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Everything posted by Christy

  1. Why not bring back Brian Stahovich he looked ok in preseason
  2. Ryan Leaf has to be the one.
  3. Lienert sucked playing inside a dome and they think he would work outside in Buffalo weather. About as good as the Raiders did in the AFC Championship Game. I remember Beck playing for the fish in a game in Buffalo trying to throw a pass and his arm came thru but the ball didn't. Let's bring in Janormous Russell for a try out makes about as much sense than there two stiffs.
  4. The Mean Pettine Possy
  5. My son has punted two years in College, he is working this summer with a former NFL Kicker who also coaches punters, he told me that D-1 Colleges would rather have an average punter that can also kick off rather than a great punter who doesn't kick at all. So it seems that teams would rather have the kicker who does only field goals and extra points and leave the kick off duties to another player. The Bills had that last year for the first couple of games with the kid from Central Michigan, they cut him early in the season so something wasn't working or they felt they needed the roster slot for another position. I was surprised they cut Stahovich so soon in the preseason why not have him hang around to push Powell? Living in San Diego I saw Stahovich kick at SDSU and he was very good? Maybe they let him go early so he may have an opportunity to try out for another team?
  6. The two running back system worked pretty good with Kenneth Davis and Thurman Thomas back in the glory years, why not try bring that kind of magic back with CJ and Fred?
  7. I say change it from the Redskins to the Red Necks, I am white, but will not be offended by this name change
  8. He got me on the "plenty of time" line, guilty as charged, funny as hell
  9. 2013 Let's get ready to Fummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmble!
  10. Dean Spanos was quoted, that no decison has been made regarding Norv or AJ's future with the club beyond the end of the seasosn and he is the only one that would make the decision to make a change. Which reading between the lines means, they are dead men walking! They should bring back Marty, they have been awful ever since he left town.
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