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Everything posted by Stenbar

  1. Your consistent to say the least..Funny..
  2. Youre being generous
  3. If the D doesnt get a stop or a turnover here this game is over..
  4. There are many runnningbacks who get better as the oline wears out the dline..The more carries the more chances for the the oline to wear down the defense..
  5. The intelligence of this board drops another notch..
  6. I would worry more about When are we gonna see Marshawn run for over a 100 yards!!!!!!
  7. Like I said before..
  8. Good thing they IR'd Crowell That would leave us paper thin on the oline..
  9. How many times did they run the ball today? Our oline if nothing else is large..If you dont think that after 30 minutes of them hitting you wont take a toll on a defense then you dont watch football..I understand they run for 2 yards a pop today but they stopped trying..You cant do that and win games....I use to watch Riggins run for 2 and 3 yards all day then in the 4th quarter he rushes for 6o yards..Why? Because there large great oline beat up on defenses all day..They didnt blow people out they stayed close till the end when their running game took its toll..Marshawn needs 25 - 30 carries a game..He is lucky to get 12..They have to stick with it..Besides that is it easier to run forward or backward? Now weigh in at 330 and play 3 quarters of your time on the field ruinning backwards with someone hitting you..It takes a toll on the oline instead of the defense..It sucks to watch a team gain no yards running but in the end you have to keep at it..Mix it up at the least..I saw numerous times today they went pass all series..You cant do that and win..
  10. Maybe we need Greg Robinson as defensivce coordinator
  11. The offensive philosphy this team is using is killing them..You have to stick to the running game and give it a chance..2 weeks in a row they have gotten worse..Let the big boys attack instead of protect....That is coaching and it has been putrid..
  12. Promo I agree if you cant run youre inevitably doomed..But I will argue this.I watched plenty of teams over the years pound the ball all game long then in the 4th qtr bam..They start breaking longer runs and the other teams defense is done game over..We give up on the run way too early..They dont give opur fat offensive line a chance too lean on people all day..Instead they are in retreat mode for 70 percent of the plays going backwards in pass protection..They need to stick with it a whole lot longer than they do..
  13. Wanted to add that Turk Schonedrt while impressing early has shown a pattern of giving up on the running game way too early for my liking..The headcoach needs to address this if Turk wont..
  14. I must have missed that one..I have to admit that this game was very aggravating to watch..I did some channel flipping and missed a few plays..2 of them were the defensive touchdowns...
  15. His flaws are coming out a little more each game..Overall though I think he will be a pretty decent qb for us..He at some point has to take a chance once in awhile and fire the ball into good coverage at Lee and let the man make a play..To take the sure thing every time takes away some chances for your big play guys to make plays for you..He took those two sacks before Lindell missed that fg and I almost had a anurysm..Take a chance once in awhile..
  16. First off I want to say this about Dick Jauron. By all accounts and reputation he is a man of integrity and a very hard knowledgeable worker. He seems to have great organizational skills. But that is where it ends with me as far as I am concerned. HIs gameday management and decision making have become intolerable for me..I have a few points about todays game that are very good examples of my argument.. 1. Why Challenge the catch of I believe it was Coles? It was an obvious catch and wasted a valuable timeout and a challenge. No one is perfect but my untrained unprofessional eye could see that.. 2. To run the ball at home in November for 30 yards is unacceptable. We have a 330 lb plus average offensive lineman who need to lean on people for more thatn 15 running plays a game to be effective..If they had run at Jenkins more sooner or later the man is gonna wear out. John Riggins made the majority of his yards over his career in the fourth qtr. Give the running game a chance before giving up on it so quickly.. In summary I feel he does enough good for this team to see the Bills as a 9-7 10-6 winning team fighting for a playoff spot.For the Bills to win the SuperBowl with him at the Helm will take an act of God himself..If thats good enough for Ralph so be it..Its not for me..
  17. Hasnt every possible angle of this retarded Losman qb discussion been written about at least 1 million times already..How can it be this freaking interesting??? Who cares he is a backup Qb in his last year in Bills uniform..Move on..
  18. Whoever is calling the game needs an attitude adjustment...
  19. I think that you are right about that being a rather large problem..The amount of cushion given every receiver we face is maddening....Another problem I am seeing develop is not getting Marshawn the football 25-30 times a game..Trents development is nice but this guy will wear down opponents the more he gets the ball and they dont give it a chance to develop..Wwe have the largest oline in the NFL use it..Run him wide more then hit them up the middle but to not give him those carries is just plain retarded..Jackson is ok but he isnt a workhorse Marshawn is..Hell now that Reed is done for awhil move him toWR...But give Marshawn the Dam Ball
  20. Not a word about it and you bring it up again..Clockwork..LOL..next
  21. Excersize your radio on off button..I only listen to him if I forget what time it is and turn the staion to it by accident..HE SUCKS...
  22. I couldnt have said it any better..The day is coming when they will play the rookie...I still dont know why Youboty was scratched..Was he injured?
  23. We need a defensive or special teams touchdown now..
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