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DJasper Probincrux III

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Everything posted by DJasper Probincrux III

  1. What difference does it make if they fire him or not? So they fire him and install Wannstedt. Hooray. Make a list of the lower echelon coordinators and/or former HC failures who will come here cheaply because they're desperate for a chance.
  2. FWIW - I don't see any way that Rivers comes free. Norv Turner is going to get fired and I'd be hard pressed to see a new HC who wouldn't want to start out with Phillip Rivers at QB. Furthermore, and this is just my extremely unlearned opinion, I think Rivers has lost his fastball a bit. His delivery has always been that of a pusher which puts a lot more stress on the shoulder and elbow. I realize his motion was much more exaggered but I picture Bernie Kosar who at one time had a great arm then just hit a wall right around 30 and was tossing lead balloons around after that. It's been said 1,000 times and often ignored by the brass but a QB in Buffalo needs to have a plus arm and throw a tight spiral. It's also a little funny to hear people take down Flacco because he doesn't seem as good when he's not riding his defense and running game but giving a pass to Rivers for stinking up the world when he doesn't have a HoF running back, HoF tight end, and Pro Bowl wide receivers to work with anymore. It's a rare QB who can turn lemons into lemonade and none of those guys are available this year - or really any year. You get lucky with a draft pick - that's the only way.
  3. And in the span of 2 posts the conflict is apprent. One person tells me that they'll give him an exlcusive franchise tag which is the most expensive tag and the next tells me he won't be tagged at all. Fitz (30), Flacco (27), Sanchez (26), one of the rookies none of whom are RG3 or Luck, Alex Smith (28), maybe Tony Romo (32), possibly Phillip Rivers (30) but I seriously doubt it. That's about it for QBs you can have in 2013. If the Ravens weren't coached by another Harbaugh I'd say Alex Smith could happen there. If they stick to their guns with Flacco they could go Romo
  4. It's certainly posturing but I easily see this getting to a Franchise tag situation, if only to extend the deadline in Baltimore's eyes. Once it get's to that someone could really put Baltimore in a bind if they throw Flacco an offer sheet that they don't want to match. If Flacco gets to a tag SOMEBODY is going to throw him an offer sheet. I'd worry about the Jets and Cowboys (especially if Dallas flames out again with Romo). Here http://www.nfl.com/news/story/09000d5d8272422b/article/new-wrinkles-to-franchise-tag-salary-cap-happened-for-reason
  5. Yes it does - average of top 10 players at that position. Gives them the right to match but no compensation if they choose not to match. Franchise is average of the top 5 salaries - right to match, get 2 #1s if they choose not to, or they can trade the player's rights which has happened several times for less than the 2 #1 price. You can't use both tags in the same year but the Ravens don't have any other pending UFAs worth tagging.
  6. Joe Flacco is on the last year of his deal and an extension has not yet been signed with Baltimore. His agent has already been cited as saying that they are looking for top-tier QB money (think Brady money) http://nesn.com/2012/02/agent-thinks-joe-flacco-deserves-tom-brady-money/ Baltimore obviously disagrees or this deal would be done already. Flacco's play of late can't be helping matters either. Clearly Baltimore won't let him walk for nothing but it's likely he'll end up Franchise tagged at the end of the year which would put him on a 1 year deal at about 14.5 million. I don't see Flacco signing that deal and he'll hold out for more money and more years with a nice payday up front. Assuming that the Ravens don't win the Super Bowl, it's reasonable to think that Baltimore will continue to balk at that and will listen to trade offers. Here are Flacco's 3 year stats compared with Fitzpatrick Flacco 2010 - 62.6% 25TDs 10INT Rating 93.6 QBR 60.4 2011 - 57.6% 20TDs 12INT Rating 80.9 QBR 59.7 2012 - 59.2% 15TDs 8INT Rating 85.0 QBR 50.8 Fitzpatrick 2010 - 57.8% 23TDs 15INT Rating 81.8 QBR 48.4 2011 - 62.0% 24TDs 23INT Rating 79.1 QBR 50.5 2012 - 61.1% 20TDs 12INT Rating 85.1 QBR 47.2 According to the stats Flacco and Fitzpatrick are having very similar years this year. Flacco's past was much better and Fitzpatrick's was about the same. Flacco is 27 years old, Fitzpatrick is 30. Flacco has had 9 4th quarter comebacks and 14 game winning drives in his career, he's won 5 playoff games (understood that's a team stat), and played very well the last 2 playoff seasons and was a Lee Evans drop from the Super Bowl (on an excellent pass following a last minute drive) Fitzpatrick has 5 4th quarter comebacks and 7 game winning drives. Flacco's stats are not up to snuff with the Mannings and Brady's of the world - statistically he trails Tony Romo as well. Baltimore could easily part ways with him if he doesn't lower his asking price, which I don't think he will. Flacco has a history of acting on his own principles. He originally attended Pitt as a recruit of Walt Harris but trasnferred to 1-AA Delaware when he was stuck behind Tyler Palko. Apparently Matt Cavanagh made that call but he came with Wannstedt when Harris left so you could blame Wannstedt if you wish. He felt undervalued by Pitt and he left. I could see the same thing happening with Baltimore. Is Flacco worth the 2 #1s to sign outright? If not what IS he worth to you, both in trade and in dollars? I like the guy, I think he brings a lot of what we need to the table and is a much safer bet than ANY of the rookie QBs available this year.
  7. I would take McClain in a hot second. My guess is that Hoody would as well. A team with the dearth of talent at LB that we have simply cannot ignore players like that who come free.
