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Everything posted by Stenbar

  1. I played sport since I was 8 yrs old..I am 40 now and I cant remember one time I cared who got the credit..Once in a while you might play with a athlete who wants the credit but more often than not the real player could care less..Players know why their team won or lost..A bad qb will hurt you more than any other postiion on the football team..If the guy cant play I guarantee your team doesnt win no matter how good the rest of your team is..
  2. How do you know this??? I dont think they really care who gets credit..I think they just want to win..I myself could care less who gets credit for a win..But I would definately without question rather have a qb who has a higher winning percentage than one who has a losing winning percantage..If that is what this argument is about..If its about who is the better qb then that answer isnt even close..
  3. Heres the only fact that matters to me when a topic involving JP and Trent is started anymore!!!! And thank God.. http://www.buffalobills.com/depth_chart/index.html
  4. Are you kidding me??? Thats almost as much fun as watching the Bills win!! The whole place goes nuts..No other NFL or College team celebrates a touchdown like the Buffalo Bills fan!!!!
  5. Wasnt there a thread like this that deleted yesterday??/ I posted on it and came bacl later and it was boom oughta here...Anyone know why?
  6. Little is playing on Walker...Chris Long is on Peters..Walker is getting beat just as bad as Peters today..
  7. I recognize all this talk went to their heads in the first half..
  8. If I told you I was Scott Norwood would you still talk to me..
  9. According to this he isnt seling the Bruins http://buffalo.bizjournals.com/buffalo/sto...22/daily53.html
  10. Funny isnt it..Not hardly a peep..They are waiting for Trent to get hurt and then the I told you so's will be out...
  11. Alls I needed to hear to hear to make up my mind on the situation was when they announced it and started marketing it as "The Bills in Toronto". NUFF SAID FOR ME
  12. I would rather have another healthy backup linebacker on the roster.... He can have the "LOISE"Linebacker with poise..
  13. At least were winning..Its only been 9 yrs..lol
  14. It will be interesting to see who the BIlls backup is next yr and how some posters will spin it into a "he is better than" thread..I can see it now..He has the "stroise" part stamina part poise...
  15. Not really..He had promise and showed it for 5 games at most..The rest was an exercise in frustration I remember last year when a few posters were saying I am so sick of hearing about this poise crap..Some were so sick of it they made a joke out of it.."The Chroise"..and others come to mind...I dont think anyones joking about his poise anymore..Granted its only his 12th start but his book has been started...Other QB's havent even found an author yet.. Agreed
  16. waaahhhhhh...Cant believe he is crying about dirty..
  17. Hey dat dont tate like chicken!!!!!
  18. Thats what I though about Troy Aikman when he through the ball right at JD WIlliams in Super Bowl 27 only to have his great wr Michael Irvin rip it away for a touchdown...Qb's put the ball out there for there wr's to make plays..
  19. This is so refreshing..we went from arguing about qb's and wins and losses to if a pass interference was legit or not..Sweet....By the way I saw the pass interference too..
  20. I give alot of credit to our offensive woes yesterday to a very good blitz package that the Raiders came up with, that combined with Lechlers amazing display of punting the ball put us in bad field position all day till we drove 96 yards..No excuses but there arent many teams that can drive the ball 96 yards 5 times a year let alone that many in one game..Cudos to Lechler that was one of the finest displays of punting I have ever seen in person.. Edit: We had 2 drive starts inside the 5 and 5 inside the 20
  21. Im shocked that not one person blamed his bad first 3 quarters on the mist that was falling..He just doesnt get it done if it aint sunny..LOL...
  22. I think it was the correct call..They both had possesion and he won the fight for the ball..Evans shoulda fought harder.... Trent was on the sideline tallking to Turk when the ref was explaining the call to Kiffin before the first delay..By the time trent got back and was ready it was too late..Trent shouldnt have been over to the sideline..Maybe he was called over by the coaching staff..We will never know so the fault is gonna be hard to pin it on anyone in particular other than to say the Bills screwed up a gift..Luckily it didnt matter we got the first down anyway...
  23. Its been a long time coming..But the sunset is finally here..The Pats are showing signs of being an old team the Colts are looking more and more like the 1994 version of our Buffalo Bills....It looks like the Broncos and the Bills are returning to their past selves.....Its gonna be a fun ride and the ride just started....HEREs to a fun 5 yrs coming up!!!!
  24. LOL..Thats why he wasnt included..That and he is a quitter....On a side note did you see the hit poz put on bush in the 3rd qtr..OMG..Our seats were 17 rows up and i heard the pop of the pads even through the crowd...
  25. I think Evans is a above average player with the potential to be a great player when its all said and done..He doesnt have the size of what most people would classify as a great reciever..I mean in the context of a Irvin, Reed, Rice, T.O..The number of great receivers on the smaller side is not in as great in numbers..The great receivers have tended to be able to catch the ball over the middle down the seam and deep..Which is why your so called great receivers tend to be larger..It doesnt mean he cant put up big numbers but great receivers dont get outmuscled for footballs..Those are the kind of mistakes he will need to stray from to become a great receiver IMO..Great Receivers tend to be good blockers downfield and show an allaround effort..I just dont see that type of allaround production yet..
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