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Everything posted by jcbillsfan

  1. THe bears lost two key players have not won a game in over a month . The Bills lost thier best player on either side of the ball, and a guy who was a mvp candidate
  2. In addition what player had Buddy let go that was a key or cornerstone player. not one team in the league would keep Harnerter at his salary as a backup. Dallas faced with a similar situation cut there starting center from a year ago. Evans was not a number 2 reciever , he is broken and barely plays mathis and freeney at thier age are not coming to a rebuild. Maybe they talk avril into coming will see
  3. a couple of things Buddy is now I think 72 Buddy ramped up whaley's portfolio last year. Perhaps so whaley could evalute every aspect of the Bills front office could be that Buddy is going to me more of a consultant and whaley takes over full time duties as gm what do you think ?
  4. you are not wrong. I feel like this is the offseason they finally get all the pieces in place. I can not imagine tha Buddy goes into next season with kelsy and johnson on the roster at olb's.
  5. Ttyou are wrong . The theory you are following was presented by one writer and quickly denied by the team ,and never confirmed by another writer. either way it was a great move , save money and get a 4th round pick . not one team in the league would have kept handgartner at that salary to be a back up . In the end urbik filled in well at center, the levitre week was a mistake . He was traded for several reasons/ He didnt like to run slants , which as a Bill fan you see how many they run. Secondly he was blocking the development of other players. One was easly and it was unfortunite that he had an issue . The Parrish injury hurt . what stars have the bills let go under Buddy. The problem was lack of drafted talent under the dickie j group. Now if levitre, wood, johnson, bryd are allowed to walk in the next two years. THne you have a valid argument .
  6. if he does that he will not get paid, he is under the bills control for one more year. The best he can hope for is a 3 year extension with some major guarenteed cash . May 3 for 20 million 10 guarenteed. He really doesn't have any leverage. I hope the Bllls do right by him
  7. As long as Daruis and williams are on the team together it is going to very tempting to go 4/3. Not sure Buddy see it that way "football is for big people "
  8. the coach and buddy didn't want evans because he was viewed as soft. Nothing to do with money
  9. The Gronkoski stuff is getting old. Everyteam passed on him once ,some twice. There were major medical concerns with him. Besides it is like saying we should have draft joe montana early in round 3 . Steals happen
  10. lets see where to start, 1 lack of depth is becasue we chahged over a coaching staff, they need players to fit the offense and the defense they want to run the change from the crap dickie j ran to what Buddy is trying to run is night and day 2 Both offseasons have been tainted by labor problems. Niether had a real free agency period. 3 keeping in mind that they have to pay for wood, levitre, bryd,stevie,bell,chandler and do something with Fred, wasting money is not a good idea 4 If they were build to sell ticket in July and August then they would be trying to make a pr slash like they did with T.o , building through the draft is never sexy, winning is .
  11. Jeez , the entire Bills nation wanted whitner gone as poz wanted to play in a 4/3 , that said his replacement is not the problem It is very hard to get vets to come to a 4-12 to be backups Imo this looks like a very strong draft. It also is the best free agent class since Buddy took over. Lets see what happens
  12. If you look at the 2010 draft, and not picking out a few good picks, you will see it is overall a very weak draft . As for the Bills really hard to judge considering the 2 and 4th round picks have been injured. Not sure what carrington is , but spiller can play
  13. please stop with the lee evans stuff. he is broken down and barely plays
  14. If they lose out it will be interesting to see what Buddy does. imo Edwards get feed to the lions , chan get another swing at it. I also think Buddy will be more active in free agnecy if he sees a piece in a major problem area .
  15. If that is true then pull the plug on edwards right now . Give wannstadt two weeks to play around with the mess
  16. could be a low/high as 6th if cleveland helps out what a disaster
  17. It has been two drafts and two free agent periods that the Bills have been trying to convert to a 3/4 defense. As it stands now they still seem to be better off in a 4/3 set Dline Ends carrigton,edwards,kelsey tackles williams,darues,johnson,troupe These 7 players give then great flexabilty ,In reality they can run all kinds of fronts A heavy 3 man similar to the jets use with wiliams,darues and troupe a quick 4 man with carrington,williams,darues kelsey a traditional 3 man or a traditioanl 4 man front Buddy seems to be set on going 3/4 with spme different looks mixed in Chan seems to like a hybred , my guess at this point he would sign up for anything that works With Wannstadt on the staff it will be intresting if Buddy softens his stance Either way it comes down to linebackers. Which ever way they decide to go there will be no turning back after this offseason. If they continue 4/3 base they will have to bring in outside linebackers that fit the system . Another year with Kelsey and Johnson handling the outside ole Buddy's sippen whiskey bill will equal 1 percent of the national debt.
  18. couple of things Buddy has said he will never sign free agents, by the way he has sign guys every year. Not the over pirced marque guys byt nice addtions. That said if he is ever going to be a player this will be the year, I can not imagine how hard it is for him to watch his outside linebackers ,they might be the worst unit of all untis in the league.
  19. I agree with you . I will say this Fitz is chad with a better arm, and Chad was a fine qb. I think he holds the alltime completion % record, and his teams made the playoffs more often then not . Rge appears to be special and you know his workouts will be off the charts . It is hard to see him getting out of the top 5. With the new draft cap the team will take more chances on qb's . We saw it last year with 4 going in round one this year we might get 5 or more . Astro you really think Rge slips to 9 , I have to think if he falls past 5 team will trade up. I wouldn't discount cleveland takubg a qb either . I also wonder if Kirpatrick isn't on the mix for the bIlls . Chan usually gives clues and he has said you can either cover them or pressure them. Kirpatrick round 1 lindsay round 2 my two cents I dont think you can discount seattle, arizona or even the 49ers with a big move , moving up to take a qb
  20. there are a bunch but for me losing to the steelers second team with the playoffs on line tops the list
  21. agreed. suddenly meacham is showing up all over the boards .
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