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tomato can

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Everything posted by tomato can

  1. Don't make me laugh. Tea Party Rep Walsh wouldn't even pay his dam child support. The TEA PARTY politician who constantly preaches about the burden of debt we were leaving our children doesn’t have the decency to worry about his own kids but some how we are suppose to believe he is worried about the younger generations
  2. I wasn't offended at all. I enjoy reading the board and what others thoughts and opinions are.
  3. I know! I read your post. I was just having some fun.
  4. No. The article was written about tea party extremists and the need for soilders to shoot American citizens. While reading it my first thought was has it really come to this. I said the tea party makes some good points. I don't agree with all their ideas. I give them credit for being well organized and trying to inject their thoughts into the political debate. They do seem to be more on the side of we get all our ideas or nothing. Some of the politicians that are representing the tea party seem to be a little pouty faced when they dont get their way. That accomplshes very little in my opinion.
  5. Good assessment. I also thought he appeared to have a little more pep in his step today. You could be right that he will bring out the best in Mitt. I think its to early to say wether or not he was a great pick. I thought there were a few safer picks out there. They are going to have to spend some time fighting off the attacks of the Ryan budget that Newt labled right wing engineering. Because of that I thought Mitt would have picked one of the other possibilities for VP. There is plenty of time for Mitt/Ryan to get their message out and the ball rolling. Time will tell.
  6. A some what bizzare read here about the tea party extremists seizing control of a South Carolina town. I know the article is fictional but has it really come to this? The tea party does try and make some good points about some things but they sort of remind me of the teenage kid born with a silver spoon in his mouth that shows up at the local park to play basketball with the top of the line leather basketball that everyone wants to use in a pick up game and when the teenage kid doesn't get his way or his team loses and he has to sit out a game he takes the ball and goes home all pouty faced. http://www.washingto...il-war-of-2016/
  7. I I read that Germany is cutting back on renewable energy and are worried about “insolvencies, plant closures and job losses. We need jobs in this country and green energy doesn't appear to be a labor intensive industry.
  8. I understand all of that but facts are facts. Trying to kill the gas, oil, & coal industries when there isn't anything to take its place is bad policy. There isn't much of a market for new/green energy. Solyndra was a disaster and a painful one for the tax payers.
  9. Repub Governor and Senator to skip fund raiser over his campaign's policy decision. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/romney-wind-energy-stance-puts-him-odds-key-194015220.html
  10. LOL 3rdnlng! Cut me a break! I just woke up when I wrote that. I hadn't even had a cup of coffee yet and was in a hurry because I had some place to be! I did go back and read what I had posted, WOW! LOL! That was really bad! However everyone sort of knew what I was trying to say! I did go and fix my first post in this thread. My apologies!
  11. I agree! Lets see them college transcripts! Like Mitt's taxes, Barry is not required to meet that burden of proof! However the voters should be able to see them! I say both of these guys need to release those documents to the people. Are they affraid that the people might find out one of them was a nut in college and the other is a big time crook, and that the people might not vote for either of them? Gary Johnson is running.....
  12. more spin from good old Tom
  13. Everyone is not running for POTUS But even though the amnesty would eliminate any legal or financial liability for past acts, it would hardly eliminate political liability. Ut oh
  14. http://www.suntimes.com/14258466-761/7-killed-in-shooting-at-sikh-temple-in-wisconsin.html
  15. Its the same principal. Both are in the wrong. The rich guy shouldn't be manipulating the tax system and the poor welfare recipient needs to get off his lazy behind and make an attempt to find a job instead of manipulating the welfare system! The world would be a better place if these people didn't take gross advantages of those systems.
  16. Jim to EII-(If he paid less of percentage than the average American but because his income is mostly capital gains and you can manipulate those gains under the system legally then would you still consider him a tax cheat? ) EII to Jim - (That is a tough one Chef. No matter who it is, you can't fault them for what they can legally get away with. But, you can't look up to them or put the on a pedestal either. Like you said, you have to view them as a "tax manipulator.") Jim to EII - (I'm sorry but someone who uses the tax code to their advantage goes on a pedestal in my book. I help people mitigate their tax burden all the time utilizing all the tools we have at our disposal. One fo the favorite parts of my job. ) Easy with the spin Tom. The back and forth between Jim and EII is above. Jim pretty much said he was okay with people USING the tools they have legally to manipulate those gains! Fundamental - a basic principle, rule, law, or the like, that serves as the groundwork of a system; That serves as the groundwork of a system. Hence the tax system and the welfare system. They both are applying the same principal. How do you not understand that.
