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Everything posted by BaaadThingsMan

  1. I think you answered your own question, to win more games. They didn't win enough to make the playoffs, maybe they could have with more passing when needed? And some !@#$in defense!
  2. i'm mostly of the opinion that TT is limited passing, I just want to know IF he can or will still develop that part of his game further or if he was limited by the playcalls?
  3. I cannot be sure of anything because I don't work for the Bills. Do you? History doesn't mean ****. The future is NOW!
  4. reasonable thought, thank you.
  5. something !@#$ed him up, he went from iceman to iced man quick
  6. do you have any of those answers? Because from the average fan it looks like he can't or doesn't see open receivers quite a bit. This has been commented on at all levels, by amateurs and "pros" alike. I like TT, i'd like to know if this is something that can develop or if they need to move on. At the end of the day I just want the best 11 on each phase to get out there and !@#$ people up!
  7. ever since Rex changed the color of his tattoo to Bills Red and Blue 6 Schmidt wasn't the same.
  8. thats what i'm trying to figure out also. If everyone else saw it, why didn't he? Or did he and was he just unwilling to throw the ball? As a fan watching it's the most frustrating part of his game, right up to the point he escapes the pocket and runs for 15 yards.
  9. say what u want about Donohoe, and he made his mistakes no doubt, but he had balls and swung for the fences. He knew they needed a QB and he brought in Drew Bledsoe, big name, big production..at first.
  10. i mean, the ink wasn't even dry on his signature yet
  11. was he being coached that way? I mean if u have a coach behind u screaming, get rid of it, throw it, hit that last step and let it go throughout every practice you would think it might stick in a game?
  12. Everyone says that Tyrod can't find or hit open receivers, on the all 22 even amateurs(like myself) have watched them run free all year. My question is this: If we can see it, the coaches and players surely must, so why weren't adjustments made in season to correct some of that? Also, TT holds the ball too long. Again, why wasn't this addressed during the season and emphasis put on quick strikes amd run after catch like the rest of the NFL?
  13. You can win with a top 15 qb and a decent D.
  14. Bring Henderson back here, !@#$ moron
  15. so now he's only gonna be an interim coach until they move into their new digs? Laughable that was Marvin Lewis D in Baltimore no? nah, its you
  16. he wouldn't be getting second interviews with the Rams and Chargers for that. One would satisfy.
  17. I was gonna suggest that. Since Brandon didn't get his big splash coach, where's it gonna come from? Big trade? Free Agency? He needs something to put butts in the seats, right? Matthew Stafford welcome to Buffalo!
  18. brandon tipped rex off that the pegs liked red wine and whaley preferred grape maddog in a paper bag, it worked
  19. Crennel is still coaching his defense in the playoffs with bad QB play all year making it harder on him. No love for any HC openings now or in the future?
  20. said Elway didn't want him to be the OC. I wasn't there i'm just relaying something i heard.
  21. he's got a bunch of reasons. McCoy already in Denver, Elway chased him off those guys liked the country club atmosphere
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