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DJasper Probincrux III

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Everything posted by DJasper Probincrux III

  1. I have the venom. I want to beat Brady just because he's Brady. Beating the Patriots with anyone else will be less satisfying. There is NO better sight than Pouty Tom when he's taking an ass whipping. I'd rather win 2-0 while stomping Brady's guts out than win 45-42 with Brady throwing for 500 yards of smugness and 6 TDs. It will be interesting to see if there is a measurable difference or if will be in perception only. I've said many times that it's not about how MANY penalties you take, it's about WHEN they are called and for WHICH violations. The Pats get a similar number of penalties as other teams, they just don't seem to get the killer sketchy penalty that hurts them very often. It happens sometimes but not often.
  2. We have a 34 year old running back. 34. That's 2 years older than any other RB in the league. true. I'm not advocating for him to be signed but remember that he'd be coming in as a role player, not a featured back. LaDainian Tomlinson was pretty well done when he got to the Jets too but he was able to help them.
  3. All of the Patriots rings disagree with you. The Seahawks ring would disagree too but it can't hear you under the mountain of PEDs and Marshawn Lynch's entourage.
  4. He's not permanently disfigured or disabled in some way. Possibly aggravated assault, but it wasn't pre-meditated, he didn't use a weapon, and it's debatable as to whether or not the injury is "serious" as defined by the law. it's not life threatening in any way nor is it permanent/disabling. It did require surgery which makes it more serious than a shiner but it's not in the realm of major damage that required a lengthy hospitalization. If he's charged with aggravated assault it will probably get pled down to simple. There's also the question as to whether or not this was a fight that both people entered into willingly. If Geno came up on IK and initiated physical contact with him in really any way before the punch was thrown it would become petty disorderly conduct for both of them. Since that's what probably happened, and since charges haven't been filed yet, I'm going to guess that Geno is being advised to let it drop to avoid a disorderly conduct charge coming against himself.
  5. And that would come down before the season starts so he goes on the suspended/exempt list and doesn't take a roster spot until he comes back from the suspension which I highly doubt he gets. Just like Marcell Dareus...and Tom Brady...
  6. So, to be clear, if IK makes the play to win the Super Bowl Poloncarz won't give him a hug on the dais. Got it. I'm sure the career shill will pass on the photo op. And FWIW, the "as a season ticket holder" line pisses me off. I was a season ticket holder as a teenager. I don't recall the Bills asking me what my opinion was on keeping Scott Norwood or signing Reggie Rogers or anything else for that matter.
  7. Oh that makes his actions OK then, I'm sure he's a good dude. Based on IK's actions alone he qualifies for an Intermittent Explosive Disorder diagnosis. If he goes and gets one and does some therapy is all good and forgiven? Here's an abbreviated list of Marshall's issues http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2012-03-14/sports/chi-brandon-marshalls-rap-sheet-20120314_1_brandon-marshall-rasheedah-watley-press-charges
  8. I'll bet the league is less severe than you think. Lots of fights happen in camps and locker rooms. There are things that happen in camp and scrimmages that, if they happened in a game would be a huge issue. Since they happen at camp nothing happens. Does the league really want to start issuing suspensions and discipline for things like that? Very slippery slope. There were multiple fights followed by a full on fist swinging intent to maim brawl at the Texans/Redskins scrimmage last week. Suspensions? Kinda doubt it.
  9. So a man who owes you money, and has owed you money for some time, walks across a room in front of 88 of your testosterone filled teammates and starts putting his finger in your face and saying Lord knows what. The genteel response doesn't exactly work in that situation. Geno asked to get slugged in the mouth and he got it. When you call out the manhood of another man, in front of a lot of other men who make their living by physically imposing their will on other large testosterone filled men be prepared to defend yourself. We like to pretend we're civilized. We're not. The only reason the guy got cut was because Geno got hurt and the Jets FO couldn't let that go unanswered. If Geno gets a shiner IK is still a Jet, and a well respected Jet in the locker room, while Geno is the one in the principal's office. Deep down Bowles is pissed he had to cut this guy, I guarantee it.
  10. I'm loving the Jests attempt to claim moral high ground while at the same time talking positively about Brandon Marshall.
  11. I'm willing to explore that precise number, and then reduce our troublemaking talented player by one.
  12. So many bad ones to choose from really. Perry Tuttle, Booker Moore, Tony Hunter, JD Williams, Mike Williams, JP Losman, the pick they traded to Jax for Rob Johnson that became Fred Taylor and could have become any number for players for the Bills including Randy Moss... Randy Moss with Flutie in 2000, with that defense....arrrgh
  13. Cousineau got you Jim Kelly. Simply by virtue of that he can't be the worst. Given what we know about the FO now and that they lowballed Kelly too Cousineau probably wasn't wrong.
  14. This is what I picture in my mind...NSFW https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q36uaSlf0ck
  15. Point of order, getting punched in that scenario is not a sucker punch. A sucker punch is tapping a guy on the shoulder and dropping him when he turns around, not when the guy is already in your face. That's just a knockout.
  16. Geno said he parked to close to his car so he busted his jaw for him.
  17. You'd think something like that would inspire slow pitch bean ball if it were done in the typical beer league.
  18. either that or Matt Flynn is flat-out hot garbage.
  19. Baccari Teenage Riot The Meeks Shall Inherit the Earth Manuel Stimulation Beat Him With A Tyrod Don't Gragg on My Cockrell Robey One Out
  20. Rex N Effect Wu-Tang Clams Buffalo Bill's Torture Pit Def Star Wookiee of the Year No Suh for You What a Marrone Aaron Kromer's Beach Chairs
  21. Frankly we all should be because if he DOESN'T make a step forward and take the job we're not going anywhere this year with Cassell and Taylor.
  22. Not for nothing, but if the Bengals don't do something serious this year you might have a shot at getting Dalton next year.
  23. Underthrown long passes tend to lead to pass interference, particularly if the CB was beaten and is trying desperately to get into the play. Overthrown balls land out of bounds and/or nothing happens.
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