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Everything posted by paintmyhouse

  1. You have nothing at all to contend my point other than it really is not a point. If you think that is a winner you must work at Burger King. Where exactly has he had success? This is just something new to sell to the fans. Did he help make Chad Henne better? Dude just bounces around college and a few insignificant stops in the NFL, he does not have an impressive resume, so I do not believe he makes Fitz any better. Also, I did not lie, you are just attempting to discredit me now, pretty sad considering you have no point at all. I admitted to misreading his resume, it looked like the dates read 2008-2010 at Ole Miss, so I did use those dates. To call that a lie is just throwing mud, makes you look really small once again, you are good at that. There is very little chance you do anything remotely important career wise.
  2. I admitted I was in error to make that point, and to use that as reinforcement, not sure what else you are looking for here, other ahn avoiding my main point, which, again, just so you know, is that Lee has bounced around a lot, and has not had a huge amount of success. Has he? So go ahead and poke at what isn't even a part of the main point now. You are not very good at this. It is a small person that avoids main arguements, I have already stated I misread his resume. You need to grow up.
  3. I didn't pull anything out om arse, I owned up to making a mistake in reading his resume, it looked like his timeline showed him when I peaked at his page. The team is above the date, when I glanced at it looked like the date was above the team. But people like you just focus on one thing and cannot see the big picture of a point that is made, it is a downfall of many unsuccessful people and not an admirable quality either. Success = 0 My main point stands, he has bounced around, mostly in college, there is little chance he changes anything for Fitzpatrick.
  4. I looked at his resume and on wiki the dates did not appear to match up. You are correct. Miami 20008-2010, then Ole Miss in 2011. Still, my original comment holds true, he has bouced around everywhere. He has mostly been in college. He does not have an impressive resume at all, to think this guy is going to change Fitzpatrick is absurd.
  5. It is a convenient excuse is all it is. Trying to sell you this was different, when his play is dead on for his career of who he is. A below average QB who cannot play well late in the season, his whole statisticalm history tells us this.
  6. Came in from Atlanta for that game and went to it with my dad and best friend. Was awesome to watch. This was a fluke game though, Brady throwing 4 INTs. Brady threw 4 INTs the last time the Bills beat the Patriots!!! Guess that is what it takes.
  7. True, very true.................... Like another time I took the bus home from Fredonia before Thanksgiving break in 1992, was going to meet friends at the UB north campus and party down before heading to mom's place for Thanksgiving the next day. My friend was going to pick me up from the bus station in downtown Buffalo. I knew he had been drinking, so I said I would just walk to the subway and his dorm was actually right next to drop off there. I actually had all my books and notes, and this was my writing intensive semester, I had papers I had spent months of research on, and I had everything on floppy disks and in notebooks. I actually had a huge bad of dirty clothes, was going to do laundry, I had a lot of stuff with me. Maybe I should have cabbed it? Anyway, on my walk over, there was no one around at all.........and I was almost at the subway stop, when a group of about 12 thugs who were likely between 16-18 noticed me. I began walking faster, then yelled hello officer......they stopped, realized I was just trying to trick them. THey crossed the side of the street and began calling me honkey, white bread, and other names, and then "SMACK".....I was punched in the face on both sides at the same time. I fell sideways and had punches and kicks given to me, and I was OK enough to start running after I had dropped all my stuff. My glasses broke off, I did not have contact lenses in that day, I was basically blind too. A couple chased me while getting in a few more punches and they all took off. I was not in the hospital all night, but was busted up pretty good. I got 0 credits that semester, incomplete in all my classes, they took all my research. It actually cost me 10,000 dollars in reality, an extra semester of college. I bet those punks are all dead or in jail.
  8. I have others. I was walking into 7 Eleven on North French Road in Amherst in 1992 after playing some hoops at UB, summertime, and a car drove up sideways and 3 guys got out of the car and proceeded all point guns at me. I was scared crapless, really a deer in headlights situation, no real place to go, they were not very far away from me, and they all began to shoot at me. I got hit 6 times. There was red all over me, it hurt like hell. I thought it was blood. They got back into the car and sped away and I fell to the ground, I wa in shock almost. Several people came over to me. I got hit with red paintballs. Man I wish I could find those ****ers and beat the crap out of them.
  9. Well, it all happened so fast, when I had opened the door the car was almost full. When I rolled the windod down the car was completely under water. As far as Java code, I really have not worked much with it at all. I used Oracle JDeveloper mostly. I do much more Oracle PL/SQL.
  10. I promise you, if he was really that good this is not what his resume would look like: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Lee_(football_coach) Dude has bounced around, mostly in college too. Do not overrate this guy. He just spent the last 3 seasons at Ole Miss. Jevan Snead at QB got worse every year David Lee was there.
  11. Dude I post real stats and your same sorry excuse is that they are one sided, so go ahead and give your little friend a hug. His "real" numbers are 10 years old, if you cannot see the game is different now then you really should not be talking about football, you are not qualified. I am not trolling. I give real numbers too. Fitz in November and Decemeber he has 39 TDs and 47 INTs, he has 57.9 completion percentage, he has 6.17 yards per attempt, he has 192 yards passing a game, that is is career, I went through the games. That is a 70.4 QB rating, I was wrong, he actually did make it 70. http://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/F/FitzRy00.htm He is a bad player, and Gailey does him no favors at all by passing as much as he does.
  12. I am sick of this cracked rib thing, if he was legitinately hurt that bad, there is no way he would have been cleared to play. This Bills had given him huge money, if there was a risk for him to play he would not have. It is shameful for Gailey to have played a guy who be that hurt. You are way over exaggerating the injury. You can also keep in mind that he has a weak arm and canno play at all in November and December, that is his history, not just last season. Best case for the playoffs is he gets hurt and Young plays.