  17. The definition of Manipulate :to manage or influence skillfully, especially in an unfair manner: So Jim you have people who manipulate the tax code on a pedestal because they are just using the tools at their disposal. Got it! What about the people who manipulate the welfare system so they can get more. I mean they are just using the tools they have at their disposal. The rich game the tax system and the poor game the entitlement system. They are really no different. However something tells me that it pisses you off that welfare recipients take advantage of these handouts and you want that greatly reduced?
  18. You are absolutely right! Reid and Pelosi and taking advantage of them also. They are also saying the wealthy should pay more. Why don't repubs turn the tables on Reid and Pelosi and say yes the wealthy should pay more let get this tax code crap right and make sure the wealthy pay their share. It surely would take money out of Reid & Pelosi pocket! If he cheated I want to know! Mitt should call on both Barry and him to release their taxes at the same time and the let the people decide. So the needs of the poor are PAID for! Got it. I knew it wasn't the welfare recipients running the deficits up. Since that welfare stuff is paid for we need the 1% to up their share so we can reduce the deficits they helped cause by manipulating their taxes.
  19. The percentage is more important. I would hope he didn't pay less than the average working American. No I don't believe that it would make a difference WRT how he would be as a President.
  20. Your welcome. I agree he can point that out. But fair game is fair game. Trent Lot & the Repubs went after Mondale Vice Presidential Canidate Geraldine Ferraro husband over his personal taxes. They found it to be fair game. Maybe it's time Mitt show the voters the tax returns. If he is a tax cheat he will have to take his medicine for it but he can still win. Reagan had plenty to hide in his tax returns. Pressure was on him to release them. He released them and showed the world what he had to hide. It was awfully embarrassing but he recovered.
  21. No link. It was on their TV show. I remember Sean Hannity & Alan Colmes going at it about John Kerry wifes not releasing her tax returns. Below is a link of people that ran for office. All of them were pointing fingers at each other about their personal tax returns. http://www.wben.com/pages/13738705.php?contentType=4&contentId=11056873 Also here is a quote from Mitt. In an interview on Fox News Channel Monday morning, Romney -- under pressure from not only the Obama campaign but also some in his own party to release additional tax returns -- suggested he is the victim of a double standard. “John Kerry ran for president; you know, his wife, who has hundreds of millions of dollars -- she never released her tax returns,” Romney said. “Somehow this wasn’t an issue.” http://www.boston.com/politicalintelligence/2012/07/16/john-kerry-office-blasts-mitt-romney-over-inaccurate-claims-about-tax-returns/PJibKCCrwcbusf3g0K5nXK/story.html
  22. True. The elected officals that were guests on the show didn't denounce it as out of bounds or a low blow either. I'm not dedending Harry's comments. It was a low blow. But this is politics and these guys on both sides will call it fair game or cry foul.
  23. You are absolutely correct he is not required to meet that burden of proof. However he is trying to win an election. He needs to win the swing states and the hearts and minds of the independent voters. The dems know this and they are putting doubt into the minds of the swing state voters and independents. Both sides do this. Whether it be the canidates military record or their personal finances they are going to try and put doubts in the minds of the voters. In the minds of politicians everything is fair yet they all cry foul. The dems have hung one on Mitt. He can keep playing defense or choose to ignor it. Or he can go on the offense and release his returns to the voters and eliminate the doubt that has been placed in the minds of a lot of voters that he is not ethical and that he didn't pay his fair share. Lets face it politics is a dity game and politicians often fib. President Obama promised 10 million green jobs while running for office in 2008. I smelled bullsh_t when he made that claim back in 2008. Friday morning on the front page of yahoo finance there was an article about Mitt promsing 12 million new jobs by the end of his first term if elected President. Not sure I am buying that claim either. Being completely honest and ethical aren't politicians strong points. The dems used the trump card on Mitt not paying his fair share.
  24. Sure his comments were out of bounds! It's politics! Both sides do it and do it often. I seem to remember Sean Hannity prying into John Kerry wifes finances when he was running for office. Hannity thought it was totally in bounds to probe her finances to make sure she was paying her fair share and she wasn't even running for office. He felt that because Kerry might raise taxes on the wealthy that he needed to get a look with his own eyes to make sure she was paying her fair share. The dems cried foul and the repubs claimed fair game. My point is both sides throw mud! Lets not act suprised.
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