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DJasper Probincrux III

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Everything posted by DJasper Probincrux III

  1. I think if Pittsburgh, Cincy, Baltimore and San Diego all win we're toast.
  2. Cincy loses out, Pittsburgh wins out, We win out. Done. San Diego isn't running the table and they play KC the final week so one of them is automatically capped at 9 already. Obviously there are other more complex solutions but IMO the most likely path is what I just listed. The Ravens are basically irrelevant and any losses they accrue are gravy because 3 way ties help us. Bottom line? It's most helpful for Pittsburgh and Denver to win next week. San Francisco is also very helpful. If Pittsburgh (vs. KC) Cincinnati (vs. Denver), San Diego (@ SF) and Baltimore (@Houston), all win I think we are DOA but if at least 1 of them lose we are still alive. There's still a way to get in at 9-7 but it requires a lot of dark magic - ALL of these things would have to happen. Cleveland winning out, Baltimore losing out, Steelers losing out, San Diego losing out, Houston losing to Jacksonville, Dolphins losing to either Minnesota or NYJ. In that bizarre scenario, Cleveland would actually take out Baltimore and Pittsburgh then we'd take out Cleveland with the only head to head tie-breaker we own. Let's not do that one. In other odd tie-breaker news we'd like Green Bay and Detroit to win next week also. It helps us in "Strength of Victory" which we currently hold over Baltimore in a 3 way situation at 10-6.
  3. Once again, Carpenter has a strained groin. Kicking off puts him at greatest risk of injury.
  4. Yessir. Maybe we can be like The Replacements and have them sponsored by one of the Canadian Ballets? Seems to me that would solve several issues.
  5. This. The attitude started changing last year and I noted Manny Lawson at the time for bringing bad intentions on every play. Bradham is a bad, bad man and he's another guy who hits hard. He stood out a couple years ago as a rookie as the only guy on a pillow soft defense who would actually hit someone rather that hug and drag. It seems he's gotten himself sorted out personally this year and he's much more consistent. I seem to remember in the old dark ages of the NFL that a good way to nullify crossing routes was to obliterate the WRs. Denver likes to run a lot of crosses, many are shorter than 5 yards. You can legally decleat somebody running that route so long as you don't grab onto them and the ball isn't in the air yet. Send 83 and 88 flying a couple times and see if they're quite so enthusiastic about running that BS OPI pick play they run all day long.
  6. So 19 was a douche in college and was a douche in TB to the point that they gave him away for virtually nothing. It's completely inconceivable that 19 is the problem here.
  7. FWIW the Bills opponents average starting point (on all drives not just following KO returns) is the 25.69 yard line. That's good for 9th in the league. We're allowing 20 yards per kick return, that's 4th in the league. The kicks that are being returned are deep in the EZ and have good hang time that allow good coverage. I can count off the top of my head at least 5 times when a returner took a ball out and we got them inside their own 10.
  8. Carpenter has a groin issue. I don't want him kicking off. Even in Denver. CJ Spiller and his KO return for a TD. But there have only been 6 so those don't matter amirite?
  9. Really? The turncoat DC is getting in on it? Do us a favor. Call a safety blitz when Fred's in the game. He might find his head by Thursday.
  10. I'm conflicted. On one hand I'd like to help Darryl. On the other I've followed his wife on Twitter @J9Talley for a while and I remember an awful lot of posts about shopping at high end estate sales including pictures of the stuff she bought and entertaining antiquing mavens from the Orlando area at their home, etc. These two things seem to be pretty incongruent with each other but maybe she's good at keeping up appearances or it's part of her business. I have no idea. It's just giving me pause. If i hadn't seen what I've seen it'd be a no-brainer but tweets like this from this month make me wonder.
  11. And Evans is catching balls from Josh McCown and Mike Glennon - clearly the creme de la creme of QB talent. More catches, more TDs, more YPC, 13 fewer targets.
