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DJasper Probincrux III

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Everything posted by DJasper Probincrux III

  1. If you mean worst as in rip your heart out it's clearly Super Bowl 25. Bills Titans wild card game is second. I don't think I spoke for 3 days after that game. That was after I yelled so hard and long at my TV set that I pulled through stitches in my mouth (I had my wisdom teeth out the day before) That was a different debacle. You're thinking of Cleveland 8, Buffalo 0 in Cleveland. It was a nice sunny day for my debacle.
  2. Cleveland 6, Buffalo 3. I fell asleep. At the game. Unintentionally. Stone sober I might add.
  3. I drive past a MASSIVE Tyson facility in Maryland on my way to OBX. It's right near a MASSIVE Perdue plant as well. I think the materials (read, chickens) are largely grown in the Delmarva peninsula.
  4. Of course we don't really know if Sugar Packets and El Pegual are ALREADY going in as a pair. If they're doing that I say we're unstoppable. And really, why wouldn't they? They already have a business relationship with each other. They each get what they want in the end. It also explains why Sugar Packets kicked Congel to the curb at the point that he did. He didn't need his money anymore. This is risky business for El Pegual as well. If he gets into this and lets himself get beaten out by JBJ there's no way the ill-will doesn't spill over to the Sabres and his other interests. Having Sugar Packets in tow is a nice contingency plan.
  5. If anything, the way he was speaking about it makes me think he's going in large.
  6. Druckenmiller fits the profile of someone who prints money. He has contacts inside the league already with his involvement with the Steelers. Put it this way, if the Rooneys felt comfortable with him, I'm good with that.
  7. It's funny re-watching those old games. If they were played under the current rules the outcomes would have been SOOOO different.
  8. One more day to get those non-binding bids in Gentlemen. The trust could give us all a giant antacid and weed out the non-Billievers in round 1 but I think it's more likely that they keep them around as an effective boogeyman to drive up the price a bit.
  9. You can likely get Hoyer for much less than that very soon.
  10. This is a conversation? Comeback Game - period. I was there from 84-96 and that there isn't even a close second. 51-3 over the Raiders would be next but only because of what it meant. The whole second half of that game was a party. Old men wept with joy.
  11. They make other food at the Beach House?? :-) Their wings were good when I lived on the Island (left in 96) but you couldn't get them on Fridays because of the fish fry so I think those are the only 2 things I every really ate there. I try to go every time I'm back in town but my Friday flight up for the San Diego game this year will get in too late. plenz - how old a person are you? I lived on that end of the Island (North Lane off Baseline).
  12. Shotgun draw to 22 followed by some no huddle.
  13. 15-20 but with a really high YPA I anticipate 3 new starters on the O-Line to start the year and that assumes Glenn is back by then. If I had to guess, Chris Williams at LG, Hairston at RG and Kouandijo at RT. I like Cyril Richardson also but I wasn't ready to go with an all rookie right side. An interesting question is, in the unlikely event that Seantrel Henderson manages to not get kicked off the team and actually plays up to his ability, do we then consider kicking Glenn to LG.
  14. What part of successful life isn't an opt-in program?
  15. Fish Fry - The Beach House on Grand Island - East River Rd. very out of the way. Tiny place - great food. Breakfast - The Original Pancake House - NF Blvd in Tonawanda or Main St. in Williamsville. Get an Apple Pancake - thank me later. Dinner - Casa di Pizza Elmwood Ave. Calzone.
  16. It's free to circle the stadium with 500k booing people. Make them chopper his Aqua Net ass outta there.
  17. He could always buy the Snooze from Warren Buffett. It's got to be worth what, a buck? buck seventy five tops?
  18. Yes, they did and nobody believes that no matter how much we scream that we'd ever get an expansion franchise.
  19. So Keith Olbermann goes on a giant rant on this topic tonight - then has Darryl Strawberry on later in the show to shill his new book. smh.
  20. The concern I think comes from watching what happened to Cleveland and Houston and Baltimore before that. Fan support was irrelevant in each of those situations. The problem is that NOBODY believes that we'd ever be able to get a team back if we lost it.
  21. Then he was a dumbass for attaching himself to that group. Particularly after the backlash. I don't want to think about how ugly it will get if they are announced as the owners. Whether or not he intends to keep the team in WNY or not the fans will never ever trust him and in the short term it will likely be very, very bad. I've given this quite a lot of thought over these last several months and I have to say that if they win the bid I think I'm out regardless of what they say. I just won't believe them and I don't want to have that boogeyman in the closet every single day. The trust has the ability to end this charade once and for all next week when they select bidders for round 2. If they REALLY are trying to do right by us this will all end then and only legitimate Buffalo bidders will remain. I want to be able to go to opening day knowing who my new owner is and being able to celebrate that with my bretheren.
  22. I guess it depends on how much more cash he actually has on hand. Even so I'd still imagine he is the limiting factor and he has to own at least 33.4% of the team in a 3 person group. If the Rogers' were the controlling group they have more than 7B in assets. Not for nothing if JBJ suddenly shows up with way more in assets than he "should" I wouldn't be surprised to see the IRS knocking on his door.
  23. Having JBJ as the controlling partner takes the big money of others out of play for the bid. Who would have thought that the Clipper sale could end up HELPING us by pricing out the Toronto guys.
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