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Posts posted by Stenbar

  1. so you are gonna lower the bar for Buffalo because of some idiots in Dallas? What other backups on the Bills are on your hate list?

    Give it up...It was an example for you that not everyone knows what they are talking about.....Because you like Jp I should like it when he leads my favorite team to another losing season..Not gonna happen..He is on the bench for a reason and I hope he stays there..

  2. Well.. I guess we have to give you points for honesty.


    Is it a fact based dislike or just a general emotional dislike?

    Here is my shortened opinion I hope..It felt that he just didnt get it..I would sit there and watch an obvious blitz coming at him and he would look at the blitzer pre snap and then sit back in the pocket and get nailed for a loss..Common sense tells you to get rid of the ball quick or run..He would do neither on a way too consistent basis to have any success on offense..He would hit the long one and make things ok for awhile but he didnt do enough for me on a consistent basis to keep any momentum going..Maybe he needed more time to be groomed but when they drafted Edwards his groom time halted..I was actually beginning to like the way he played until the last game against Tenn 2 yrs ago..That last drive we had a chance to win and he totally messed up the time management and he looked like he just stepped on the field for the first time..Utter confusion is all I saw..A 4 yr pro just shouldnt play like that..


    I can go on and explain I just dont like the way he plays..I dont hate him or dislike him..I just dont trust him as my favorite teams starting qb..Doesnt meen I am right just my opionion poorly stated and spelled I am sure...LOL

  3. Umm.. then why say this?

    I said that because I counted on numerous occasions that he would have a tendency to bounce a pass to a wr wr on a easy 5yd out..I saw it too many times to keep track of..He could hit the long one but he sure could miss a wide open short wr..The guy had his chance he couldnt get it done regardless..Time to see if someone else can..

  4. hey it's a free country and we all have freedom of speech. Everyone has a right to be an !@#$ to the backup QB, that is their right. That doesn't change the fact that they are an !@#$, but they are well within their rights. And no I no longer live in Buffalo. My parents moved when I was in 5th grade

    I grew up in Dallas in the 70's and people clamored for Danny White when Staubach was winnin SuperBowls...But you know what..When Staubach was the Backup for Morton they clamored for him..Bottom line is no one is going to please everyone..Some people dont like certain players..Thats the way it is..I just dont like JP..No big deal..I just prefer to see someone else at QB..What do I know..I liked the way Todd Collins threw a 20 yard in and I thought he would do just fine replacing Kelly..LOL

  5. Because that's the type of offense Fairchild (and Jauron?) wanted to run. Trent does it to a T. It fits his type of play (NOT a knock on Trent).


    JP was drafted as a mobile QB with a strong arm and we took him and told him to stand still and throw short.

    I would venture to say that 80% of every qb's passes compleeted are 20 yards and under..

  6. nfl.com


    I had to go to the play by play for each game he played in


    Of JP's 111 completed passes this year


    18 were for 0-5 yards,(16%)

    37 were 5-10 yds. (36%),

    24 were 10-15 yds.(21%),

    11 were 15-20 yds.(9%)

    7 were 20-25 yds.(6%),

    2 were for 25 to 30 yds.(1.8%)

    1 was 35-40 yds.,(<1%) 1 was 45-50 yds.(<1%)

    and 1 was for 85 yds.(<1%)

    8 passes were for a loss of yardage.


    Almost 3/4 of JP's passes are for less than 15 yards (73%). In fact 82% of JP's completed passes were for 20 yards or less.

    It was like they were holding back..I remember wondering why he wouldnt air it out..

  7. team player and an asset in the community. The guy took to the city of Buffalo and this board kicks him in the balls every chance it gets. I always used to tell my friends how great Bills fans are. Well after seeing how poorly JP is treated I no longer brag about what great fans the Bills are. Keep running good guys out of town- then don't cry to me when the team bolts. If you can't support your team and it's players you do not deserve a team

    I still live here..Go to games pay taxes in NYS..You? My hard earned tax dollars I earn in Erie county to keep the Bills in Buffalo give me the right to speak my mind...How bout you?