  12. I'd add into the mix that if we were going to trade up for someone, maybe it shoulda been Mike Evans.
  13. And we counter with https://vine.co/v/O5...A/embed/simple
  14. I'm pretty sure we know that already but you're unfortunately right that we'll likely be treated to more of that brand of Trent Edwardsian play before they try again to find a real QB. Not that i like Foles terribly either. His draft spot shouldnt be relevent, but it will be. It was the Bills' error to draft him there in the first place. It's not like he was a lock to be picked that early or some sort of value. It was viewed as a massive reach from day 1. If he were a 5th round pick there'd be no conversation here and we'd be moving on. Sadly we'll cling to that last ray of hope that Whaley didn't !@#$ up, it's what we do. I'm sure there are still people in buffalo that lament how JP Losman never got a fair shake and how if we'd only given Todd Collins more time he'd have been fine. I'm sure you can find some old guys in bars with epic mustaches who will swear up and down that Jim Kelly was a bum and if they'd only let Reich play the Bills would have won eleventy jillion Super Bowls (Dallas is still going down this time, Gary). I know that frustration and vitriol is welling up within you to defend #3 and shout from the mountaintop as loudly as you can how horribly wrong I am. We gave Aaron Maybin 32 games to prove himself (though he only played in 27), did we really need any more than the first 15 or 16 to know the truth? Wasn't the whole 2nd season of him all about the prayer that we hadn't screwed up rather than any sort of inkling that he wouldn't be terrible? The Jets pulled the plug on Geno Smith after 24 starts. Were they wrong or do we agree that he stinks? Didn't we agree that he stunk last year? We all saw it last year. We didn't need 8 more disasters to decide. How many more Manuel disasters do you need to see? Sure his meltdowns are less visually dramatic than Geno's but they're just as bad. When Geno melts down he turns the ball over. When EJ melts down he can't turn the ball over because the ball is in the 3rd row.
  15. Quick questions before I anwswer. In the grand scheme of a 1.4 billion dollar football team, how much more money would it have taken to win given a salary cap? How much more would the franchise be worth if it had been a consistent winner over that time? Yeah I'd be ok if RW's estate was 200M lighter and we had some hardware, A, because I think winning would have done the city's collective psyche more good than 200M filtered through a charity to the needs they see fit to fund and, B, because I'm pretty confident he'd have made up the difference along the way. FWIW, most charities aren't in the business of spending down their endowments. They invest them and spend the proceeds of those investments so RWs estate sort of gave 700M to Detroit and Buffalo but it's not like it's coming all at once, or likely even in big chunks. An annual outlay of 35-50M is much more likely, including overhead. If the estate has been 200M lighter (random numbers I grant) the commensurate annual reduction in charitable outlay (based on a 5% annual return) would have been about 10M/year. So, if you're asking me if a Super Bowl or two would be worth 10M less annually I'd go with yes.
  16. I think the biggest issues re: flooding are going to be from clogged drains in the streets and this won't have that problem. Theoretically the answer to your question is yes though. This is what it looks like in action. If all the snow melted all in one day that would be the equivalent of a 6" rainstorm. That's not good but it's not the end of the world. The issue it that during the process snow and ice will be covering and clogging an awful lot of the storm drains and the water will have nowhere to go except roads and basements. If it got into the drain it'd be OK for the most part.
  17. They brought a Snow Dragon in. I was a little surprised they had to get one from Pittsburgh, you'd think someone in Buffalo of all places would have one already. Huge snow melting device. Can melt 20 dumptruck loads an hour, one every 3 minutes. So basically as fast as you can load a dumptruck it can melt the snow. I'd guess the struggle will be working as fast as the machine can work to keep it running close to 100% efficiency I'd imagine they'd set that thing up outside and run the trucks to it rather than crank up 9 million BTUs on top of the plastic grass. Apparently the one they brought in is a smaller one. They make one for airport applications that can do 6 times as much snow per hour and cranks out 54,000,000 BTU. Terry, if you're reading this. There's a used 9M BTU one on Ebay right now for 210k. Seems worth it. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Snow-Dragon-Used-Snow-Melter-SND900-Low-Hours-Outstanding-Condition-/151145435630
  18. If it starts to flood thay can sign Alex Van Dyke
  19. There are plenty of old people who live alone and dont have family.
  20. Excellent. One of my students said today, out of the blue, "Ask me a question." My response? "What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?" Win.
  21. So it's purpose as a vessel to harbor and transport crabs has not changed.
  22. I got ambushed by a yeti when I was checking the perimeter. My buddy found me and stuffed me inside a tauntaun to keep me warm. I thought they smelled bad on the outside...then he farted into the tauntaun's mouth and held it shut. Worst dutch oven ever.
  23. Unfortunately I think we're going to be discovering bodies for awhile. In cars and in houses of people who couldn't get out or who CO'd themselves when their furnace flue got blocked and havent been missed yet.
  24. True, but remember it's Thanksgiving week. Detroit is playing at home on Thursday. Ford Field is open again next Sunday, as is Dallas.
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