taro T R. Rich Pinto "Ron" aussiew Rockpile See most of you tomorrow night!
  11. ONE general (hopefully close to prime) arriving 8:00 or earlier. Thanks!
  12. What time are people going to Hammer's? Will there be a reservation list for parking? Looking forward to our annual reunion!
  13. I vote "yes" if the trades were motivated by a desire to get better THIS year as well as to get more picks NEXT year. I refuse to accept the idea that they are intentionally throwing in the towel after one preseason game. So my vote is "conditional". I admit I was shocked when I first heard this news. I love Watkins but I still worry about his injury. I am now back in my insulated position of having no expectations for the season beyond I expect them to play 16 games. Being a fan with no expectations is like running my PC in safe mode. Not as much fun, but less chance of a heart attack.
  14. I will be sure to watch for your review! GO BILLS!
  15. Thanks for the detailed report! Reading through the "camp tweets" thread, I get all ADD from the hashtags and links.
  16. From a selfish fan perspective the seating kind of sucked. Too many people for the available seats and at east half of the good seats were reserved (taped off). To the bleachers! LOL
  17. Photo of me, my oldest daughter and two grandsons at camp last night. We had a great time compliments of two friends who sent me tickets! http://buffalobills.dpmsmobile.com/EventPhotos/buffalobills/LT70/2017_bills_training_camp/2017-07-27/D646C3.jpg
  18. How would you better describe it in one word? (b) Merriam Webster: a : a structure carrying a pathway or roadway over a depression or obstacle (such as a river) a bridge connecting the island to the mainland b : a time, place, or means of connection or transition building a bridge between the two cultures the bridge from war to peace c : Rockpile: in football, a method of filling a temporary gap between functional talented mediocrity to the leader of a winner the bridge from Tyrod Taylor to a Jim Kelly
  19. My wife works in an adult home and she says nothing is worse than a wrinkled and distorted tattoo on a former wild child. I have a snake tattoo on my upper arm that serves no purpose. LOL ...or you just can roll over and spell MOM or WOW.
  20. Great. I now have tickets (thanks to two friends) and it is POURING out.
  21. As it has been said, NE is two regular season games. Maybe they would keep us out of the AFC Championship game, but two losses should not keep us out of the playoffs. Like every other dynasty, NE "dynasty" will not last forever. Back to the topic, there are some interesting ideas, but I cannot say I have a good answer. Buffalo has to take the responsibility for becoming a winner by itself, not by putting the team somewhere that they do not have to play good teams.
  22. Didn't they (Jets) beat us twice last year?
  23. That is all that matters. If the Bills become winners, nothing else matters. Fans will have no reason to dissect him. dis·sect dəˈsekt,dīˈsekt/ verb analyze (something) in minute detail. synonyms: analyze, examine, study, scrutinize, pore over, investigate, go over with a fine-tooth comb
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