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Everything posted by BaaadThingsMan

  1. Lets hope they come out n lay it on em and someone !@#$s shermans stupid ass up
  2. I dont know what im watching?
  3. Are u !@#$in kidding me?
  4. He has sucked all !@#$in year
  5. Damn !@#$in Wilson is on fire tonight what the !@#$
  6. Gilmore needs to talk to that coach in the commercial
  7. I like bowls. Js, Bs, vaping. All of em.
  8. someone will go for the knockout if they get a chance, no doubt. Heads up Percy!
  9. If he's got his legs, Harvin will open up the field for the other guys if nothing else.
  10. TT, what the !@#$ with the stupid ass looks every time you get your picture taken. You end up lookin like a dumb ass mother !@#$er
  11. According to Deion Sanders the Zeke pick was a bust so that means Jurrah sucks Ask Jurrah, he'll tell you he's the GM. Idk but either way it was his decision to pick Zeke. You could see that one coming from a mile away but the experts kept trying to give the Boys a D player. Nah. Jurrah said heck no, gimme Zeke.
  12. Yeah, losing sucks.
  13. Get well bud. Retire to your ranch and enjoy the fruits of your labor while you still can! Thanks for everything!
  14. I guess my negativity stems from the body of work as a whole. Incredible talent followed by chronic and bizarre injury concerns, each one worse by comparison. If the guy is healthy and can help, great. I'll be on the wait and see side until then.
  15. Team chemistry is important, it's hard to say how the players welcomed Mr. Big Puff back in the locker room but on the field they looked good. If he continues to make plays like he is capable of, the chemistry, if compromised as you surmise, will improve. Winning helps too. The communications and *cheats schemes broke down the defense, not the performance of the front 7. They were mostly fantastic and Mr. Big Puff was as well.
  16. feels like a wrex move
  17. !@#$ reggie kardashian, cut his stipid ass. TD Mike is a stud abd needs the rock more. I'm not saying this because I picked him up to replace Shady, yes I am! I !@#$ing hate all things bahston sports related with a burning passion, !@#$ the *cheats, !@#$ the chowdaheads, !@#$ the celtics and !@#$ the red sux. Before anyone asks, yes, I had it checked. It's a !@#$ing disease and it's killing me slowly!
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