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tomato can

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Everything posted by tomato can

  1. Come on Park that isn't karma. Not sure why you posted that but there is no defending it. That man had a job to do for Chick-fil. No matter what thats man's opinion was he had a job to do. Suddenly dying of a heart attack is a tragic loss of a life and to Chick-fil who I am sure have relied heavily on him the last week or so.
  2. Totally agree! I guess fools like that clown are born every second!
  3. I never heard of that movie. I just did a google search and read a little about it. Sounds interesting. When I get some time I am going to try and watch it.
  4. Interesting read! The 50 year trend is fast approaching! Will we break the cycle? http://news.yahoo.com/us-really-experience-violent-upheaval-2020-162332158.html
  5. I stand by that position Joe! Maybe it came off a bit harsh but I stand by it! Why take away a mans 2nd amendment right that owns a gun and keeps it in his home for the purpose of protecting his family from an intruder? Because some limousine liberal gets on his soap box after a nut goes on a killing spree! There is good and decent people that own a gun and keep it in their home for that purpose. I also stand by what I said in this thread. We are a civilized society, I don't want to stop in the local bar for a cold beer after a long day of work and have to sit next to some guy with a gun because he wants to show off for no purpose other than a concealed & carry law says he can! If you can't understand that being my position I have no idea how to explain it any further. If you disagree with it then fine, we can agree to disagree.
  6. Stalin still feared him, that why he had him killed!
  7. It's past your bed time Dennis! I agree he is no use to anybody.
  8. To go out on a limb and compare me to Trotsky was awfully amusing! I have no interest in addressing or entertaining someone with a pre-petulant child's mentality!
  9. There are a lot of out of work comedians! Nothing you say upsets me! If anything you are pretty amusing!
  10. Joe I will try and be a little clearer on the gun issue. If someone wants to own a gun and keep it in their home because they feel they need it to protect their family from an intruder or something like that, I am okay with that. We live in a civilized society so I don't think everyone should be running the streets with guns like a bunch of outlaws. I don't advocate that. Very much pro-life especially when it comes to abortion. I believe that capital punishment in warranted in some cases (John Wayne Gacy, Jeffery Dahmer, & others mass murders).
  11. Fools like you are born every second!
  12. Joe I will explain. I agree with right on a lot of issues. I am pro-life, I believe people should have the right to bear arms, I think illegal immigrants should be dealt with and deported, I believe the institution of marriage is between man & women, & I am a proponent of the death penalty. I also agree with the left on a lot of issues. I will not shed one tear for big & small wealthy business men (Some of them are down right evil people), I agree with them on taxes (the wealthy should always pay more), Government has it shares of faults but they are not the enemy the right makes them out to be, I am pro union, & public sector wokers ( teachers, fireman, policemen, ect) serve a very important purpose and are much needed. I know you didn't care for my comments in the Aurora thread but that's how I felt. I do however believe in sensible gun laws and we have a lot of them. I do believe in the people right to bear arms if they choose, I how ever don't and never have owned a gun, never felt that I ever needed to, still don't. Now back to the topic. I am pissed about the outsourcing because more times that not its wrong and its done be greedy corporations! Lots of people get hurt when these things happen some lose there homes, cars, personal belongings, & even their families! This doesn't have to happen but it does because some greedy ceo and his share holders never seem to never have enough and it pisses me off when they run around and sell this garbage that if the company is going to survive this has to happen! Now Joe you don't know personally so I won't fly off the handle on your insults, this is just a political message board which I do enjoy reading and trying to understand others opinion, but I will kindly address them. So far in life I have never had an issue with employment. I got my first job at 16 years old because I got high school credits for being in the work program, I have had a job every day since then. If you owned a company and had me as an employee you would want a whole bunch like me. I hardly take days off, I'm always prompt, & I will give my all to do my job the right way. Incompetent & unstable, not even close. I purchased my first vehicle when I was 18 years old, purchased my home when I was 25 years old (yes I have a mortgage), I make sure all my bills are paid before I spend money I wants, my great credit score reflects that! You can choose not to believe it but I'm not out to prove anything either. You can absolutely disagree with some of my opinions but that in no way should have drawn you to the conclusion that I am unemployed, incompetent, or unstable.
  13. Get your facts straight Butterpants! Sensata struggled during the global recession of 2008-2009 like everyone else but has turned a profit lately. It predicted in April it would earn between $2 and $2.20 per adjusted share for the 2012 financial year. The company's share price has risen from $18 at its initial public offering in March 2010 to close at $26.56 on Tuesday, outpacing the Dow Jones Industrial Average by nearly twice as much in percentage terms. Romney allies say that current tax law is driving companies to set up shop overseas. Sensata bought the Freeport plant as part of an acquisition of Honeywell International's auto-sensor business in late 2010. The 170 jobs there were at risk from the start of the purchase. "The decision was made as part and parcel of the acquisition. If we'd been forced to keep the facility we probably wouldn't have bought the business in the first place," Sensata spokesman Jacob Sayer said. Bain declined to comment on the factory closure. In their first meeting with their new employers when the deal was completed in January 2011, workers at the plant were told their jobs would be eliminated by the end of 2012. Chinese workers have since been brought in to learn how to operate the equipment. Reason with emotion? REALLY! I think people like you that believe the crap that is served to you by these crooks in the name of good economics has a hard to selling that garbage when the real facts come out!
  14. Gets the job done faster
  15. You know exactly what I am talking it
  16. That cheap..........
  17. Yeah sure! I got no problem lumping them all in together
  18. I know they have a lot on their plates! What I am saying is they sure have performed well at shipping jobs overseas!
  19. Come on Jim! Elliot Spitzer pointed out on a talk show that CEO pay to worker pay back in the 60's was like 40 or 50 to 1. Today its like 600-1! The CEO's have performed at one thing! Shipping the jobs overseas for cheap labor to get huge profits! So many companies have sent jobs overseas that were no where near failing!
  20. I totally understand how you feel. Its amazing how people believe all that garbage! These business men big and small are so wealthy and they want more. Yet they cry all day about taxes and big Government giving all these hand outs to the masses. Well if you ship all the jobs overseas and the people have no job what are we suppose to do?
  21. Absolutely agree! Heck these so called business men even having people believing that this is the only way these companies can remain alive! All because they are so dam greedy and want more profit!
  22. So you are ad-MITT-ing what Bain is doing here is wrong?
  23. You can believe that if you want
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