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Everything posted by BaaadThingsMan

  1. Was he traded and I missed it? I think your premature bud.
  2. Reminds me of beach football at the pro bowl. Insurance companies won't cover this.
  3. I wonder if this cockiness comes from the NIL deals college players are allowed to sign now? Like Sanders flashing his watch when they win is just some cocky bull####. These players already have money before they come into the league so now they got their tails up strutting around thinking they deserve it. I'm not talking about all the ones making a few bucks, just the cocky *****.
  4. Adams whole family are Raiders fans. He's not leaving LV until he retires.
  5. I'd tell the kid to kick rocks. ***** outta here.
  6. Billsfan2313 must be an agent huh?
  7. It mighta been a little harsh. He's been great here and his story is still being written. Next season I'd look to upgrade if they can.
  8. I would say to them, sit down at the table and make your needs known. Don't start mouthing off if you haven't put the time into the solution.
  9. Where theres a will, theres a way. Both sides should sit down for serious talks and find a solution. Looking at the numbers it's obvious that serious leg injuries are happening more on turf than natural grass. So glad the Bills are going natural grass in the new field.
  10. Yes, but they do have a rule that you can't tackle a player that way Soccer is football
  11. So is Rugby but it's banned in that sport
  12. I think they should play on all grass fields personally. That's a separate issue but one that should be fixed asap. Doesn't mean they shouldn't look at other things to improve player safety. The hip drop is an unnecessary play imo.
  13. It's weak and there's no place in the game for it. If I were you I'd coach that out of your son now. How would you feel if someone did that to your son and he ended up with a broken leg? Still ok with you?
  14. That is not taught to little kids and if it is those coaches shouldnt be coaching. Dropping your weight onto the back of a players legs has no placecin the game. That picture is of his actual injury. He snapped his ankle on that play.
  15. There's nothing proper about putting all your weight on someone and collapsing on the back of their legs It's weak
  16. So they should just break the ball carriers ankle or leg instead?
  17. And that's good? With the great Pat Mahomes as his qb?
  18. Nonsense. He's not better than what the Bills have already and he's not riding in on a white horse to save the queefs.
  19. So he goes back to the place he sucked first
  20. Specifically the lower legs. You hit and wrap your arms around their lower legs. BTW you can hit someone from the side and drive through the tackle FYI
  21. In that case you go for the legs
  22. They are supposed to tackle the way they were taught as kids. Either lead with your shoulder and drive thru the man keeping your head up or hit and wrap your arms around their legs. Grabbing on and dropping your dead weight onto a runners legs isn't taught on any fields. The picture shows a version of the tackle. Look at the runners ankle snapping.
  23. Agreed. That should be priority one.
  24. Poyer is a liability nowadays
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