  13. Wow, I have several things, that you can maybe call close to death experiences. This is like 2000, and I was living in Fort Lauderdale, and I was on my way from finishing work at around 5 and driving on 595 to a local university to go a Java programming stufy group before our exam later that week. It was crazy weather, it was a slow moving hurricane and everywhere was flooded. I got off one exit early, highway was at a standstill, thought I could find a cut through road. I ended driving through a manufacturing area and this road was completely flooded. Water was up to close to the over tire level. I decided to turn around in this parking area for this company. No cars around. I did not own a cell at the time. I ended up hydroplaining into what likely was a standing small pond of about 3 to 4 feet and my car began sliding down. I opened my door and water rushed into my car. I shut my door. Water was almost over my head iside the car. I was totally freaked out. My car was completely under water at this point. Luckily I cheaped out and got roll down windows. I owned this car for like 3 weeks. I rolled the window down, and swam out of the car and up to the parking lot which was up to my knees with water. About 10 minutes later a truck drove by luckily and they had a phone for me to use. I could have died that day.
  14. ANd he never won big at any of those places either. He won some, he had some good players. He had some good running backs too. I don't need to try, it is the truth. He is presently undervaluing the Bills running game, and it is a fact. You are hilarious, you are the one that needs to try harder. 10 years ago in the NFL is ancient times, the game has totally changed in the last 10 seasons, you just make yourself look like a fool trying to compare today to 10 years ago. Pretty sad effort really.
  15. I agree with your last sentence, Gailey is a huge problem for this team. He is very stubborn, and to be he has the stubborness of Jauron, even. He is in love with passing the ball, and for those that think he designed this offense to use Fitz's strengths, they are nuts. If he really did that it would be running the ball a lot more and not having Fitz throw as much, Fitz is proven to be unreliable and to be a turnover machine and a guy who starts slow and then has to force things in games. Rarely is he good in the first half of games.
  16. Why not just pick one game then??? Why not one quarter? Fitz, healthy, at his best, versus anyone.
  17. Let's be clear and honest here. Chan Gailey DID NOT build a system around Ryan Fitzpatrick. Chan Gailey has a system that Ryan Fitzpatrick happens to play in.
  18. Fitz did not get better last season. That is a complete lie. What games were you watching? 2011 was a repeat of 2010, good starts and dreadful finishes, just more of the same, dude has under a 70 QB rating for his career in November and December. He is not a very good starting NFL QB.
  19. Fitz is on year 8 and has not amounted to ****, I guess you and others just like more ****. I would not mind trying some new ****. I personally do not even care if they are better, because Fitzpatrick not only loses but he is not getting better. Bills would have been in a much better position with any of those guys right now.
  20. They could have taken Dalton, he was taken 1 pick right after them, you and others must really not pay attention. Bills could have been in the RGIII sweepstakes, and it would have been worth it too. Do you realize the combo of Grossman and Beck actually had more passing yards than Buffalo last year?!? Bills could have taken many guys the last 2 seasons that have not seen the field yet. You have noticed that QBs have been drafted the last 2 years, right? I know it is odd to actually have QBs drafted, but several have been the last 2 seasons. No one respects a loser.
  21. So what do we do? Umm, exactly what they did not do, they completely ignored drafting a QB the last 2 seasons, and it was completely stupid. What you do at this point is cut Fitzpatrick, he is a proven loser, you can never win with a guy like him at QB, not in today's NFL. You say there is 1 Brady, yes, there is, but there are plenty of Fitzpatricks out there, just look at Kitna, Orton, Shaun Hill, they all are basically the same, except Fitzpatrick loses EVEN MORE! What you do is try and at least find your Brady, play someone else. Every other team moved on from guys like Fitzpatrick but the Bills for some stupid reason believe they can win with him. Best thing for the Bills that can happen is for Fitzpatrick to just quit right now.
  22. Fitz did not out gunsling Brady, the Patriots were just plain stupid and showed no respect at all for Buffalo. Why they were passing the ball after the 21-0 lead they gained on the strenght of 2 Fitzpatrick early INTs is beyond me. Brady had 4 INTs, 3 were tipped balls, that just does not happen to Brady. Considering Brady threw only 8 INTs in the other 15 games, it is safe to say it was an abomination. Maybe the worst coaching job of Belichek's career too. I was at the game too, and it was a blast beating the Patriots, but Fitz did not out gunsling anyone. Not to mention the Pass Interference call on Nelson in the end zone may have been the worst call I have ever seen.
  23. Those who bring up Dilfer are silly, dude is a less than .500 QB for his career if you take out that ONE FREAKING SEASON WITH THE RAVENS, AND HE NEVER PLAYED FOR THEM AGAIN BECAUSE THEY KNEW TO COMPETE FOR THE SUPER BOWL AGAIN THEY NEEDED A BETTER QB!!!!! People who bring up Dilfer lose their own arguement since he never played for them again. Vick was not replaced by Ryan, nice try though, so the wins theory is actually a winner. Besides the fact that RYAN IS A GOOD QB!!! WInning QBs are usually decent QBs with decent stats, that is the case most all of the time.
  24. Biggest lie is they actually think they can win with Fitzpatrick, they actually know they cannot.
  25. Not to mention Vick wins, he is 52-37-1 as a starter and Fitz is 17-31-1, this is not a close debate. Saying Fitz is better for this team is silly too. It can almost be said Gailey's best job with a QB was with Kordell Stewert, and he won, Vick would benefit this team in a massive way if he were here. Fitz is a proven loser when it comes to playing football in the NFL.
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