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Everything posted by BaaadThingsMan

  1. good thing you're not GM, you're obviously not qualified. Moving on
  2. Shady is not going anywhere
  3. i wonder if the media speculation, er, report swelled his head and when they said qb coach he bailed? It is nice in LA most of the year though.
  4. People make mistakes but THIS could be whats keeping teams away from Jim Bob IF they were to be interested its gonna be a little longer to let the stench of this incident wear off.... Cooter was arrested in 2006 for DUI, but he was arrested again for a more serious and bizarre offense in 2009. According to WVLT in Knoxville, Tenn., Cooter was charged with aggravated burglary after allegedly getting into bed with a woman after climbing into the window of her apartment and stripping down to his underwear. The woman called the police, who arrested Cooter, and he was released on a $10,000 bond the next day.
  5. sounds like a guy who works for himself not tv cameras or audiences
  6. couple outliers,subpar most games
  7. below average at best, pourous
  8. translation: let *marsha B word if she's not winning
  9. then he went to work with GB and Rodgers. Could he have learned something? I'm guessing yes!
  10. yeah...IF the reports are true. Again, more spitballing, no real inside info
  11. He must have the hook up at La Nova
  12. It was an amazing catch! He dropped the previous two though, both much more catchable, to reach that point. Rodgers, for all his greatness went back to the same guy three times in a row in a critical moment of the game! Lucky really.
  13. something exists that cannot be detected yet
  14. I wonder what Jim thinks, seriously. If he would risk the Kelly name on the kid coming here, i'd do it. Either way, if Kelly comes here it automatically brings the Kelly legacy into question.
  15. i suggested this too, Denver just did McCoy OC Musgrave QBC. Get some teachers of QBs in here besides David Lee, who, was supposed to be a guru several years back but i'm not sure his body of work would stand up.
  16. Whoever ends up in the superbowl its gonna be a great matchup. Every team left is deserving. I think all teams go through a learning curve, that said the Falcons have accelerated the curve. It's an accomplishment to have made the NFC Championship, some of those young guys are probably stoked af. Quinn and his staff will need to reign em in. Atleast Quinn has been there with Seattle so he has something to reference.
  17. he does piss alot, he complains about it in social media. He's got the same **** brady does, they can't detect it so far and might not ever. no doubt about it, baseball went hard after a few and let the rest slip through the cracks not everyone has the proper hookup and if you do you are probably pretty tight lipped about it. Don't ask, don't tell!
  18. ok. After they are eliminated u think they'll let him or does no mean no?
  19. i can't believe i thought it was gonna be different for him here, buddies memory etc. Got !@#$in curb stomped all !@#$in year, dudes a disaster.
  20. I wish they would interview AVP. He's working with Rodgers nowadays, it's got to be rubbing off right? Pack is hot, AVP should be a hot candidate
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