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Everything posted by BaaadThingsMan

  1. GTFO vinny, it's too late bud
  2. For a reasonable price i'd do it anyways
  3. !@#$ it, why not
  4. AJ Klein will be the mike...he is Keuchly lite but faster and a free agent who's ready to start. Lawson will beast at DE Kyle and Marcell can get 8-10 sacks apiece. I could see Marcell having a career year this year actually
  5. fans of other teams think tt is amazing and bills fans are crazy for not wanting him
  6. Hahah rod dick cmon now
  7. Peterpan with the hitters. Thanks for the reads. Almost makes me wonder if the Spygate scandal, having led to so many close SuperBowl victories is on par with MLBs steroid scandal? You can't convince me Selig and the owners didn't know something was up but they were just starting to put people back in the seats from the strike because "chicks dig the long ball" so they said !@#$ it and let it roll. If Goodell truly thought the scandal could be a death blow to the sport, i mean, the last several championships were won by *cheaters. Alot of people would have tuned it out after that. Very little evidence was ever seen, i wonder if Goodell has the good **** boxed up in a safe somewhere? Bring out the rest Goodell!!
  8. The NFL needs cyber security guys now to be able to tell if someone taps into communications. The fact that they don't and haven't needed it up to now isn't the *cheats fault. Ernie Adams and his band of misfits have added a cyber team since deflategate was discovered, they're in the new age of cheating already.
  9. why does this make so much sense?
  10. Bradys jersey isn't missing, the droner has it
  11. When someone breaks his leg. Never underestimate the power of jealousy. he doesn't know where they are moving to, he didn't read it i've never seen a guy lob a ball to a spot and have a receiver come down with it more than *marsha. His deep ball sucks, has since Moss. He threw some terrible balls in the superbowl but he had so damn many attempts he came through.
  12. !@#$ *marsha
  13. Brady can't make it to the end zone
  14. Matty Ice better get her goin right now
  15. Up the middle pressure lets Go
  16. Anothee analman quit job
  17. Oh, never mind Welp
  18. Hogan huge play there
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