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Posts posted by Stenbar

  1. See I'm afraid Trent is RJ ( they're both injury prone)& JP is Flutie (athletic ability & able to pull out wins). I remember ALL the RJ supporters PILING on Flutie the way Trents fans pile on JP. At the end of next season we will see.

    Trent was injured for 4 games his first yr..OMG..JP has been injured way more than that....POZ was injured all last yr so we shouldve drafted another MLB because POZ is injury prone?... Come on let it go.. If he was able to pull out wins he would still be starting...

  2. You're way too much Bill. Trent looked so fine before he left that Jet away game...it's too darn bad that idiot Losman had to go and pull the entire team's hide out of the fire pit with his touchdown bomb to Evans. Did you not watch Edwards last three games? Him getting only a measly three points against Dallas after Romo gave his offense a bushel of turnovers? Far better than Losman? It's to bad that you and a whole lot of other fans here actually feel that way. Edwards looked like crap the last part of the season and then decided to take a three month vacation from Buffalo. Edwards' rust is well deserved and I'm not surprised if he starts feeling the heat already.

    What the hell did Losman ever do to you anyways? The guy makes a great play in practice and it's pile-on time for you. Why???? I have absofreakinglutely no idea.

    If he is feeling the heat Jauron sure doesnt say anything about it here: http://www.sportsline.com/nfl/story/10846286/1

  3. Schobel got his extension because they paid typical market value for a 10+ sack a season DE, and they wanted him around for a long time. Look at the deals freeney and kearney and other DEs got. Schobel's is right in line. they didnt "have" to do it based off of kelsay's contract. Schobel still would have gotten his extension whether or not we re-signed kelsay.

    I think I would be shocked if the Bills dont give Peters a raise..As much as Ralph screams about how bad it is I cant say he has ever been cheap in not signing or giving a player a big contract if so deserved since the Kelly days of the mid 80's..Thats 20 plus yrs of paying and going out and signing players with big contracts..Now the obvious stupid signings he has walked away from (NAte Clements) but I cant and wont complain about those.

  4. One quick question though, if they were caught cheating after the first game against the jets, and their success is because they cheated and knew the opponents plays before hand, how come they still made the SB, with it being their only loss?

    come on..billcheat has the copies at his house :oops:

  5. I'll bet I've seen him eat 150 pounds of fried chicken at a place called Angelo's in Houston. Earl's a great guy- and his freaking thighs are frightening. I spent about a year of my younger life (while Earl's career was coming to an end) declining his invitations to play handball. At the same time he accepted some of my invites to go drinking ;-)

    I was at the Cotton Bowl the yr they played Notr Dame..My Grandpa took me..His thighs were like frieght trains each one of them....I saw him run over Charlie Waters and CLiff Harris simultaneously in a preseason game at Texas Stadium...Not many ever did that..

  6. Ricky Williams, Mike Williams, Vince Young, (help me out here Bluefire, who are some other Texas gems that crack under pressure?)


    Texas has to have the lowest long term return on investment when it comes to high draft picks. Heck, what ever happened to James Patton?



    Although we did get Roosevelt Leaks from there. That would actually be a great name for a band.

    University of Texas has 3 number 1 picks all time

    Ken Sims, Earl Campbell, Tommy Nobis..3 for 3 there..2 in the Hall of Fame the other Damn Good

    After that though you are right they have been mediocre at best..

  7. My god he talks no football just all about this team leaving! I can't believe he is asking fans today if people are starting to take an interest in the Bandits because the Bills may leave???? R U KIDDIN ME???? This guys hates the Bills and I wishes they left Buffalo! I love how he said earlier he thinks we'll never be good again I really hope were good to shut this idot up!!! I can't believe WGR55 has sunk this low! Just like the other post on here WGR has no football cred at all! They don't even talk about the season it's unreal! I'm pumped about this team we have this year and all this station talks about is that dumb ass Road To Redemption crap!! This is ridiculous my god!!!! We have an NFL team and a sports radio show that knows nothing about football and doesn't even like the sport! Just a hockey station bottom line!

    I stopped listening a long time ago to that show..I tried to stomach Dennis Williams a few times but he puts me to sleep...Too bad for him there isnt a job where you can just sit behind a desk and look pretty..He would get it hands down..Pretty Boy Williams..

