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Everything posted by BaaadThingsMan

  1. Determined and Focused Shady is pretty !@#$ing good man!
  2. I'm in NorCal. Fu k the 9ers.
  3. Didn't think he qould be ready this season after hearing about his injury. That and the fact that they retooled special teams means I don't think Easley will play again.
  4. Good news, they need to squeeze every ounce of production they can out of him. I get the feeling he'll be one and done as far as contracts in Buffalo. Hope i'm wrong and he stays healthy and has a long hugely productive career in Buffalo.
  5. I'm on record for agreeing that Rex is an idiot, his track record in games and with his mouth led me to that decision. The last few games have shown me something but i'm holding out for more. I'll always root for the Bills to be the best they can be and if that means they should fire rex after the season i'll be all in on that. If the team continues to show up ready to play and stays competitive each week that'll go a long way towards how I feel about things. 11-5 wouldn't hurt either 😎
  6. Hyde has been good
  7. Its almost like they knew what they had on the right side and didn't need to make any offseason moves to "shore" it up. Weird. Love Miller, guy is a stud.
  8. The clock management is getting better All the coaching decisions have gotten better for that matter
  9. but i heard this is the perfect scheme for super mario?
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