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    Rochester, NY

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  1. I kept waiting to see that too. I got the feeling that the Bills plan, especially in the second half, was to chug out first downs and keep the clock moving. Hey, after all these years, I will take the win 😄 but you make a good point. Glad my team is still alive and hope they can keep moving the sticks.
  2. The only "official" Bills jersey that I have is Kyle Williams - #95
  3. I grew up in Hamburg, and went to an AHL BISONS game vs the Hershey Bears in Buffalo about 1969. I moved to Rochester and went to Red Wing games, but no one else wants to go anymore, so I drifted away from the Americans and the Sabres. I mostly watch the Stanley Cup finals.
  4. Ah, the Booth Lustig move. Youngsters can google it. 😆
  5. I gave up on the Rochester Red Wings (AAA baseball) when they moved from Silver Stadium in the city to the new stadium downtown and for many other reasons I drifted. In the late 80's I lived 5 minutes from Silver Stadium. We got Knot Hole Club tickets and we went to many games with all four children. They were the farm team of the Baltimore Orioles and I was a fan of players, like Cal Ripken, Jr. You could park a couple city blocks from the field for free, and walk with families and baseball fans safely There would be an all star day annually where past Red Wings (some that were still active in MLB) that was discontinued. MLB has kind of given up on Rochester, IMO They needed a new stadium badly, but the old one was like The Rockpile - lots of sentiment. The new stadium was beautiful more expensive and parking was not free. The kids activities replaced attending many games. We go to games occasionally, but it is not like a football tailgate They became the farm team for the Minnesota Twins and today for the Washington Nationals, who I have no interest in. I basically am a diehard fan of the Buffalo Bills (since the Rockpile) and have liked the NY Yankees (since Maris and Mantle), but I only follow football and baseball. I wish I was interested in college and professional football basketball and hockey, but it is not the same excitement for me. Edit: I do love March Madness and the World Series.
  6. I went to the last preseason game this year (with two daughters and four grandchildren). Most people sat because it was a practice game and there were a LOT of kids. Some foolish people were *obsessed* with starting a "wave" in the second half, most likely out of boredom. * The wave is about as current as dialup internet AND * You do NOT do the wave when the Bills have the ball! I explained this to the grandchildren so they grow up informed.
  7. Bill Gray's Great Plate is not great.
  8. Nick's was often a trouble spot because after bars closed at 2AM, it was one of the few places OPEN for hungry partiers to eat and continue their party out back. With current hours of 11-7PM most days I feel saying you can avoid hospitals or stitches. Just drink lots of water after you finish your plate.
  9. Traditional Garbage Plate Society meeting starting at noon on Friday September 6th at Nick Tahou Hots in Rochester. Let's see if we can get a mob gathered! https://garbageplate.com/ Attending: Rockpile
  10. My daughter has tickets for tomorrow and did not realize she wanted to get parking near the stadium. There is no way we were getting Hammers early enough. Tickets for Lot 4 yesterday were $114 each. We have younger children that have would have a problem walking from the private lots on Southwestern and Big Tree to the stadium and the appreciating kids day activity! We also probably need to be able to leave early, when kids have had enough. This sucks. AT WHAT POINT IS THIS CONSIDERED SCALPING? !!! @##$%$#^&%%&
  11. One time when staying in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, we took a bus to Mislmaloya. From the beach there we rode horses up the trails of the Sierra Madre along a river where people still washed their clothes in a river. At the top was El Eden, before it was commercialized and there was a guy wearing a Bills shirt. Apparently it was swag that was unused after the Bills lost in a Super Bowl, and the shirts ended up in third world charities. The man did not speak English or even know who the Bills are. LOL
  12. YOU DID IT! The MS Walk was in Canandaigua on Sunday May 19th at Sonnenberg Gardens. We surpassed our goal of $1500 because of our many generous sponsors. I want to sincerely thank YOU for your kindness. The weather was great for a walk in the beautiful gardens, and we ventured down to the lake / pier to chill afterwards. Again, thank you! Rockpile: $ 1,525 Family Rocks Team: $ 100 Total 2024 $1625 Total Sponsors Since 2004: $ 29,596 Donors: IF I MISSED ANYONE, please let me know. Thank You: Lou P Karen R Donald D Julie L John N Marcie D Kevin N * TBD Margie Hart Patrick H GG * TBD AiO * TBD Tim F * TBD ? H J G Deb L Diane * TBD Todd * TBD Bob B Darlene M Trevor W Jay R * TBD Jack * TBD
  13. This is Gianna and me getting ready to do the MS walk several years ago. She is 9 years old now and will be with us at the MS Walk again!
  14. I have four children and eleven grandchildren, and we are all still very close. I look around me and see so many families in chaos and bitterness. You have to look for blessings in this life, and mine has always been family first. Thanks for the kind thoughts. Sorry for your loss. I have been down that road, too. Best friends are family. God Bless.
  15. Thank you to all for the kind thoughts and prayers. Also thanks to those who contributed to the GoFundMe. We used to get the family together and come to games, especially for the TBDAHOT (home opener if you did not know). LONG time ago two of my daughters were TBD raffle ticket girls (Baby Rock and Pebbles 😄). Old timers will remember. Luckily my youngest daughter has a lot of support from both sides of the family. I cannot tell you what it is like to get this kind of news. Since I am retired I am a primary taxi for school, daycare, and dance. Jamie was like a son to me, and my daughter is getting stronger every day. None of us knows where this new normal will lead, but it has a good foundation. There is a hole in that foundation will never be filled. So we look to the future and pray, What else can we do? Again, thank you and I pray you are blessed with a strong family that pulls together when sh*t happens. Rock
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