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Posts posted by Stenbar

  1. I just had a bad thought that if Trent somehow played very poorly the first couple of games would the fans and media start calling for him to be benched? How long of a leash do you think he should get? I would hate to see him benched too soon with no *good* alternatives waiting in the wings but I would also hate to see the Bills miss the playoffs again.





    By *good*, I mean consistently good, not does one good thing followed up by one or more extremely costly bone-headed things. Not naming any names or anything.....

    Then we draft another retard in the first rd..LOL..Or we trade 3 first rd picks for Quinn who will be another bust for us..If Trent blows up I give up..How many bad choices can a franchise make at that point...They all cant be bad..One has to be right

  2. What game(s) have you gone there? Our stadium is very Dr. Jackal and Mr. Hyde. Some games its way too quiet, and others its really, really loud.

    I have been to 6 UT games....I grew up in Dallas and my dad was an alum from there so I got to goto a few back in trhe 70s and early 80s..I was at the Cotton Bowl game between Texas and Notre Dame or Earl versus Joe...I saw them play Baylor Smu Texas Tech

  3. I will Scale them 1-10


    Texas Stadium 4

    Jack Murphy 6

    SunDevil Stadium 6

    Hoosier DOme 8

    Meadowlands 7

    Notre Dame 6

    Rich Stadium 8

    Raymond James in Tampa 6

    Cotton Bowl 7

    University Of Texas 6

    Norman Oklahoma 7

    Tiger Stadium LSU..9

    Rose Bowl..6

    Three Rivers 7

    Old Browns Stadium 6

    Thats it for football for me..

  4. Hopefully the absence of QBs in line for Canton will allow Andre Reed, a real HOfer, to get in

    I think the one play that will keep Reed out of the hall of fame forever wil be thehelmet toss of the non interference call in the SuperBowl..It took away a game changing oppurtuntiy and began the fallapart turnover machine that era Bills will be known for in the SuperBowl...I remeber watching it and saying OMG what did you just do.... :wallbash:

  5. Yeah, I like Dennis Williams a lot and he seems like a really nice guy. But he is about as exciting as a WNBA game. The only positive about Shoop and the Bulldog is they say such stupid things that makes people listen.

    I stopped listening to them a long time ago..I excersized my right of free listening...I tune into the fan 590, they get some really neat interviews from all over the board...They dont bash callers or hang up, just a nice smooth listening experience about all sports..


    I wil try Brads new show at nighttime but I really listen mostly to the radio at morning and afternoon...

  6. Dis is Stevie Styles

    We was out drivin miles

    In the rain out in B-lo

    Hit a ho how did we know


    Biatch went flyin

    Beast Mode be denyin

    Po-Po come to OTA

    They be tryin to fryin


    I say !@#$ the 5.0

    Fat Canuck Biatch had to go

    Wouldn't jangle Stevie's Jimmy

    Or jingle Marshawn's Rimmy


    We ain't gonna pay for drinks

    Or take shhit from hoes

    Now she's bleedin from her Pootie

    And she's bleedin from her nose



    big ups to my boys in the K-Y.....keepin it real now in the 716.......


    Lemmie hear ya say PRACTICE SQUAAAAAAAAAD!!!! BIATCH!

    Awesome :lol:

  7. It's been assumed that Lynch was drunk when he ran her over in cold blood and watched her bleed to death while maniacally laughing as he backed-up and then sped off [/dramatization]. Why couldn't she have been drunk? What else was she doing out at 3:30 that morning? Maybe she was drunk, her judgment was impaired, and she jumped into the side of the car?

    I have been drunk many times but I cant recall any times where I jumped into the side of a car..lol...Mustve been a hell of a night...

  8. Charlie Jones was my favorite play-by-play guy ever. He may not have been the most insightful but he had the best voice, asked questions of the analyst like a fan would, and had a fabulous love for the game and genuine excitement when broadcasting it. RIP.

    Mine too!!! I always remember him calling all the west coast Charger games when Dan Fouts and Company were lighting teams up...

  9. I didn't get it from the police blotter. I got it from the "sleepy eyes" as one unidentified AFC scout said in another thread.


    This isn't a hard call to make. If he was on the Dolphins this would also be a 10 page thread. It would be covered in a lot more gooey white stuff though.

    Ironic..12 and counting..


    Nice call Dwight..If I had bet against you my check would be written and in the mail...I guess the whole jist of your conclusion on Hardy is that his character is should I say somewhat lacking??LOL..If you continually put yourself into a bad position your judgement and charactere are going to decide what you do and how you handle a certain argument or situation..Once youre character has been developed it is very hard to change it...

  10. I understand your point and don't want to argue, but what if he doesn't continue to develop? What if he gets his money and get lazy? Tough call for the Bills right now and Peters is taking a very costly chance sitting out. Plus contacts go up every year. Just because another player signs a larger contract, you are not entitled to one.

    Tell that to Aaron Schoebel..

  11. The cops have no evidence that Marshawn was the driver of the vehicle, otherwise they would have arrested him by now. Whether he was really the driver, I don't know.

    This is funny..Its his car that hit the lady..The Police have every right to arrest him and question him if they choose to..The District Attorney would listen and decide whether the evidence is enough to proceed or drop the charges..Or arrest the Ghost driver...If he is any kind of a man he will admit it and take his lumps and move on with life..Whether its admitting he did it or telling who was driving his truck..I am so sick of people who wont take responsibility for their actions..

  12. Come on, thats just ridiculous. Losman came to the Bills as a 4-5 year project with a lot of talent. While QB's like Garrard and McNair sat the bench their first few years, the Bills foolishly tossed Bledsoe overboard and rushed the guy project in after missing most of his rookie season with a broken leg. Unlike the previously mentioned QB's, Losman was asked to produce early, despite not being ready. We should have sucked it up, kept Bledsoe and let JP sit the bench. By the way, Moulds hasn't has a productive season in quite some time and Parrish is a punt returner who occasionally will make a play on offense.


    Soon, everyone will be calling for Edwards head, despite the fact he shouldn't have even sniffed the field yet. I guess Bills fans tend to be bored, and need change in the starting lineup and roster to stay entertained.............


    Two good young quarterbacks gone to waste, what a shame. :thumbsup:


    By the way, Flutie didn't win those games- the best defense in the NFL did. Flutie did for our offense what Trent Dilfer did for Baltimore- provided a stabilizing veteran presence.

    I loved his bootleg winner against JAX....I remeber lots of games he made key third down runs and great third down conversions to keep drives going..He willed our offense to wins...Our Defense was great but you still have to score

  13. Yet another insecure poster insulting someone who supports Losman. I'm sorry, but you lose all credibility when you do this. You'll appear more intelligent if you can support your arguments without resorting to the schoolyard stuff in the future. Besides, the "crush" thing has been pretty much used, abused and beaten to death. If you're going to use insults, you could at least be original.

    I agree with the insultingpart definatley not necessary..Its simple for me..I dont like the way JP Losman plays QB..I dont like the way he leads the football team..I am ecstatic he is no longer the starting QB of the Buffalo Bills..I dont know how Edwards will pan out..I know how JP did..

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