I don't think a restructure was ever on the table either. 1. Gabe Davis needs to be the #3 WR. You cant be paying John Brown big bucks to sit on the bench. Davis is proof that you can find good young WRs even in the 4th rd. And Diggs, Beasley and Davis are a pretty good 3some to start with.
If I could only keep one I'd keep Feliciano but would very much like to keep both at least for another season. After that Morse's dead cap goes down significantly I believe. Feliciano is just so versatile.
Try living down in Texas where apparently icy roads have millions without power at the moment. Maye they need to buy some road salt! I haven't had any heart attacks in my 67 yrs living here.
and there's a "Golden Arches" wherever you go... not to mention hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, terrorist attacks in bigger cities, sharks in the oceans... just to name a few... Be careful what you wish for...
Where else would one rather be? Born here, raised here, lived here, will die here. Why go anywhere else? (unless you have to) I was a Bills fan from back in the Old Rockpile era... I've seen all the BAD football... It's nice to win for a change...
Whatever happens this weekend, the Bills have found themselves their Franchise Qb for the present and future. I see Stephen A. is picking the Ravens to win. I like this team as an underdog. I imagine Stephen A. would pick the Bills to be the underdog in these next 3 games... Guess we will see...