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Everything posted by BaaadThingsMan

  1. Nobodys bigger than the team....Bruce Smith
  2. Google is in Santa Clara Ca
  3. Pegula has plenty of money but basically guaranteeing a guy $15 million to leave is pretty dumb. I think the organization will give them all one more year after this for the sake of continuity. If that doesn't get it done and turn knto playoff wins then I could see whole scale changes from whaley on down. The Ryans are on record as wanting to restore the Ryan name and Buddy is in poor health so timing is everything. Maybe ol Rexys pride will do some good for a change? IMO it would be a colossal mistake to fire Whaley and keep Rex. See NYJ for examples.
  4. I can't listen to him anymore already so heck no, it's unimaginable.
  5. Yeah its a long shot that he can play anymore or has something usable from his NE days but wth. Rex likes to stir Belicheat* grits though I don't think Belicheat* even bats an eye.
  6. !@#$ Roger, they don't need a new stadium until they need a new stadium and the owners of the nfl shouldn't be bullying them for one.
  7. Be provided required safety gear, such as gloves or a harness and lifeline for falls...Helmets and pads could be considered safety gear
  8. Lemme toss out a nutball idea for opinions: Bills should bring in Wes Welker for a tryout/preseason pass catcher. If he's still functionable then keep him and use him in the slot. If not they could pull a reverse Belicheat* and get him to give all the info he has on the NE offense, he hate's them now so he should be good to go. He could be a good veteran guy to school up the kids also.
  9. All the money in the world can't stop a bullet
  10. Hopefully you bring your clubs ☺
  11. Congrats man, travelling in your future?
  12. I really like Karlos and the spark he brought last year can't be denied but Jonathan Williams is the future behind Shady and after. I fear off field will be Karlos downfall, I hope i'm wrong because the mans got talent.
  13. Atleast Black was slimming
  14. Bon Jovi was a pantie dropper back in the 80s, made girls horny as heck for some reason. For that , I thank him. Otherwise, he's become somewhat of a douche nowadays and that Bills ownership bull **** was weak AF.
  15. Moron n Hack it and their no huddle bull **** haha
  16. I know thats the prevailing story, I just feel like there was more to it than that. All the events of that season and off season combined were pretty !@#$ed IMO
  17. The NFL isn't the only sport or reason why cte exists. RIP Dave Mirra ,pro bmx rider, was found to have CTE. I don't feel like CTE is an NFL problem but I do feel they should be part of the solution if one can be found. I wonder if Laila will submit RIP Muhammad Ali's body for testing?
  18. Wade got screwed by Ralph and Jerry, its my hope that IF this current regime doesn't get it right that Terry will bring back Wade and give him a chance at redemption. Also, Rob Johnson all the way!
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