  8. He was repeatedly acting like a douche on Twitter and basically taunting the Eagle fans who were none to appreciative.
  9. Between prison and church it's kind of a toss up as to where more involuntary deviant sexual intercourse is happening these days.
  10. In fairness to Reggie, I wouldn't want to see the Bills Defense naked either...
  11. 12 carries - 85 yards 6 catches - 48 yards We'd love him to be the workhorse but reality sets in when Tashard Choice takes a bunch of FredExs snaps.
  12. The Dolphins will run Mario's wrist will go limp Someone wake Wannstedt Dolphins plus 2 points Is stealing Vegas money Stone Cold Lock tonight
  13. Wilson has always seemed to have a knack for being around the ball and for making huge plays. This year he's been invisible. he's never been a strong tackler nor has he been terrific in coverage consistently. When he's on the field we're essentially fielding 2 Free Safeties because Wilson does not come down into the box to make plays in the run came, nor does he cover TEs overly well which are the SSs primary jobs. If he did either of those things well Bryan Scott would be redundant.
  14. I get what your saying. It's oversimplifying it somewhat to lay it all at the feet of inflation. Global supply and demand plays a role as well. The US is exporting roughly 3 times as much gasoline as it was in 2000 and the domestic price has gone up about 150% (it's only 3.40 here today). If the gas were being brought to market here like it was in 2000 the price would be much lower but it's more profitable to flip it to Latin America. Milk is tied cows which are tied to corn which is tied to oil. In 2000 we used less than 10% of the corn crop for ethanol, now it's 40%. That by necessity drives up the cost of livestock feed and thus livestock. Throw into that mix oil consumption being up globally, gasoline consumption up globally along with some funky weather and the 1 billion additional people that have been added to the population between 2000 and 2010 and you get what we have. Inflation certainly plays a role but I believe you're putting the US into too much of a vacuum. There are other forces that drive the cost of goods other than our monetary policy. Devaluing the currency isn't good policy for anyone and the country needs to stop stockpiling debt but going back to the gold or silver standard isn't going to happen and honestly each would come with its own set of issues if they did.
  15. I'm of two minds about this and I haven't reconciled my position yet. 1. We've managed to run the country for a very long time without required photo ID for voting. 2. It does seem a little crazy that we don't ask for it. That needs to include dollars that we spend by cutting taxes without cutting expenditures. Neither party is proposing anything remotely like fiscal responsibility.
  16. "The Dollar is down" is a relative statement and depends on which other currency you're speaking of. Your statement really applies to inflation. Well, the Dow closed at 8696 on November 6, 2008. yesterday it closed at 13175. That's 66% improvement. There has not been 66% of currency inflation in the last 4 years. The cumulative inflation rate over that period has been 7.5% As for the dollar 11/5/2008 Euro = $1.330 Yen = $0.010 (This exchange is typically shown in the other direction 1USD to 98.95JPY) Pound = $1.61 11/5/2012 Euro = $1.28 US dollar is up Yen = $0.012 US dollar is down (This exchange is typically shown in the other direction 1USD to 80.30JPY) Pound = $1.59 US dollar is up So the Dollar is up against 2 major currencies and down against a third. Not to enter an economics debate, but it could also be argued the a weaker dollar vs. the yen helps US domestic industry by making imports more expensive by comparison and encouraging foreign investments in the US. I'm just presenting the numbers, they are what they are.
  17. Well, in November of 2008 the banks had just imploded, Bush has just done TARP, the Dow was dropping like a stone and the economy had been in recession for almost a year and was accelerating downward. Today the Dow is back close to all-time highs, banks are no longer in danger, the economy is getting marginally better and unemployment is down somewhat. The auto industry is doing much better, construction is still crap and housing is still lagging. We increased our National Debt by over 30% during this process some of which helped, most of which didn't. The recession ended and the GDP is up a bit and worker productivity is up but hiring is slow. Nothing is growing in leaps and bounds but it also stopped falling off the planet and it showed some resiliency when the Eurozone shat all over itself this year. The country is by any measure doing better today than it was in November 2008, the question really is is it doing better in spite of the current administration or because of it.
  18. He's a 5yr senior already. Can't go back unless he gets a medical redshirt that he won't get.
  19. Tom Brady was a 2 year starter at Michigan and threw 20 TDs in his best year. Aaron Rodgers was also a 2 year starter and he topped out at 24 TDs. College TD totals aren't the end all and be all of a player. I'd be more concerned about the track record of Bobby Petrino QBs in the pros Brian Brohm threw 30 TDs as a senior...
  20. Ok, so here's my thought on what happens next. Maggie and Daryl go out for supplies for the baby which for some reason they haven't even attempted to gather in the past several months. They backtrack to the town near the farm going for the pharmacy they raided previously. They run into Merle, possibly Merle and others. Daryl refuses to follow Merle back to the town so Merle follows Daryl back to the prison. Merle goes back to the Gov, they send out a raiding party mayhem ensues. That's all I got for know, not sure where the Andrea/ Michonne thing is going though I suspect Michonne end up locked down/confined somewhere soon with the Gov lying to Andrea telling her she left playing on Andrea's abandonment issues and drawing her in further. I don't want to hear any "Spoiler" crap. I don't know what's happening anymore than anyone else. This show has been VERY different from the comic so even using that as a guide is only marginally helpful.
  21. Not with the anti-trust protections the NFL has.
  22. If they follow the comic you get your wish shortly.
  23. BS I love Monopoly. But only if I get to be the car, F that thimble thing. Who uses a thimble anymore anyway?
  24. I dont know about that but Congress should definitely revoke their anti-trust exemption.
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