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Everything posted by rockpile

  1. This is a link to an interesting video and also an informative blog about MS. It goes in to available treatments, how it feels to have MS, how others see you or do not see your MS. It was part of the March MS Awareness program, but it is appropriate at any time. FYI: my most recent MRI's showed no progression in my MS lesions in my brain or spine, but now I have spinal stenosis in my neck (cervical spine). I can manage the occasional pain with Ibuprofen, so we will just keep monitoring it. I was diagnosed with MS when I was in my mid 40's and will be 65 this year, but I am still fighting. Many people have it worse than me, and I walk to help THEM! Janice Dean talks about her MS.
  2. UPDATE: As of today we have $390 from our sponsors. Thanks to all! Sponsors: JÂy RÛßeÒ Tom Benson Anonymous Jane G Bill Low-Bear Boyst62 Scoundrels: Jack If you choose to participate: Donations (tax deductible in 2018) can be made at my MS Society page: http://main.nationalmssociety.org/goto/FamilyRockpile On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/349924721875823/?ref=bookmarks When you get to the donation page, it has "suggested" amounts starting on the left at $35, but on the far right you can put in any amount. ANY amount is greatly appreciated and many $5 contributions add up to a LOT!
  3. That is very cool! That is about how much ice I had on the car this morning. It scraped off easily. It is still raining and could go to ices or sleet. This time last year I was turning over the garden and draining my pool cover, not to OPEN it, but to skim all the leaves and crap off the cover so it did not get into the pool. Preparation before opening a pool makes it ready to enjoy by Memorial Day weekend, even if just for barbecues.
  4. A donation to the MS Society, in someone else's name is also a donation to MY cause. So just sneak out the back, Jack!
  5. Thanks for sponsoring me, Jeff! I really appreciate your support for the cause to Find A Cure for MS! BTW: Word is that R. Rich, Lisa and team walked May 7th and raised $500! Hats off to you, my twin Brother and Sister!!
  6. By all means, share the link with anyone you want. Donations are routed to the MS society. By the time the walk is done, I will need over $1,200 to make the Top 100 Club! I generally have friends, my wife, a couple of my grown children, and several GRANDCHILDREN walking with us. We have been dong it for about 15 years now.
  7. We were kind of "snooty" about being Marvel comics fans, but to be fair, compare the "universe" Marvel created in the 60's and 70's and compare it to DC, and DC was pitiful. I did try to follow DC when Jack Kirby left Marvel, as did George Perez (New Teen Titans) and others. We even had our own chapter of the M.M.M.S. One of my favorites from DC is "Sandman" by Neil Gaiman. Many of the "Vertigo" comics, which leaned towards a more mature audience at the time were very satisfying reads. I was especially fond of the *writing* of Alan Moore, combined with the artwork of John Totleben. That was some scary stuff that started in the Swamp Thing and spun off into Constantine, Black Orchid, and other series. Too bad the Swamp Thing and Constantine movies were so bad! Bottom line, and I say this based on the failed experience I had, trying to run a mail order comics business, is that a comic book's value in dollars is only worth what a person is willing to pay you. Coins and stamps at least have some intrinsic value. You can spend coins and mail letters if nothing else. I am glad you have such a nice collection and envy your ability to keep them intact. I had dreamed mine would be worth a fortune one day, but I did not have "the right stuff". I used to have some Captain Canuck comic books.
  8. Still at $290 for donations, which I thank my sponsors for! IF you are so inclined, please follow the link and donate to a good cause! Thanks, Rock
  9. I assume everything is stored using archival sleeves, backing boards, etc. Did someone appraise your collection for the insurance company? I am just curious as to how and who put a dollar value on them. What type of comics do you collect, or is there a wide scope? I have everything from super hero to humor, to suspends and horror. I never got hooked on westerns, but I like an occasional Lone Ranger or Two Gun Kid. I liked DC's war comics, and Marvel's Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos. I even loved Nancy and Sluggo, Sad Sack, Little Hot Stuff, and more. What is hard for me to accept about "grading" comics, is the independent companies that put a number grade on your collectible of good, very good, mint, etc for a healthy fee. IF you look on e-Bay, as I am sure you have, the CGC graded books are sealed in a plastic frame, and cannot be opened without invalidating the grade/intrinsic value. They sell for five to twenty times more than the same book accurately graded by the seller. I LOVE the smell of newsprint comics! Unless I was solely an investor, I would not want my books sealed. I do store them with acid free backing boards and sleeves.
  10. A lot of the communities have "associations" and the home owners make the rules. I just want a normal neighborhood. I guess I can understand a retired couple not wanting an above ground pool outside their bedroom window, but I am not there. No one MAKES people live under these rules. No clothes lines. No above ground pools. No trash at curb until morning of collection. No swing sets. No bicycles left in yard. No cars in driveway overnight (some exceptions OK if temporary)
  11. My grandmother had a furnace with one large floor "grate". In the winter or on rainy days that is where she dried laundry. She also had a wringer washer. My collection was comic books. A one time I had probably 12,000 or more. I have harvested that down to less than 1,000 that I keep because I like them or possible investment. Starting in the late 80's and increasingly in the 90's, demand for comics decreased. Also, like sports cards, there were so many "commons" that you would e lucky if one in a hundred kept collector interest. For a couple years I traveled to comic book/card shows in Rochester and Buffalo, but once the best comics were "cherry picked" from my inventory, it was not a profitable task. I sold quite a few on e-Bay for a while too. I loved comics until they started costing too much, and publishers dealt so heavily on creating "fake" collectibles, instead of good comics with good stories. So I enjoyed the hobby, but did not "retire" on the profit from selling them as I once hoped! A few years back, I sold about 6,000 for a dime each to a comic book store. They had the means to sell them over time to collectors, and I cleaned house.
