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Everything posted by paintmyhouse

  1. Didn't realize that have him back.
  2. Seachickens have Matt Flynn, Russell Wilson, Tarvaris Jackson, and CHarlie Whitehurst. One or two might be gone or attempted to be traded. There is less than a 0 percent chance the Broncos cut Osweiler, not sure why he is listed there, and no chance the Deadskins cut Cousins. Richard Bartel would be insteresting to me.
  3. Don't get crazy expectations about defensive scoring, can't do much better than they did last year. 2nd most defensive points, the defense had 6 TDs, that was 2nd, they also had a safety, and the Bills had 1 PR for a TD, so 7 total TDs.
  4. When your offense is bottom of the barrel in converting 3rd downs and in going 3 and out, the defense is bound to be on the field longer. They likely will still be middle of the pack. Does not matter the Bills offense had lots of yards.
  5. His play on field looks like he watches that crap. He should watch a little Peyton Manning and Tom Brady.
  6. Love Fred Jackson, hard worker, really good player, productive, what is not to like. He is not a top 5 player, never has been, hard to say he will be. Just hope brings us wins!!!
  7. You really don't know sports then. It is widely considered that if a good team wins a tight game it is because they just find a way to win during a lackluster effort. If a bad team just finds a way to win, it is an upset, or a fluke, especially considering the most successful QB in the NFL since he became starter threw 4 INTs (for the just 5th time ever and his team lost all those games) and the true bad pass interference call. Bad teams usually don't get those. This was a fluke.
  8. Fitz had about a 58 rating in those two games, had 2 TDs and 5 INTs, you will beat no one when you have a bad QB and he plays even worse then he already is. Fitz was the reason we lost both those games.
  9. It is not good at all to have females involved in men's sports. The first time a guy is out of line he will be accused of far worse things then he already did. i mean, seriously, there are guys out there, likely good guys, some not, in the heat of the battle of the game, verbally abuse or touch a ref, perhaps in some cases try to intimidate. Might be poor sportsmanship in some cases, some they are just way pissed about a bad call. Thing is, if that happens, and it is a woman, our stupid media would then be all over those guys calling them misogynistic and such, maybe even questioning if they beat their wives or girlfriends. You all know that would happen. Just leave them out.
  10. It is crazy how little respect you give to a team who has had so much success. As already pointed out, they have drafted several OLINE the past two seasons, 2 of them will be 8 year starters BTW. I hope they fail, but to not consider the history and fact they do have some OLINE in recent drafts is delusional fandom.
  11. I bet the guys are out there commenting on how old a guy is as a ref, saying hey old man. They might say something like hey woman and get called out. I think this is stupid that a woman can be a ref in pro football, and should not be allowed. Old men should not be allowed too. Look at freaking hockey refs, out there, skating around, in good shape, it is shameful the refs the NFL puts out there.
  12. Patriots will be favored by over 10 points in 10 of their games. This is just silly, they have a legit chance to be 16-0. They are more likely to go 16-0 then to go 8-8.
  13. They really needed Fitz to bounce back in those games IMO, but in reality it made almost no sense to play him. He was even worse terrible in those 3 games too. I think they were thinking the fans would rather see him play the two home games and they were not selling tickets, there is significant hatred of the Bills 2nd string QB, and even less people come to see Thigpen play the Phins and Broncos. That is my guess. Then, in the Patriots game, it was just to see if the Bills with Fitz could try and sweep the Patriots and sell hope for the next season once again. I think it is also proven fans are not willing to spend money to see Fitzpatrick play at the stadium, just another reason to really just cut him.
  14. Giants were 1-3 in regular season against teams with a winning record. Patriots were 0-2. Know who Giants beat in the regular season? You guys can gang up all you want. Only 12 teams won more than they lost, 7 teams were 8-8, that makes 8-8 teams be top 15 teams then. The AFC East sucked, hence no games versus those teams. On the other hand, Ravens were 6-1 against teams with winning records, Steelers were 4-4. This thread was about why are the Patriots still viewed as the #1 team in the AFC by everyone. It is because the PAtriots beat a lot of good teams, and they still have a good team, and they also improved their defense, and they won 13 last year and 2nd place was 8!!!!
  15. Could have been is not an excuse in describing how the Patriots won games last year. If you think that you have real trouble understanding regular things then. You keep saying they beat no one with a winning record, but the reason they beat no one with a winning record, IS BECAUSE THEY FREAKING BEAT THEM!!!! Wow, you really are not good at this, this thing called logic.
