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Everything posted by Owf71

  1. I find nothing wrong with the player that put up our only points. Where was everyone elses TD balls tp give away?
  2. Honestly the pom poms definitely made a difference in the noise yesterday, instead of screaming and banging on the bleachers making the Ralph shake...people cheered and waived there pom poms in the air....Lame
  3. Quitting when the chips are down is a major lack of character! And you misread I'm not comparing him and Poz as players. They both wanted out of Buffalo. Why would we want any of them back? Schobel was a bright spot in a dark decade and he chose to leave his legacy in it.
  4. Haha good point, my source is the first post lol...any link???
  5. I'm just not cool with him loosing his mojo when times were tough, and now starts showing up again when we're winning. This is a team w/ character and that act showed he had none. If your girl dumped you when you were down on your luck, are you gonna take her back if you hit the lottery? Since Poz said he wanted to play for a contender should we let him back too now since we are and Jags are struggling
  6. I just remember hearing how Unliked he was in the locker room, very "keep to himself." I remember being at training camp and when the D was not doing anything Mitchell was screwing around with some of the guys spraying water on them. All the guys were laughing and seemed to be bonding except him. Aaron was just sitting off to the side. When Mitchell crept up on him and sprayed a little on him, he literally snapped and almost started swinging. The other guys were telling him to chill out etc. Now I love the guy he was a force at end, and I may be reading waaaaay to much into what I saw but let's face it, the guy no longer loved the game and wanted to retire. Now the rough times back then could def try even the strongest hearted guys but he kinda pulled a TIKI on us. Why even consider him coming back now that these guys got something going
  7. Watching from home it seemed when the skins had a positive play (few and far between) the fans were loud in there favor, may have been my spite for the location but def not the Ralph roar for our boys. Did you here much skins cheering?
  8. "with all do respect sir I'm glad your not on my team" -Marv Levy
  9. A for effort but SHOUT is timeless
  10. There is no place like home!
  11. Wish we got to sit in your section, we were 8 rows up in section 108 corner of the non tunnel end zone. Like I said we were with some friends who are giants season ticket holders. Them and there crew could not have been cooler we talked football and exchanged some mild (respectable) trash talk (my friends had a 12 year old with them so it was always clean from both sides) had a few Gmen fans who could not hold there liquor flipping us off and...well just say making oral motions to us when ever the giants scored....security gave them a polite warning. Then at the very end of e game, all of a sudden we were told we had to leave. Someone must have thought it would be funny and claimed we did some rediculas things. I just find it low class by those fans and unprofessional by the security every person within 5 rows of us were yelling support for us and telling security they were mistaken etc and it fell on def ears! For what we paid for the seats it was such a waist to have to deal with the embarrsiment and the drama. Like I said now I wish I did something to warrant it
  12. Haha I agree would be worth it...then again an afternoon of dealing with the ignorant fans they have would be a long one. You know I heard "wide LEFT" at least 4 times...can't even get the direction right
  13. It's official, now I have been to many away games to see our Bills play. For the longest time I felt the jets fans were the worst but after today I'm sold. Giants fans hands down the biggest group of lame babies! My bro and I were the only bills fans in our section and when buffalo took the lead we were cheering. Few mins go by and security comes over and warms us to be respectful and stated we needed to stay seated! A little while later we get told that some "concerned fans" text security saying we had threatened them..mind you we were at the game with some friends who were season ticket holders so we were on our best behavior out of respect for them. I spoke to security and told them nothing of the sort had occured and several people near us did the same. When buffalo tied it up as expected we were again told to "knock it off" again unprovoked someone in the stands kept texting security getting us in trouble. then with 1:20 on the clock security came up to us and told us we had to leave and escorted us out of the stands! I will never go back to Jersey to ever see another game we missed the end of the game and mam I so wish I did something to deserve it!!! Scumbags! It's nothing but The Ralph for me from now on!
  14. I have an epic Bills Man cave but kinda tech dumb how do I upload photos from my iPad??
  15. Haha didnt see him, but Jasper was really cool we left him alone cause it looked like he was with his mom and maybe his kids (dunno if he has any but there were a few little ones with him) As he walked out we all Wished him luck and he just gave a massive smile and thumbs up! Really pulling for the kid I love what I've read about his attitude hope he finds his way t the starting lineup over the next few years
  16. I saw him coming out of Duffs the night before the Pata game. The dude is a monster!!!
  17. The dolphins worked out JP this past week
  18. Why not more of the red white and blue stuff from the 9/11 tribute the partriotc stuff looked siiiiiiick!!
  19. Good idea of what the RALPH is gonna look like this Sunday after the game...... Who's with me
  20. Yes Lee Evans is good blah blah blah...can't wait to beat him in the Playoffs!!!!!
  21. Got it, thought it was a post Kelly debate then again Drew would have been in there...um I voted if that helps haha
  22. Let's face it if your debating arm strength Edwards should not even be mentioned. There is a reason TO's catch a game streak was ruined and a reason why the kid didn't even make the raiders squad. All of his deep balls are floaters may as well be a punts. You wanna talk arm strength and you leave out JP? didn't have much else but he could throw it deep and cut through the winds in Buffalo (see bills 21 Miami 0 12/17/06)....Go Bills
  23. Haha figured someone would like this zinger....cannot wait til Sunday!!!!!
  24. KCP&L (Kansas City Power & Light) are reportedly on high alert due to a massive case of "LIGHTS OUT" coming Sunday!!!
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