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Posts posted by Stenbar

  1. i've been reading this board for several years now, but i've just noticed how many immature fools post on a consistent basis. Every post starts with an opinion (which is what a board is for) and then the poster is immediately attacked and there is just bullsh-t responses. Many of you must be really bored needing to start so much sh-- all the time. Get a hobby or a girlfriend or something.


    What if hardy is a bust? do we draft another WR next year? trade for one? count on roscoe, lee and josh this year? mike williams a suppossed 'cant miss' didnt even see the field his 1st year. or the dude for the saints last year.....our offense cant afford that this year if we want to go anywhere.

    What if Hardy is freaking amazing??Do we let Evans walk next yr?

  2. I wouldn't say it's HUGE when you have Bell who can play LT

    We needed o line backups..Nice pick..Our Def was terrible last yr we addressed that..We needed a wr we grabbed a decent prospect..I am not negative about this draft at all..I wouldve liked to see a Tight End that can run the seams and catch better than Royal but they must feel Anderson is the answer..Time will tell..

  3. He and Marshawn can have hair styling parties! :lol:





    He's the perfect 5th round pick. A guy that almost has all of the physical ability for the position and what he doesn't have can be taken care of by the trainer. The problems he has at his position can be corrected if he's willing to take coaching. In the mean time he can be a great ST player. I think this is exactly what a 5th round pick and beyond should be used for.


    OLB | (6'1", 223, 4.79) | IOWA STATE

    Scouts Grade: 48


    Flags: (B: BULK/SIZE) Lacks size/bulk for position(S: SPEED) Player lacks ideal speed at position

    Strengths: Displays excellent instincts, has greatly improved at reading keys and generally locates the ball carrier quickly. Reaches top-speed quickly, aggressive and makes plays in the backfield. Takes outstanding pursuit angles, does a fine job of using hands to get through traffic, never gives up and always seems to be around the ball at the end of the play. Solid wrap-up tackler with better power than size suggests, tries to strip the ball in pursuit and can generate fumbles. Gets a deep drop in zone coverage and has average range. Does a good job of reading quarterbacks' eyes and generally picks up on screen passes very early. More fluid opening hips than most linebackers, shows good burst coming out of cuts and has excellent short-area man-to-man cover skills. Has adequate not great ball skills and flashes the ability to make big plays in coverage. Progressed at the collegiate level and should only get better with added experience. Possesses the tackling skills and toughness to make a significant impact covering kicks in the NFL and should make immediate contributions on special teams.


    Weaknesses: Possesses adequate height but needs to get bigger and improve his overall strength. Lacks ideal lower body strength and isn't stout so needs to be on the move to be successful. Gets engulfed too easily at the point of attack and struggles to hold up in the phone booth. Has some trouble bringing down taller ball carriers at times and needs to do a better job of tackling low. Lacks ideal top-end speed and is going to have some problems running with NFL tight ends and backs. Too small to play an every-down role at linebacker at this point and probably isn't fast enough to move safety. Can be a bit undisciplined and occasionally takes himself out of plays because he's trying to avoid bigger blockers.


    Overall: Bowen enrolled at Garden City (N.J.) CC in 2003, redshirting his first year and leading the team in tackles and tackles for loss in his first and only season. After transferring to Iowa State, he appeared in 24 games over his first two seasons (2005-'06), collecting 188 tackles (seven for losses), two sacks and an interception. (He led the nation in tackles per game--12.9--as a junior.) In 2007, Bowen started all 12 games and finished the season with 99 tackles (12.5 for losses), two sacks, five forced fumbles, and an interception. Bowen is an undersized weak-side linebacker prospect with very good athleticism, instincts, quickness and toughness. However, he needs to bulk up and increase his overall strength. In addition, he's quicker than fast and his lack of prototypical top-end speed is going to be exposed more at the NFL level. Bowen should come off the 2008 draft board in the middle rounds.



    Why do you draft a player like that???? Just out of curiousity

  4. Number one value draft pick ever. Man, I can't believe he made it past the first round.


    People must have all just been crazy in 1985.

    I thought he was drafted by the Bears or the Pats..I dont recall the Rams drafting him

  5. I am shocked nobody has made the accusation that insert poster name here is hanging from insert QB name here 's beef. Where is Ramius? That is his signature post when folks start slamming JP. These threads are the best.

    They always start innocent then wham....It cant be helped....Youre one liners are classic..

  6. If Trent is as superior as The Edwards BAll Washer contingent promotes, Trent should have no problem beating out JP. Why would you be afraid of an open competition ?

    As opposed to the ball licking contingent of Jp supporters??



    I doubt Trent is opposed to it..He didnt seem the type to even care...Bring it on..

  7. If you think that the Bills were letting JP throw the ball in 2007 as early and often as they were in the second half of 2006 then you sir, are crazy.

    I think 3rd and Bomb against the Broncos in game 1 cured them of that..Probably his worst overthrow of his career as far as timing goes..He had Evans wide open and he blew it..After that it seemed things went south for him...

  8. Ya but JP has been hated ever since he got here. Dispite his attempts to win over the fan base ive never seen such negativity directed towards a more team player. Willis and Henry were understandable but people seem to have a vendetta against JP simply because he wasnt the QB everyone had hoped and/or expected

    Please..... :thumbdown:

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