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DJasper Probincrux III

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Everything posted by DJasper Probincrux III

  1. And FWIW, the next set of CBA negotiations are going to be a mess
  2. So, how long is the NFL going to pretend that they are upset that their meal ticket is playing? All of this is going exactly the way they want it to. They want to be SEEN as being tough on crime but they actually want the players on the field. What better way to do that?
  3. She essentially accused a reporter of having an affair with her husband (GM of the Redskins) and using sexual favors in exchange for inside scoops. The Redskins tried to cover it up by saying it was a fake account, but the woman then admitted to doing it which outed the Redskins' bald faced lie. Unless she's right, then what does she have to lose? She cleans out the hubby in court, outs the other woman, and makes the Redskins look like idiots all in one fell swoop.
  4. Maybe he liked Chan better but he still didn't have a problem publicly agreeing with the substance of SJ13's comments after he tossed Gailey under the bus. For those who don't click, here's the gist. Stevie could have said it differently, but he's right, Coach is wrong to not let Fitz audible. http://www.wnypapers.com/news/article/current/2012/11/27/108768/buffalo-bills-fred-jackson-reacts-to-stevie-johnsons-controversial-comments-after-loss-to-colts Huge T.O. sized issues? No. Indications that perhaps Fred was a bit of a locker room lawyer when he wasn't getting his way? Yeah, little bit. Shout at me all you want, that kind of stuff grates on people when it happens over and over again. edited for weird posting error
  5. and part of management is the guy who reportedly just released him.
  6. Here another team captain from the same article on the same day. "That’s the nature of this business," (Eric) Wood said. "In every city, everybody is in a win-now approach. "With this reality show the NFL has been made into, it all goes on the quarterback. It’s not really fair." Wood went on to say that he supports Orton but still has Manuel's back. He added that he wasn't going to have a moment like former Cowboys receiver Terrell Owens had when he cried in a press conference and showed support for his quarterback Tony Romo. “You have to put that behind you," Wood said. "This stuff happens in this business. … You’ve really got to put your emotions aside on this, no matter what they may be.” Sound a little different?
  7. OK, here's one example. From the day they benched EJ last year. From a team captain on a radio show. Reported by Matthew Fairburn. “We can’t go into panic mode and try and change everything, revamp this and revamp that. We’ve still got 12 games left in the season," running back Fred Jackson said on "The Howard Simon Show" on WGR Monday morning. “I can’t sit here and say the blame is all EJ’s, because it’s not. “It’s not one of those things where I’m going to say bench EJ and put Kyle in and it’s magically going to be better. I don’t think benching him is the right answer. I think what it is we have to go in and re-evaluate everything we’re doing. I think we’ll find the answers that way.” I'm sure management was thrilled. and to set the record straight I didn't say Fred was a PIA, I said it was possible the he was a bigger PIA than we know or want to believe which is zero. He's as bulletproof a player that has been here in a long time among the fan base.
  8. So, which side of the hot crazy line does she fall upon?
  9. Stop your blasphemous talk. Criticism of the great Fred Jackson is to be met with excommunication! Fred Jackson is, was, and always will be the football equivalent of Bill Brasky. http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/braskys-buddies-at-the-bar/n11181
  10. OK. so we're going to debate the uselessness of Tim Graham now. Can we debate the negativity of Jerry Sullivan next?
  11. Criticizing a reporter whose sources have been sketchy in the past. But FTR all I brouught up was that "sources" can be almost anyone in the building. it doesn't mean they are well-placed or even particularly influential.
  12. There's also the slight possibility here that Fred is a slightly larger PIA behind closed doors than we realize/want to admit.
  13. Fred isn't signing anywhere until the Tuesday after Week 1.
  14. That they DON'T say who it is leads me to believe it's someone relatively far down the pecking order who would have legitimate fear of being fired
  15. reporting on a situation reported by Tim Graham. The most useless reporter of all time. The Pre-Rodak Rodak
  16. Aaron Kromer can't be that stupid can he? Wait...yes he can. And "the coaching staff" is pretty big and includes some people that honestly we wouldn't really care if they disagreed and honestly many of them wouldn't be consulted, but they still have relationships with everyone involved. I can't imagine Fred being mentioned too often in defensive circles though it's possible. This is the offensive, special teams, and strength/conditioning staff Greg Roman - Offensive Coordinator Danny Crossman - Special Teams Coordinator Aaron Kromer - Offensive Line Kurt Anderson - Assistant Offensive Line (Marrone holdover) Eric Ciano - Strength and Conditioning Michael Hamlin - Special Teams Quality Control David Lee - Quarterbacks Dan Liburd - Strength and Conditioning Assistant Hal Luther - Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach Anthony Lynn - Assistant Head Coach/Running Backs Jason Oszvart - Strength and Conditioning Assistant Chris Palmer - Senior Offensive Assistant Eric Smith - Special Teams Assistant Jason Vrable - Offensive Quality Control
  17. Keeping in mind people like secretaries, ball boys, marketing folks, and custodial staff hear and see things at work
  18. I agree, the leaks are an issue and have been for many years. The Bills as an organization do a very poor job of keeping things in house. I wonder how many staff people inside the building are hold-overs from Ralph and how many of them are the sources of all these leaks over time.
  19. OL- Kupper, Johnson, Richardson DL - Larsen, Fluellen, Carrington FB - Conner RB - Wood, Hill LB - Groves, Reddick QB - Cassel, Simms (PS) TE - Gray, O'Leary (PS) WR - Lewis (PS), Palmer, Thigpen CB - Brooks, Noel (PS) S - Meeks Roster Exemption - Dareus Goodwin goes to STIR the day after cuts and we add someone back
  20. Averaging 12 yards per attempt over three different games will do that.
  21. It's cute until you realize the toddler gets to go home and the baby gorilla is home. No matter how nice the zoo, animals like that don't belong in little boxes. And yes I realize the gorilla and its parents and probably its grandparents have always lived in zoos and thus don't, ostensibly, know the difference. It doesn't make it better.
  22. and then got butthurt when somebody hit the QB low, in a completely legal way? Yeah, him.
  23. Unless the player's name is Andrew Luck I agree
  24. Oh Crash, you do make speeches...
  25. I'm not thrilled but I don't see it as classless. Gives the guy a chance to catch on by doing it now rather than next week.
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