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Everything posted by BaaadThingsMan

  1. i was just gonna add that, considering the source i don't even need to waste my time reading it
  2. put a little franks and some parmesan on there
  3. Bill Murray...classic movie, love it! I watch it a couple times on this day every year.
  4. Seriously, no way that idiot couldn't tell his bag from shanahans.
  5. Hand the *cheats a mid first round pick? Sounds like a superbowl consolation prize.
  6. *marsha selling girlscout cookies with her "special drink"?
  7. gotta verify the whereabouts of the bag for those 25 mins when he wasn't answering his phone
  8. i want this to be true and this
  9. yeah right, *marshas a cheatin prick and he knows it. He even used to brag about it "i'm a beast in bad weather" because he knew he was going into the games with altered equipment. The whole *organization has a black cloud over it because of a spotty history and it makes it easier to expect foul play from them when **** like this happens. SF reporter, no way he could be associated with us. Wait till they find out his mama is a lifelong *cheats fan and he roomed with x player in college or something along those lines. Cheatin !@#$s can't be trusted!
  10. Hahahahah !@#$ you wrecks, get the !@#$ out and don't come back ya big kitty
  11. What the !@#$ Just add the *********** now, unless the Falcons win!! Go Falcons!!
  12. whats that u say? I can't hear you?
  13. works for the *cheats the nfl is looking into marijuana advocacy but its a slippery slope and won't happen quickly if at all
  14. this. The player doesn't much matter, it's the system. Analman, analhola, welker, just insert player and play on.
  15. Whaley has been neutored on most of his decisions, drafting Manuel, hiring Wrecks, drafting guys for Wrecks system. This year we see what he can do, fail and gtfo. Succeed and get the key to the city.
  16. I guess you kinda have to share the link, but you shoulda disabled it so as to atleast make it harder for people to provide the click bait. Myself personally, I won't click it since i've read it all before. Nothing Sully or Bucky says matters, period.
  17. Flutie was overrated, he sucked all game and would pull some BS out of his ass late.
  18. If the defense improves, I expect it will, and IF the offense can stay as productive there is no reason they couldn't win 10 games. A couple timely plays or defensive stops and this is a completely different conversation. TT is good enough until someone emerges, either Cardale or through the draft/free agency. The results hinge on so many things that still haven't happened yet so before I see what moves are made this offseason I can't committ to anything and neither should you. Without looking it up i'd be willing to bet the qb pay is commensurate with the amount of wins the team has, in most cases.
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