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Everything posted by BaaadThingsMan

  1. Cousins is playing lights out lately and Reed is just unstoppable
  2. Everyone wants to know what's wrong with Aaron Rodgers well I'll tell u exactly what's wrong, her name is Olivia Munn That B word !@#$ed him all year and that !@#$ed me in fantasy Olivia may well be a great person and she's !@#$in hot as heck but before he started dating her he ate slept and breathed football, now he does all that to and with her All that being said the dude is still Aaron Rodgers so he could explode at any time and still had better stats than 25 other QBs in an "off" year
  3. A friend (girl, not gf) of mine was talking to an NFL RB one night and asked him what he went to college for and his response was...football. Naturally she asked yeah but what did u study in college and he said...football. Dude is dumb as a rock apparently but he can play.
  4. Hate to say this but it's true that Bills fans can also be ruthless. My buddy sits on the tunnel and when Wilkerson was being carted off vs the Jests he lit him up like a Christmas tree. Verbal only but geez the dude was going off with a serious injury. I'm not judging him or anyone and it's a free country, say what u want but an injury to any player should never be cause for celebration unless of course it's *marsha the cheater
  5. Can't have too much stupid in the room, heard that quote last night not sure who said it but yeah, makes sense
  6. Agreed, the refs missed the spear directly to Bernards jaw. As for Burfict...well that dude should be banned from the NFL. Not only is he an out of control douche bag most of the time he probably cost Marvin Lewis his job. Side note...Deion Sanders embarrassed himself defending the hit on Brown as unavoidable. Yeah, not quite bud.
  7. Ah, well he likes boobie thats for sure
  8. Fiance, ex fiancee, fiance, however u slice it their relationship seems toxic
  9. Any rental property in Cheektowaga?
  10. Dudes got his head up his (ex)fiances ass. They have a love to hate ya relationship from everything I've seen. Multiple baby mamas will tend to mess with a guys head Guarantee the tweet has absolutely nothing to do with football I like this kid alot but smart he is not He lived with Boobie this year in a rundown shack in Cheektowaga
  11. The Bills also led the league in passing TDs over 20 yards as well IIRC. So pound em with the run and beat em with the pass, that's a recipe for success IMO. Better D and a couple timely plays and this season is a different story Also, QB rushing yards DO count so yay #1
  12. !@#$ Jerry Sullivan
  13. Totally agree, I said the same thing. He's a great team guy and a hard worker just don't want him as the Bills backup,sorry bud.
  14. If they make the playoffs I'll root for them, it may come at the Bills expense this week I really have less and less faith in Rex as time goes on but anywho. I will never root against the Bills even if it did mean a better draft position, which was screwed with this week's win already.
  15. I agree completely with the OP. I just can't listen to more of Rex bull **** and hate how he stands up there every week antagonizing the opponent and then goes out and gets molly whopped. His defense is offensive.
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