Not to continue the "Cold Shower" as you put it, but if you just stuck the money paid for those lottery tickets in a jar, you'd be amazed at how soon you would have enough money to take a really nice vacation, or buy that big screen tv that we all lust after...
I fully realize that we could lose this team after Ralph's death. But we can't be so afraid to let OBD know that "WE KNOW" that they really aren't trying to win... As Jerry Sullivan said in his article the other day, The Bills haven't been spending up to the cap for three years now... And unlike other teams that amortize the bonuses paid into the future, The Bills apply it to the cap all at once...
Also, it is estimated that NFL revenues are expected to nearly double in the next decade. And they couldn't have afforded to make Clabo an offer that he couldn't refuse? Like 7.5 million or even 8 if that's what it would have taken??? Or they could have made offers to three or four OT's like Doug Free for example... Offer all 4 of em big contracts, but only the first one that signs on the dotted line gets the big payday... then all the other offers are rescinded... There were other NFL caliber OT's out there but by seemingly putting all their effort into Clabo (as far as we know), I'd argue that Nix blew it and let himself get played...