  8. Top 20 NFL Players with Dreads


    1. Marshawn Lynch


    2. Steven Jackson


    3. Devin Hester


    4. Josh Cribbs


    5. Vernon Davis


    6. Ernest Wilford


    7. Marion Barber


    8. Rashean Mathis


    9. Bob Sanders


    10. Laurence Maroney


    11. Mike McKenzie


    12. Larry Fitzgerald


    13. Brandon Meriweather


    14. Reggie Nelson


    15. Donte Stallworth


    16. Nate Webster


    17. Al Harris


    18. Chris Davis


    19. Walt Harris


    20. Steve Johnson WR, Buffalo Bills


    Just Missed:

    Asante Samuel, PacMan Jones, Atari Bigby, Darnell Dockett

    You shouldve posted pics.......

  9. "With the Bills having already surpassed last year’s season-ticket sales of 48,236, many have seen the spike as a unified voice indicating that the Bills’ fans are “protesting” the relocation of eight games over a five-year span from Buffalo to Toronto. But according to a source close to the team, the increase in season-ticket sales is rooted in something far more obvious: The team is looking good. Coming off a 7-9 season while not losing any key players and bringing aboard a host of quality newcomers, the Bills are seen by many around Buffalo and the NFL as a legitimate playoff contender, rather than the also-ran they’ve been for so many years. According to the source, it’s purely coincidental that the ticket spike is coinciding with Year One of the move to Toronto, and that there’s no realistic chance that a groundswell of Buffalo support for the franchise to stay in its longtime home will have any tangible results. It’s seen as only a matter of time before the poor Buffalo economy will eventually prove too much of a liability for the team, and it’ll be forced to relocate permanently to Toronto."



    -F PFW for running this story and I would love to hear who their "inside source" is...

    Ralph Wilson has been crying the Blues since he bought the team..He even went as far as going to Seattle in the early 70's aboput relocating the team due to the economy..Broken record..The man knows how to pull every last penny and uses every option to get it...Dumb like a fox...

  10. dude, the bills? you are aware the bills have him on the roster and benched his ass right?


    no friggen way could he start for the texans. no chance, he wouldn't even beat out sage, let alone schuab

    likewise he could not start on the skins.

    he could not beat out grossman (who is the same erratic big arm guy, but has won playoff games)

    he could not beat out delholm


    he could not beat out alex smith, although that is a close one.

    he couldn't beat out pennington (if he's ok wrt to health) and doesn't show much over clemmens

    he couldn't beat out the 1 guy in oakland, although that has a lot to do with him being picked so high, same with ryan in atlants.


    he's pretty much good enough for miami (but i think they might be big on henne) and i agree he should beat out croyel in KC.


    might beat out kid on the vikings too.


    that's 3 teams i agree he could start on, AND HOW CAN YOU MENTION THE BILLS? HE LOST HIS JOB TWICE LAST YEAR!


    the thing is harrington, leftwich, and culpepper could beat him out for those jobs if they were up against him.


    he's just not a starter dude, face it.

    You almost could rhyme this with Dr Seuss CAt in the HAt


    Jp could not start here or there

    Jp COuld not start anywhere

    He would not could not with John FOx

    He would not could not read eight in the box :wallbash:

  11. peter king has restrictions by his current job and he could no longer be on the show regularly...this was according to peter king last summer sometime.


    Obvious schoop is an ass, however most of you still tune in and listen and hear the ads so they are doing their job...right?


    Its their job to lead very opinionated conversations and express differences of opinion. The best way to do that is step on people's toes and get them interested in a discussion.


    Yeah, they beat hockey to death...but some people are interested in it (obviously not the majority of people on this board)

    They should, however, mix in topics about college sports like you said..would definitely increase local college popularity.


    Its just sports talk radio people...lets relax!...if you hate it, then just stop listening..a ratings drop will change their tune.

    I stopped listening to those 2 along time ago..The stupidity was neverending...I listen to gr for sabre games and Jim Rome only..

  12. ummm NO? not like Hardy is going to get a new contract after next season, and who replaces Lee? If Hardy replaces Lee, who repaces Hardy? WTF you don't just let him leave, now if he doesn't want to be here you can't do anything about that.

    What if Lee Evans and Hardy bust this yr? DO we draft 4 wr's next yr...I was and still am being sarcastic...Take the worm off the hook before you swallow..LOL

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