  8. Is there a Qb, or QBs, that Edwards remind you of? Understanding his strengths and abilities may shed some light on who would be a better compliment for him in the receiving department. I'm not sure who he reminds me of physicly but his demeanor may be along the lines of someone like Joe Montana?? I meant be way off base on this one so I'm asking for some input for a better understanding. Thanks.

    I havent seen enough of him to form an opinion..At first I was impressed with the way he stood in the pocket and looked over his reads..Then I was disgruntled that he wouldnt take a shot down the field..Like he was too scared..SO as of now I have mixed feelings..I know that I do not want to go through another JP led team again and if it means finding another qb besides Trent I dont care..Just as long as its not JP

  9. Yeah, I was so upset when those long bombs to Evans would... oh wait, he completed those. :)


    He didnt hit all of them..I seem to remember a wide open Evans against the Broncos that wouldve ended the game being overflown by 8 yards..No doubt he is a much accurate deep passer than a short passer but he was no Plunkett



    Ocho Dinko is also asking for a trade I'd be surprised if he even shows up for the mandatory offseason stuff.





    <_< He was royally screwed by the coaching staffs. I feel bad for the kid and I'm sure he'd be a lot better with good coaching and patience.


    He did as much to screw it up as did his coaches..He still coudnt read a blitz any better than when he first started in the NFL




    Just give him time. Don't expect miracles over night. He'll have good games and bad games until he gets enough experience to have mostly good games.


    He has as much time as the Bills will give him..Could be 2 yrs or 2 games








    Touch passes are a lot different from long bombs. Favre had problems with touch passes early in his career too. Great QB's don't step on the field for their first game 99.9% of the time.

    A 5 yard out pattern is not a touch pass..A 10 yard seam pass to the tight end is..He fired them into the ground like he was throwin at a groundhog..

  10. I wonder, with JP bouncing every one of his passes, how he ever managed to complete 63% in a season?

    Just the short ones Ramius..I just could not get it...Here he could fling a ball 60 yards on the money but a freakin 15 yard pass he couldnt...I dont get it..Besides that where did I say every one.Typical

  11. I always like the kid as a person, if he could only throw the ball TO a receiver and not behind or over them and actually get the ball there in time. then I would like him as a player

    I actually enjoyed screaming at the TV when he would use the Magic Johnson bounce pass on a 5 yard out..I am gonna miss those days...

  12. Why? Just because he showed up after a 3 month layoff doesn't mean the argument goes away dude. For a guy that completely fizzled out the way he did, to leave for three freaking months acting like a vested veteran was and still is wrong. Hate to break it to you, but it just might be that Trent's not into playing football as much as you guys like to think. He clearly wasn't too into being an offseason leader.

    Yes..He was definately needed here to cheer on the GM as he traded for Marcus..Perhaps he couldve ran down to the fridge and grabbed Russ a bottle water too..

  13. Honestly regardless of whether or not we draft harvey, we should be drafting defensive ends either this year or next. I really think Kelsay and Denney are gone after this season. Regardless of contracts. They will be moved. They're not natural fits for this defense. Neither are really starters. Our defensive line is far from a finished project. It needed a complete overhaul, the way the oline got last year. It's nowhere near finished.




    AFreakinMEN!! That being said none of these wr's should be rated close to derrick harvey, or in the improbably scenairo he slips Vernon Gholston. The Bills can just as easily get a mediocre complimentary wr in rds 2-4, rather then overdrafting one in the 1st.

    Nothing says we cant trade back up in the draft to get a wr if they feel the need..No doubt if he is that dominating and he is there you have to draft him...

  14. At least it showed leadership and commitment to his team and teammates. Edwards taking off like he did for the entire time struck me as arrogance. For a second year guy who crapped out like he did to end the 2007 season and who couldn't throw a touchdown pass if his life depended on it, for a guy like that who currently holds the most important position on the team to work on his golf game for the next three months looks to me as someone who does not look like he's very much interested in leading or getting better. I know he wouldn't say it publicly, but I bet you it ticked off Jauron, a guy who clearly has to win this season to keep his job, and it's why JP isn't going anywhere.


