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Everything posted by jcbillsfan

  1. Anyone against putting him in for Williams ?
  2. Best bet is after they lose back to back to Houston and the pats
  3. Btw could mckelvin play any worse then Williams. Time to put him in
  4. Chans love of thigpen is baffling . Why would buddy trade for him Me thinks the two are on different pages
  5. I am handing in my team fitz card. Seen enough. He is what he is. Inconsistent and weak armed . Give me 12 weeks of t jax. Then it's time for buddy to find a qb. Yes the run d was a joke but I have seen enough of fits to understand he has to many shortcomings to consistently win
  6. 1 qb have to keep looking 2 De I know it will not be a popular choice but put a real beast on the otherside of mario 3 wr 4 linebacker/s 5 safety , this one could move up , after bryd it gets very interesting , wilson is on the old side, searcy is unproven, and not much else and Bryd is a free agent 6 I would put tight end but it doesn't seem to be a important postion to what Chan is doing.
  7. considering the new qb coach inveted the wildcat at arkansas you would have to think smith is going to play . When he was playing last year he seemed to convert a bunch of third and short plays
  8. Not saying you are wrong , but I was listening to carl banks break it down before the jets game last season and he was saying it is a one read and pretty easy to defense, unless you hit some long throws. Perhaps he mispoke but it seems fitz makes the read at the line on a lot of those throws stats are 31-19 btw thats really all that matters as for gregg cossell , not sure how he knows how vince would handle chans offense having never run it, but it would seem to me that if you could simply things all the better. Medicore talents have put of very good numbers in this offense I wonder what a player with about average skills could do
  9. why would they have to redesign the offense for young. The qyuick hitter will work well, and with his big arm you should be able to hit some home runs .
  10. I am not going to get into his personal life. We all mature at are own pace. Maybe he has maybe he hasn't time will tell. As a football player he is perfect for chan's offense. Alot of the plays are one read and throw, use to set up some deep hits. I know this is going to be outladish to some but the next time Fitz has a three game losing streak Vince will be our starting qb. For the recored I am a fitz supporter I just think young has such a high upside that it is only a matter of time before he is the qb
  11. The fact that Fitz played with 4 cracked ribs and played poorly in spots and still Thigpen was not on the field pretty much sums up what chan thinks of him. Young is 31-19 as a started and has a lot of the tools you need to be an elite qb. I can not see how bringing him is as a back up is a bad thing. I think this also shows how the front ofice thinks. They couldn't improve the qb postion with their draft picks but since the draft ended they signed two udfa and now are bringing in young.
  12. I do not what happend with the eagles last year. Prior to that this is a player who is loaded with talent. He is the classic if the light ever goes on player. No harm in bringing him in and let him battle Thigpen for number two .
  13. I would be happy with Adams, Massie or glenn. I am not a martin guy that said if Buddy and his team thinks he is the best tackle left so be it.
  14. For the record I would give the second round pick to move up for the usc tackle barring any trades 1 barron s 2 t johnson cb 3 aj jenkins wr 4 k robingson olb 4 flemming cb 5 sowell ot 5 burris lb 6 andersob ot 7burifict mlb 7 graham wr lets go
  15. Maybe ANderson goes for a one year deal. WHy ? A lot of doors are closing. Plus playing on D line with williams,williams,and daruis he should have some infalted sack totals to put on the market next year.
  16. having spent many days fight the anti Nix crowd with you , I am hoping they hit a home run tonight
  17. Remember Scott did play somoe olb. He fits well on passing downs. Its all about matchups.
  18. Great point, People want to bury him as a head coach, I think he won the Afc east all three years . as for Pitt he did a good job, he lost a few key games that would have been the difference in making three bcs games instead of 1 plus College is mostly about recruiting and getting kids to go to Pittsburgh can't be that easy He is in charge now you will see a whole differnet appraoch.
  19. it will take at least 1,2,3 this year and a 1 next to get into the discussion . The question is would you do it ?
  20. It does seem buddy is not in love with any of the d ends, so I think you have to take Upshaw out of the mix. Chan pointed out a tackle was a need , and he has never been one to keep things close to the vest "we need a scat back ". I guess Rieff didn't fair well at the combine, short arms and not a ton of reps. So at this point it could be Martin, or a corner . Jenkins seems to be a fast riser. Pot use doen't really mean he a bad guy. Gil Brandt once said that you have to figure out is the player like most of the other kids in college and smokes a little pot or he is a guy with some bigger issues. Either way I think there is good depth in this draft but not sure we are going to get a multiple pro bowl player at 10 btw love the m jackson pick at 4 . I hope he stays in that range , thinking he might be a riser thanks for your work
  21. please type sloooower jackass,
  22. Buddy kind of called out the writer, I believe he said " I wish he would tell me what else we are going to do " Mr Wawrow, either way he kind of hung you out to dry . Do you feel a little used by your source ?
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