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Everything posted by Stenbar

  1. Was talking about the one that just happend..the one hours ago is old news...JP SUCKS...Cant wait till he's gone..
  2. He never does..LOL.....9 total first downs..Abad fumble..Naaah...He certainly did nothing to lead this team to overcome anything either did he..
  3. He just doesnt get it..He cant read a play quick enough and thats the end result...If you need any more convincing than that play you just dont have a clue..
  4. First time in his career a coordinator used his talent...
  5. His first series was bad but I can give him tat..He has been solid since..As long as we put up seven here we arent in Bad shape..I would love to see a naked bootleg for a td by him right here..It should be an easy td..
  6. Fowler with a great block
  7. I want to see them runb this all the way down to 0 and put up 7 into the half
  8. That was a bigtime throw to Reed..Give him a little credit
  9. maybe..I dont think Zonas defense is all that great..Plus they are the Cardinals..We should put up some points today..Its a amatter of our defense comin through
  10. Greer is Fitzgeralds B word
  11. That was like one of those tecmo bowl touchdown throws..Runb back 5 and heave it 70
  12. Run and heave it deep all day..If thatswhat he can ddo then just do it..Dont make him sit back and read defenses..
  13. The qb has got to take contrlo and get everyone together
  14. Time for our former first round qb to man up grab his sak and play a decent game...Earn your paychek...
  15. thank god he dropped that..lol
  16. Here come the JP excuses..LOL
  17. I bet we see more of Fred JAckson returning punts today than Leodis..Too much work for a rookie to handle me thinks..
  18. I never said you didnt say that..I just made sure you understood my position that the Qb is the MOST IMPORTANT position on the football team..And if you have a bad one you will never know how good your team really is..No dishonest intentions anbd none were posted by me about you..
  19. That team wouldnt have done squat without Kelly..Look at the Pats with Bledsoe..Perfect exampl..They got the right qb and look what happened...A bad qb will halt a team from winning more than any other player..It doesnt matter how many Bruce or Andres you have..If you got a bum qb youre team is gonna falter
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