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Posts posted by Stenbar

  1. In a perfect world, our QB would be a mix of Edward's decision-making and JP's arm and ability to scramble....

    This is the biggest myth of all time..If he had this so called ability to scramble why the hell does he get sacked so much...His arm strength is quite impressive..I like Edwards accuracy abit better

  2. I love it. Living 20 miles from Baltimore, I see a lot of loser Raven fans wearing McGahee's jersey. I often approach them, introduce myself as a Bills fan, and thank them for taking him off our hands. I then thank them for giving us one of the most promising young QBs in the league and Marcus freakin' Stroud. Lots of head hanging going on for Ravens fans.

    Yeh but they can always throw the SuperBowl thing at you...

  3. On your practice squad point, I find it amazing that we were able to put Peters on the PS a few years ago. Here was a guy that many people, including myself, thought should have been drafted. Then we landed him as an undrafted FA. Then we were able to sneak him on the PS.


    I wonder if some teams might have their eye on Bell, thinking we've got a knack for finding these raw LT prospects.

    The NY Jets signed him off our practice squad at first..Then we signed him to our active roster, I believe they didnt want to lose him...We werent succesful in sending him to the practice squad..I think..


    After further review I guess I am wrong..I cant find any link to back it up..All I could find was a Practice Squad notation and he was called to active duty in November 2004...I coulda swore I remembered him being signed by the Jets and then we signed him to active..Must have been a dream...

  4. I don't understand how you could evaluate JP or any QB for that matter that played in the circumstances JP has played in, from numerous coaching changes with different offenses, to just playing on CRAPPY teams with very poor O-lines. When I see JP on a good team then I will judge him. Trent had a VERY GOOD game in the DOME. Lets hope he can play as well outside with WEATHER.

    If youre still talking about those two games at the end of the year last year please..VERY FEW if any Qbs in the History of the NFL couldve had solid let alone productive games in that weather..You are so hurt by the Jp incidents that you might never move on..You will continuously find something else to complain about no matter who is Qb ing other than JP..Good luck with that...

  5. so what happens if trent plays very well and gets hurt and then JP comes in and plays even better?


    do we start to realize that QBs can do well when you finally surround them with a real OLine and a lot of weapons and a good OC?


    (both these questions are rhetorical)

    There was a sack JP took on thursday that has been his achilles since he came here..Third down and 7 and he takes a ridiculous sack where he had plenty of time to get the ball off..He just holds on to the ball too long and doesnt read the blitzes when they are coming..If he couldve ever gotten over that he woulda been a good qb...So in his case I dont believe so..

  6. Let's see him be accurate on most of his short throws in a game too.


    Edwards defenders have to be pretty desperate to be flaunting single individual practice plays in order to justfy terrible performance last year and his starting status this year.


    We can wait for games. It should be pretty obvious in week 1 what the season is going to be like.

    Week one is usually a good indicator..I remember last year against the Broncos..Great precursor...

  7. If we play 2 or 3 TE+FB on every play. we our not going to succeed on offense. None of these guys is a threat of any type. We need playmakers on the field. The presence of these noncontributors limits the number of playmakers that we can have on the field at any time. It is now painfully obvious that we really didn't need to draft so may CB and we should have addressed our TE position earlier and gotten more of an impact player than Derek Fine. I predict the the jets TE Dustin Keller will have a huge year. He would have looked great in our uniform.

    I didnt watch the whole game but the little I did see he was not very effective. I saw him get blown up in the backfield a few times...

  8. If you think that you can't or shouldnt be able to determine anything from the first pre-season then you are an idiot. As a coach you must make evaluations quickly and accurately. If Edwards doesn't break out of his punk mode and starting playing like an NFL QB then he has to be replaced. So, you think that the whole organization should wait for another year to see if Edwards can play? This is the NFL not fantasy football and changes must be made. Edwards should be looking over his shoulder after that garbage he puked out on the field yesterday.

    LOL..pathetic post...It was 3 series..You need to get a grip...

  9. Personally I'm unimpressed by James so far, and I'm not real excited about pinning our secondary hopes on two rookies and a guy who has struggled to stay healthy for much of his carer (James.)


    Unless they are 100% confident that McKelvin and Corner are going to play well right off the bat and that James will be healthy and productive, I wouldn't trade Youboty.

    I loved James missed tackle on the flare to the rb..It was at that point I flipped to HBO and watched Transformers

  10. Have an old fashioned QB Controversay?? I don't want to panic because it's just preseason but I went to the game yesterday and Trent didn't look good at all and the element that worries me as that when you are named the actual starter there is another level of pressure that comes with that. We saw the same thing with flute-johnson, same thing bledsoe-losman and last year trent looked impressive but now he's been named the starter uhh i don't know

    The only way Jp gets on the field this yr is if Trent gets injured..Other than that there is no argument...

  11. Trent Edwards might even drop him a line because he's one of the biggest pieces of the puzzle, without him our O-line becomes average at best and gets man handled, it makes zero sense not to be negotiating. :thumbsup:

    his value goes up every time the 1st team offense goes out there..lol

  12. OK, time to vent........


    The offensive starters are out of the game. I venture to say that they lost more yards than they gained just about. Outside of 1 nice play to Parrish, they did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    THE LOOKED TERRIBLE! And what happens? They get taken out of the game before doing 1 positive thing!


    This is why we always start the season 0-3, 1-4, etc. The players are not ready and they are not playing well!!!!!!!!!! How can these coaches justify taking out the starters when they have done NOTHING at all besides negative plays!


    IT IS A BUNCH OF CRAP!!! This is exactly why this team never will get off to a good start in the season and why they always have to play catchup all season.


    THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR THIS CRAP. The offense was awful and they get the rest of the night off. I'm sorry, but this is what the preseason is for....to work out the kinks and get on a roll. he only thing the Bills did was roll backwards down the hill.


    A BRAND NEW OFFENSE with a lot of YOUNG PLAYERS and they do nothing but bad things and they take them out. THIS IS PATHETC......


    I know you don't want to get players hurt, but I would rather get the offense going in a positive manner and worry about injuries later. This is CRAP and why the Bills offense will most likely be terrible again to start the season. It will probably take them a few games into the regular season to get things going again........



    1st game of the preseason.stop the madness

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