  12. I have been fighting my MS since 1994. I will keep bumping this until May 20th. For every dollar raised I am happy. Thanks! Donations (tax deductible in 2018) can be made at my MS Society page: http://main.nationalmssociety.org/goto/FamilyRockpile On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/349924721875823/?ref=bookmarks
  13. My son was bullied more than once.It was mostly little things but relentlessly annoying. The last time it happened, he was having his face pushed into a drinking fountain in the hall way. He finally had enough, grabbed the kid, and tossed him into a classroom door. The kid "spilled" into the classroom. The teacher looked at the kid on the floor and then at my son. He sent the bully to the office and told my son to go back to his class.
  14. I want a guy who is the captain of a team that can take it one more step than just GETTING there and actually WIN a Super Bowl. I have waiting for them to be league champions since the AFL in the 1965 season. Seriously, not even ONE NFL Championship after 52 Super Bowls?
  15. My Third Eye is getting tired. I will have to stop reading now.
  16. Being conned into standing on top of a cooler that was on the edge of a pickup truck tailgate before the sun came up, so I could hang the Two Bills Drive sign for a TBDAHOT.
  17. UPDATE: As of today we are up to $290. Thanks to all! Sponsors: JÂy RÛßeÒ Tom Benson Anonymous Jane G Bill Low-Bear Scoundrels: Jack If you choose to participate: Donations (tax deductible in 2018) can be made at my MS Society page: http://main.nationalmssociety.org/goto/FamilyRockpile On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/349924721875823/?ref=bookmarks
  18. There are 59 days left until the MS Walk in Canandaigua! Current Status: Goal: $1,000 Current Total: $225 (23%) Sponsors: JÂy RÛßeÒ Tom Benson Anonymous Jane G Scoundrels: Jack If you choose to participate: Donations (tax deductible in 2018) can be made at my MS Society page: http://main.nationalmssociety.org/goto/FamilyRockpile On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/349924721875823/?ref=bookmarks THANK YOU!
  19. MS Walk Canandaigua - Current Status: Goal: $1,000 Current Total: $175 (18%) Sponsors: JÂy RÛßeÒ Tom Benson Anonymous Scoundrels: Jack
  20. The Canandaigua MS Walk is May 20, but donations that sponsor me continue through June. Donations to the National MS Society are always accepted. My goal is $1,000 and I have $75 to start things off.
  21. We are walking again this year, but moving our site from Rochester on the Genessee River to Canandaigua Lake on May 20th. The walk will start at Sonnenberg Gardens. Donate at MS site: MS WALK 2018 - Help raise money to fight MS Donate on Facebook: Family Rocks! STILL ROCKING after all these years! It is time for my ANNUAL request for people to sponsor me when my team, Family Rocks! walk about 10K at the MS Walk in Canandaigua, NY. This year the walk is Sunday, May 20th. The walk starts at Sonnenberg Gardens Personal stuff: I was DIAGNOSED with relapsing-remitting Multiple Sclerosis in 1994. I know now that I had MS before then, because there were times when things were “not quite right”. I would tire easily, and walk with a slight limp. My vision would be blurry and I sometimes felt like I was seeing double if I did not concentrate on an image. The symptoms would come and go, and were not COMPLETELY stopping me from doing the things I wanted to do. But the official date I was tested for and a diagnosis confirmed for MS was June 1994. The nature of a relapsing-remitting disease is that it can “come and go”. This has become a real family event raising over $18,000 since 2003, thanks to the spirit of paying it forward by our many sponsors. No donation is too small (or too big!). The important thing is that whether you sponsor me or someone else in the fight against MS, Cancer, Lupus, The Red Cross and a myriad of worthy causes, do something. If you have no money, volunteer to help if you can. We all need to pull together and not wait for someone else to help us! We have been in both the Top 50 and Top 100 Club multiple times as a top contributor BASED ENTIRELY ON YOUR GENEROSITY. Donations (tax deductible in 2018) can be made at my MS Society page: http://main.nationalmssociety.org/goto/FamilyRockpile On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/349924721875823/?ref=bookmarks The National Multiple Sclerosis Society has excellent ratings as far as the percent of donations received, how they are used, and the percentage of “overhead” for salaries and facilities. Here are a few examples: The National Health Council Standards of Excellence Certification Program reports: " The Society mobilizes people and resources to drive research for a cure and to address the challenges of everyone affected by MS. To fulfill this mission, the Society funds cutting-edge research, drives change through advocacy, facilitates professional education, collaborates with MS organizations around the world, and provides programs and services designed to help people with MS and their families move their lives forward. In 2014 alone, through our comprehensive nationwide network of programs and services, the Society devoted $122.2 million to assist more than one million individuals to connect to the people, information and resources they needed. To move us closer to a world free of MS, the Society also invested $50.2 million to support more than 380 new and ongoing research projects around the world. The Society is dedicated to achieving a world free of MS."
  22. I always wondered if they drank the water that they bathed in from the water tower. (I know it was for the steam engine) Andy Griffith Show Big Bang Theory
  23. LDR Charpit on Lake Avenue in Charlotte has one of the best beef burgers in town, along with excellent onion rings. LDR Char Pit
  24. They close at 8:00 PM now. It became too much of a magnet for drunks and druggees and other pillars of society. I am not judging - I was there too! I just never wasted a plate by donating it back to Nick's. That is called "ambiance". Sounds good but it is not a Garbage Plate!
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