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DJasper Probincrux III

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Everything posted by DJasper Probincrux III

  1. <p>Unamba, Drew Smith, Turnley, Cross, Sinkfield, Welch, Lindell, Dangerfield, Meeks, Smith (lb), Provo, LeGree,
  2. Goodwin had 17 offensive snaps and zero catches so what do we take from that? Rogers had a td on a nice slant. he was also on 10 st plays on a day where our coverage was excellent and iirc hecame close to blocking a punt. I'm not going to loom at film to break down plays but if iweremarrone with the issues aboutrogers I'd want to see how he does on a day has NOT getting targets. was he clearing out space? was he blocking? was he dogging it knowing he was not going to get the ball? A young randy moss would have dogged every play not designed for him. we need to see what Mr rogers will do when he's not the primary. given marrones pos comments he did well and did what he was asked to do with max effort.
  3. From what I've read you can bring in a piece of uncovered foam to use as a seat cushion, just not anything with a cover. So naked foam goes in the clear bag. Tops bag goes in the clear bag. Foam goes into tops bag to keep foam dry once inside. Hell you could even sit on the bag with the foam in it.
  4. Here's a better question, how does fitting your things into the NFL approved (sold) bag improve your safety? Unless they are going to empty each of the bags it's pointless.
  5. I worked in Camden for 4 years. Part of my job had me riding on a van picking up kids every AM and taking them home in the PM. Saw some really really interesting things in that time. I have to say, once the people in the neighborhood figured out we weren't cops and were working to help the kids they were very very nice to us in general - even some very nefarious characters. Until they made that connection though some places were very no bueno to be driving around in an unmarked van. My favorite story involved some "entrepreneurs" who had ownership of a corner right next to where we had to pick up a kid. The kid lived in the back of a quad house. He had no phone and we were not allowed to get out of the van to ring the bell because there were other kids on the van who would be unsupervised. We pull up to this house and blow the horn like we're supposed to and get a really dirty look form the guys who are not trying to draw attention to themselves. Day 2 same deal. Day 3 a VERY angry looking gentleman comes up to the van cursing at us and demanding to know why we're blowing the horn. The driver and I explain what we are doing and why we have to blow the horn. Guy says "OK, wait here, but don't blow the horn anymore." Every day for the next 8 weeks when the corner saw us coming one of them went around back and got the kid and walked him to the van. No horn required.
  6. I want to see all the Tuel I can.
  7. So we're asking to see more of Marrone's Tuel. Got it.
  8. It serves to remind you of why you need to get a job so you can afford a better car. RW still drives his Model A so this message is lost.
  9. Good to have a go-to guy in mind in case Sanborn gets hurt.
  10. It's raining it's pouring, Kolb's throws are boring. He walked to work and slipped with a jerk and didn't play ball that morning.
  11. We knew Kyle was coming off an injury and surgery before 2 days ago. I think the issue with MW is that this issue seems to be new, sudden, and extraordinarily well timed.
  12. Golic 5-11 Greenie 6-10 Ruocco 7-9 They hit on pretty much all the points I anticipated - including the New England love. Didn't play up Byrd as much as I expected. Yawn. Thanks - I got tired of being confused with a Red Sox fan. My other faves from that skit were Jackmerius Tacktheratrix and L'Carpetron Dookmarriot
  13. Maybe he was harvesting? Maybe he was on the Shooter McGavin Diet?
  14. Just make sure Mario gets the memo that real bullets start flying in September, not October. He was a bit tardy with the whole giving a damn thing last year.
  15. Mario's most troublesome toe over the last year and a half has been his camel toe.
  16. Only 1 coach has ever won any type of Championship with this franchise and he's not on the Wall of Fame and he won 2. What criteria are we using for eligibility? Even if you want to equate Marv's 4 AFC Championships to Lou's 2 AFL Championships that's fine, nobody else has won any. It's insane that he's not up there for twice delivering what we've been searching for ever since. The only reason he's not on is because of the Lou v. RW dynamic and that's sad. Whitewashing history is bad practice and it happens too often. Have the stones to tell the whole story. Like the NCAA vacating Paterno's wins after the Sandusky fiasco. That's the convenient solution because it allows people to shove the subject out of their minds rather than to actually have to have a thought and grapple with the dichotomy that many famous people are. We like everything neat and black or white, it's not that way, and we lessen ourselves in the future when we attempt to rewrite the events of the world to fit that model. Keeping it up forces people to be grown ups and to actually revisit this issue on occasion and have some introspection regarding their own feelings about a person they once admired.
  17. Leaving him up encourages discussion and debate and allows the situation to be used as a cautionary tale. Like it or not his was found not guilty of the worst charges brought against him. If we are bringing off-field issues into play for Wall eligibility Bruce Smith is a convicted felon (DUI x3) and a confirmed drug user. Thurman Thomas is an admitted alcoholic with drug possession charges post retirement, Cornelius Bennett is a registered sex offender in the State of Florida and while he's not on the Wall he probably will be. That's as much thought/research as I feel like putting into it I'm not equating the situations I'm suggesting that football honors remain football honors, particularly if the issues in question happened after the player retired. These guys stop playing with 30+ years left in their lives. Stupid things they do after that doesn't change the history they created when they were younger. OJ being convicted of robbery 25+ years after he played his last down as a Bill doesn't make his accomplishments as a RB less noteworthy. And, like it or not, the process found him not guilty of the other situation. I could make a list of other players on other walls who have been in jail for significant periods of time or on multiple occasions but I doubt it would change your mind.
  18. I always felt the Electric Company should go up as a group. Individually Bennett and McDole are the most obvious. Gilchrist and Saban need to be up and will be the year after RW no longer owns the team. That they aren't and that it took 20 years to put Polian up shows how small a man RW is.
  19. and yet another thread devolves into nonsense...
  20. That's really cool. Good to see the Bills be ahead of the game in something. It didn't mention it in the article but it will also provide hard data to compare 2 guys at the same position. If you have guys running the same sets of drills etc. you can compare the data to see who is reacting more quickly, who runs faster in a functional way, who is really working at practice and who is dogging it. Tons of potential uses here.
  21. This trial is going to put all previous athlete trials to shame. What a Charlie Foxtrot this has become already. God help the DA if they swing and miss with all of this. He's a politician who has won 1 contested election for his job as DA by roughly 1,700 votes. He has since run unopposed for DA 2 times. He lost a bid for US HoR last year in the primaries. Hard to think he wouldn't see this case as a chance to propel himself forward in Mass. politics. Name recognition alone is a huge factor in larger elections. See also Bob Casey of PA.
  22. It's amazing what happens when you see a guy who doesn't cheat to heal. Adrian Peterson tears 2 ligaments and runs for 2k yards less than a year later. Jake Ballard "only" tears an ACL and he's still lost his lateral quickness a year and a half later. One guy is quicker, faster and stronger than ever in a remarkably short rehab/strength training window while another guy is feeling the body's natural reaction to that injury and given twice as long to rehab still can't get the quick twitch back. I know surgical techniques have gotten much much better but if MLB has taught us anything it's that when someone does something superhuman it's probably BS. Peterson jacked up his knee and came back better than when he left...in 8 months. Nothing to see here...
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