    Just another reason to hope the Sabres season goes a little longer..Wasnt this beat on enuff last year? :):wallbash::):wallbash:

  15. I say don't bother.

    -Post counts are meaningless.

    -If I want information from someone that I received in PM, I can just PM them again.

    -If someone wants to re-register, there is nothing stopping them (assuming you have had the opportunity to fix the issues we discussed previously).

    -Why would we want to re-live the JP vs. TE debate again. :thumbsup:

    Life goes on. No need to live in the past.

    Great point..Leave it with the dead....

  16. Do you want to panic? Or are you going to complain?

    Very different things.


    You can do both but some will ridicule you for it. Anyway the official date is in constant flux.

    You will be given special notice on that day. Probably draft day again this year though. And if we make it through that then the date will most likely be when the new scoreboard is unveiled.

    It will be too clear.

    Cant we as Bills fans have a time period where can just be happy with no complaints or panic button..We do deserve it as we have gone 40 plus years with no championship.. We went 7-9 last yr and lost our best def players, however our defense sucked so how much worse can they be ( i can only hope they cant). Our offensive line sucked also however we addressed that. Our running back didnt want to be here so we vammoosed him, I only hope we can find another sub 1000 yrd rusher, because I do think an average back will gain over 1300 yrds behind our left side. Our qb should be better along with evans so we should score more points..I believe Marve is following a plan where he builds the offense then the def..I will not hit the panic button for 3 yrs..Look how long it took Peyton and the Colts...I hope our wait isnt as long but whatever it takes..I just want a championship...LOL

  17. Change where you are from under your avatar......nothing like good ole Buffalo Bandwagoners!!!!

    I myself gave up 5 tickets last yr. I have many reasons why but the main reason was I felt I was bilked into getting all hyped up every yr then blam...Another losing season...I had enuff. I still enjoy watching the games..As a matter of fact I enjoy them more now because after another dissapointing loss like against the Titans i can just turn the TV off and smile knowing the Football Gods didnt get me for 4500 this yr..LOL..Call me bandwagon fan if you like too then...Show me commitment to build a Super Bowl Champion and I will fork over the money..If not Thank god for TV...


    I want to stop hearing complaining from the Bills about how this or that is not fair. Quit making excuses and get the job done. If Willis isnt the answer trade his arse. I dont want to read about your dirty laundry fix the dang problem. If you cant afford the the present money situation Ralph sell the team. I am tired of the crying...Do something about it and get the job done..WIN A SUPER BOWL...Its only been 42 years..NO MORE EXCUSES

  18. Andre is one of the toughest wide receivers I have ever seen play. That Superbowl is the only time I have ever seen him scared. That Giant secondary was hitting big time that game. Andre heard footsteps a few plays



    Let us not forget Andres throwing of his helmet resulting in a 15 yrd unsportmsanlike penalty at the end of the first half in super bowl 26...Andre does not deserve to be in the Hall of Fame..He wasnt mister clutch in any of the 4 SuperBowl games..Dropped too many passes and ran his helmet off his head and lost his composure that cost us a FG against the Skins...

  19. That's right, you quoted me three times, and I'm glad that each time you found my opinion more and more entertaining. I don't think he's a Peyton Manning, or a Joe Montanna, or Dan Marino, or any other "great Quarterback."


    I think he's an accurate passer (something EVERY starting NFL QB should be) who plays behind an impenetrable offense line. He has good receivers coming out of the backfield, a very good receiving option in his tight end, and serviceable wide receivers- funny how a monster offensive line can make receivers look great.


    Tom Brady is just a decent NFL quarterback with GREAT coaching and a very EFFECTIVE supporting cast.

    This is no personal shot at you just your opinion...The guy has won 2 Super Bowl MVPS ...3 Championships and I think he is just 31...Jim Kelly had an impenetrable offensive line, 2 great wr's a great rb and pretty decent defense yet no superbowls..This guy as much as I hate him is A GREAT NFL QB...End of discussion.,....I will be glad when he goes and retires...Quit downgrading him and just accept him for what he is..Better than most we have seen

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