  16. Wow, you make less and less sense every time you type something. You keep saying they beat bad teams to try and make them look worse to somehow make the Bills appear stronger, and you are failing on all levels. THere were 6 teams that could have been 9-7 had they beat the Patriots, which is, I guess, a winning record. A 9-7 team won the freaking Super Bowl the last two seasons. You cannot say the Patriots just be a lot of average teams and cannot beat anyone good, that makes no sense at all, I listed all those teams a few posts ago.
  17. I am not trashing the Bills here. I am trashig them because I am making sense as to why the Patriots are the clear favorite? That is not trashing the Bills. The Bills have not been in the playoffs in like 12 years. They have sucked. patriots have not sucked, that is what this guy's thread was about. Bills have a terrible QB, a terrible coach, and a terrible owner, and they play in a division where the Patriots have an incredible owner, incredible coach, and incredible QB, I really do not see the Bills doing well with this going for them. The defense should be a lot better. I am excited to see what the DLINE can do, it can be really, really good. They have good RBs who need to get the ball a lot more. The OLINE is better than average IMO. WR is below average, but not terrible. TE is below average. The Bills are looking at about 7 wins. I am still spending my money on them, flying up there for the home opener and getting Sunday Ticket.
  18. Is that what you really got out of that? Pretty sad. Patriots beat a lot of decent teams. 5 games they won and beat teams, that if they had won over the Patriots, would have won their divisions and 4 of them had winning records then. You are calling this should have, would have, it is factual. The Patriots high number of wins caused this to happen. you calling the Patriots lucky is hilarious, considering the Bills were way lucky Brady threw half of his season INTs in one game versus Buffalo and had the worst pass interference call in history for them and still barely won. THey beat a division champ who won a playoff game. They are still the team to beat, they have proven it again last year. The Bills had 6 wins last year and in 3 of them they had 4 INTs. Just shows how bad the Bills were they need the other team to make tons of mistakes to win.
  19. I guess the fact the Patriots win all the time has nothing to do with why teams they play end up having losing records then. Duh. I mean, if Miami and New York Jets did not lose twice to Miami they would not have had losing records, and Jets would have had a winning record. They beat San Diego who was 8-8 and if Chargers win they they have a winning record and they win their freaking division. They beat the Raiders, who were 8-8 and if Raiders beat Patriots they have a winning record and they win their freaking division. Chiefs were 7-9, they beat Patriots they do not have a losing record and they win their freaking division. Eagles were 8-8, they beat the Patriots they have a winning record and they win their freaking division. They beat Denver, who was 8-8 and won a division, same thing for them, they beat New England and they have a winning record. Cowboys were 8-8, they beat New England and they have a winning record and trhey win their freaking division. That is 10 of their wins right there. Just more logic and commen sense I like to share with poeple. As you can see you absolutely failed on your point. Patriots were a good team that held a lot of middle tier decent teams from success....know how???? BY WINNING!!!!
  20. Everyone is the pusher. I did not bring up Fitz's name once in like 5 or 6 posts until this right now. Me calling the Bills win a fluke is Fitz rhetoric? I was in Buffalo this weekend! Thursday to Sunday! Family visit. Whatever the Bills did worked, but that doesn't change it was still a fluke win. If it worked so well, why didn't it continue to work the next time? Miami lost by 3 to the Patriots and the Giants........AND they beat the Bills twice. Guess Miami could be considered for first place this year too.
  21. Not true at all. What is the same? Describe please, you are making false accusations.
  22. The defense put the offense back in the game and in great position that game. The Pats defense does suck, but it is crazy he threw 4 INTs. He has done that 5 times ever, twice against Buffalo, and the those are the only two times the Bills beat the Patriots since Brady started playing. Not to mention that game had the worst pass interference call (of whihc I was happy about) that I have almost ever seen on a ball Fitzpatrick underthrew by 10 yards and was not even a catchable ball in the end zone that was picked off. Huge fluke in that game. I post real stats, I make real points, please tell me what I said in this thread was wrong and give a legit argument against it. Just throwing out he is a troll is pretty sad and weak.
  23. The Bills win was a fluke. They would not have won had Brady not had 4 INTs in that game against that terrible defense.
  24. My friend posted this, I can't steal it, it is funny: My wife just said Usain Bolt's run was the second-most exhilarating 9.63 seconds she's experienced this year.
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